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Show \J. M. F ORRISTALL| National Real Estate, Loans, Rentals and Collections 501 ECCLES BLDG. TELEPHONE Bank 2453 of Commerce WASHINGTON AVENUE MEMBER 425 FEDERAL RESERVE COMMERCIAL SAVINGS SYSTEM AND Olive SECURITY INS CO Wash av. (lew Haven), Kelly rms & Herrick 317% Agi ig ‘a Ree 4 2500 ' a"rt BUSINESS Let my | i Ht Bit ith Ne aa Us Help ou i i" yi an FRANK J. STEVENS, with Your President S. to W. G. DYE, H. SHEARMAN, Vice-President Cashier Security State Bank WIRING and LIGHTING Problems EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL Ogden, YOU WILL TO FIND KEEP YOUR IT BANK YOUR ACCOUNT Cc. E. Armstrong Sporting Goods, Photographic Supplies, Developing ADVANTAGE WITH Printing, ‘Wer , Johnson Bicycles, Edison Talkin3 Machines, Arms and Ammunition, Franco _ Flash Lights with Radio Battevies, Kodaks, Radio Supplies, Westinghouse" 4 Globes, Toys, Etc, 949 b 949 b 224. 949 22d. 949 22d. 22d. Seppich Eliz Fred (Seppich & Buehler) Henry E clk Globe G}| & M steno Buehler Bias Barber Shop Underwood Typdr Co b 306 25th Street— 756 Wash av. r 756 Wash av. Co r 968 Wash av. (Fred Seppich J A Buehler) Ora Weable mer base US & Co. and b Co student mr ich €ppich BP Pich Utah TO Tel W Seegmiller Rulon H r Riverdale. Seerey Danl F r 1159 25th. Sehroggio Antonio lab §S P. Sei Grace student b 171 22d. Sei Saml lab r-171 22d. Seibold Allegra student b 2045 Jackson av. Seibold Florence b 804 7th. Seibold John W (Ogden City Meat Mkt 20 Seibold Kath musn b 804 7th. oF a Seibold Marguerite G student b 2045 Jackson av. Seibold Roland E ctr b 2045 Jackson av. Seibold Wm J farmer r 804 7th. SEIDNER MAXIMILIAN J, Physician and Surgeon, 308 Eccles Bldg, Tel 320, r 1361 25th, Tel 1905. Seifart Ludwig jan r rear 2580 ‘Madison av. Seifart Otto student b rear 7980 Madison av. Seifert Louise H firltr S P rms 552 Canyon rd. Seiveno Martin. driver r 119 W 28th, Seivers Wm rms 249 26th. Sekiguschi Chrugo painter S P. Selby Burton T farmer r Burch Creek. ee by Chas formn O U R & D Co. eley Wm G cr mgr Ogden Whol Drug Co r 275 Self Nancy died Sept 30 °23 age 39. hi eure ve Selgrath Emma died Sept 9 ’°23 age 63. Sells Harold rms 2721 Grant av. Selman Emma nurse Dee Hosp. Nelvey Jos r 20 Lincoln Apts. Semister Ralph b 2239 Van Buren av. SENATE CAFE (Wong Kee), 358 25th, Tel 225-u. Senzaki A T jan N O Ogden Co rms 274 24th. Seppich Claude A electn Alhambra Theatre r 303 Parry. LIGHTING ASSET opr barbers Coml Nat 368 Bank ItTHE DESERET NEWS| . is Delivered in Ogden Devoted. to Promotion OGDEN Each Evening in Time for of the Interests of. Ogden OFFICE, BASEMENT Early Evening Reading and the Whole State REED HOTEL ung 33S Seegmiller U R & D Co YO Danl J student b Jos W r 949 22d. O 3NOHd Carlos. Seegmiller Seegmiller C swehmn ANOHd HO 33S UJ] NOA PAUeg 0} S| Ssoulsng Alta Seegmiller Lawrence TW Seegmiller 26th. Scudder John L see Amer Assn of Engs r 508 27th. Scudder Kate I b 508 27th. Scudder Louise C steno Utah Can Co b 508 27th. seudder Wm A r 508 27th. Seager Fred BE slsmn r 1066 27th. Seager Herbt S elk F M Nye Cor 732 27th. Seager Roy A gro and meats 2972 Wash av r 3137 Jeffers son ay. Seaman Eliz F student b 575 13th. Seaman eo, A real.est.r 575 138th. Seaman Geo A jr bkpr Security State Bank b 575 13th. Seaman John F driver Boyle Furn Co b 575 13th. Seaman Josephine prin Lorin Farr Schl r 706 21st. Seaman Olive maid 2529 Jefferson av. Searle America L died Apr 11 °23 age 53. fSears Eliz (wid Chas B) r 658 23d. Seaton Henry L bgemn O U R & D Co r 655 23d. Seavers Fannie laund U P Lndry rms 249 26th. Seavers Helen N emp Utah Theatre b 2744 Wash av. Seavers Raymer A laund Model \|Lndry r 2757 Wash av. Seavers’Wm lab Utah Cang Co Seavers Wm R shoe repr OT hk Wash av r same. Seavey John lab rms 7-2011 Wash av. Seba Juan lab-rms 4151 25th. Sebree Marvin M slsmn r 4 Schwartz Apts. Seeond Judicial Court Court House. Second Wd Mtg Hse 271 26th. Secrist Harry wehmn Seowcroft’s r Pocatello Ida. Scriven cover). OZP-SLy Hudson av s w cor 24th. (See front See Loo lab rms 2444% Lincoln av. Seegmiller Allen L clk b 949 22d. | JOUUPTA 26th. isuj4 (26th. ShearCashr, ‘SHSQNIIA 690 533 433 SECURITY STATE BANK, Frank J Stevens Pres, .W H man V-Pres, 8 G Dye Cashr, Wm A Budge Asst SHUSGNIT4 Phone b DIRECT— ORY 1924 "Ajd@doud NOA 9AUBg 0} SSoUISnNYg UND Sti ‘suvo™] obebyuow ‘eyeysy jeoy of Bujuieqwog Base 006 ECCLES BUILDING student Scowcroft Vivian (wid Jos jr) rms 2580 Jefferson av. Scowcroft Willard v-pres-asst mgr cowcroft’s r 549 Scowcroft Willard jr student b 549 26th. Scriven Fred sec Spargo’s Book Store r 8 Avon Apts. CITY souvunsu| Stenography Printing Mailing Addressing {Virginia OGDEN r 533 26th. 795 24th. yeuonen SALES LETTERS Scowcroft (wid John) student b CO’S . ‘Bpia yueg Muitigraphing Mimeographing Mary Ruth & YOLTVWSAY DIRECT Advertising Scowcroft IScowcroft POLK SANOHd Ps ““ The LETTER MILL” Se Riv. LOLL Commercial Service Co. ase |) | | |