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Show scelntientiae ere tieincianatae a nre OGDEN - UTAH KNITTINGSTOR i tt 268 ; R. Kelly Anna dipr Kelly Chas L Elbt M Kelly Dana Kelly POLK & b PAPER -PAINT--GLASS Washington Avenue Telephone brkmn § tchr Utah r 449 P rms OGDEN rear b 3226 1835 Stephens Schl D & B b 2117 git wy 380-W. Kelly Geo J Co pelt ww i nih on) eh Fie ue } wl i! Geo J Kelly pres real est Adams base Gordon Kelly Kelly Kelly Jas M fruit grower r ‘3226 Jos lab rms 234 23d. Josephine techr Madison Schl rms Kelly Jufes r Salt Kelly J’ Kelly J Eliz b 3226 slsmn brkmn Geo S P J B stkmn Kelly J Le av. A Lowe rms rms student Roy Kelly Kath Stephens ay, ay. © a oiler Hylton Flour Kelly kelly i R L Wm brkmn G died 459 Lake Kelly Wm H.chfr Furn a Mills'b 3226 Oak. Stephens & ay. o J © ‘- C Co r 465 W 245008 Manager THE TROY WAY IS THE RIGHT WAY 2538-40 WALL AV. Tel. 2074 REALTOH Fire and Accident Insurance REAL ESTATE 2500 WASHINGTON KELLY Real & HERRICK Estate, AND AVENUE (George Loans, Hazel Kemp Klaus Kemp Kemp Kath emp J Kelly, John Insurance, clk Vialores Wright’s b 432 b 21st. 432 ROBERT Real 602 ECCLES Beauty Schramm-Johnson student er. 5 BLDG. Wm meenedy ¥ Etc, L Herrick), 2500 Plr b b KENNEDY 432 Real Plaza Apts. gage 2910 fnney Renney = enney a 2ist. Iron CO Wks Co r 310 (Kenneth Supplies, Cross. R.and Pennsylvania farmer r Plain Matthew M tmstr A FB Melvin P b Riverdale. OLIN A, Real Loans, Base Washington Estate, T Co | 4 3 R Cup | see also Kinney. Emma (wid Wm) J eng U P rms rms 2350 4 “Nney Ralph rms 2469 Van 4 Sank Fire First Utah Nat av Tel 2213-J. r 381 Insurance Bank Mort- Tel 913, Co. | PHONE OGDEN TypeWriter’ H. C. r 2469 Van Monroe av. Buren av. Ch rms 514 24th A Good Place av. Tel- 488. Buren av. Kenny Patk brkmn § P b 2570 Gramercy av. THE SMART DRESSERS TRADE 24790 Washington Av. CHAPIN Propr. All Catholic 156 |HOUSE means and Bldg, WHERE TELEPHONE 9 Maxwell Vacuum City. & ~"nney Peter J mach § P r 259 30th. Aa <a i‘ nse Car Kennedy Wm lab rms 355 Parry. KENNEDY’S CAFETERIA (Angus Kennedy), 3 Eat, Popular Prices, 2462 Washington 21st. C NYE Ogden SUPPLY Motor Kennedy Wade r 217 Plaza Apts. Kennedy Wm asst pastor St Joseph Washington 21st. gag » 3 4382 ptrnmkr AUTO Sane snnedy efnnedy 4 TELEPHONE Tel 76. (See left bottom lines). Kelsey Newel r 2038 Ogden av. Kemmer Mrs Mary r 2627 jWall av. Kemose Conrad farmer r Harrisville. Kemp Elias E farmer r 432 21st. Kemp Frank W mer Eastern Hatters r 307 Kemp i LOANS Aa Tires and Vulcanizing, 2221 Washington av, Tel 1422-W Kennedy see alsc Canady and Cannady. Kennedy Angus (Kennedy’s Cafeteria) r 2603 Madison av Kennedy Danl gro 258 25th r 2151 Grant av. Kennedy Danl jr student b 2151 \Grant av. M b Riverdale. Kennedy David Kenriedy Donald lab O U R & D Go. Kennedy Edwd D agt U § Dept of Agrl r 468 30th. Kennedy Ella waiter Kern’s rms 3813 Ogden av. Kennedy Frank F mach r 2877 Pingree ay. Kennedy Geo r Riverdale. mennedy Mrs Georgia W tehr Utah Schl. D& Br 217 Plaza P pts. | menedy Gerald F student b 2151 Grant av. ennedy Harvey chfr ‘Gwilliam L & C Co rms 477 Chester Kennedy Mrs Helen GC moved to San Francisco. c Kennedy John clk § P p 2415 Quincy av. Kennedy John J clk b 24151 Grant av. Kennedy Lyn student rms 477 Chester. City. IKELLY & HERRIC S. H. Hendershot J died Oct 16\’23 age 30. Knauss), a rms 160 23d. 7 ’28 age 38. Ogden Kenley 3 av. Ff Pearl b 1214 24th. SAW Knee Reuben r 846 22d. Chas lab Sperry Flour Go rms 2867 Lin Gladys (wid Wm J) student rms 2526 Adauna tis Wm Kemster a 25th: DIRE Kendall C N lab Amal Sugar Co. Kendall Vernal lab Amal Sugar Go. Kenley Fred J carrier P O r Plain City. Kenley Wm carp r 355 (34th. . ay. 748 P & P Co b 137 W S P May a — a Wash 2500 Kelly Rex M acct Kelly & Herrick b 2117 Adams 1 i a av, Hotel. 26th. iisley yemsley Kemster Kemster | KENMAX Adams 446 L hlpr Am Stephens Co Helena 2422 b an Stephens ay. Wash 26th. Kelly {Kelly aa wepee vin veh av. CITY CTOR — 1924 Y = Kemsley Jesse lab r 1214 24th. ‘emsley Lewis tmstr Weber Co Bd of Educ r CO’S 3226 Kelly Eliz (wid Wm) r 457 26th. Kelly Geo A lab Amal Sugar Co r 446 26th. KELLY GEORGE J, (Kelly & Herrick), r 2117 Adams Byeetit ya aaeen e we bL. Shupe-Williams Kelly Carrie pkr Shupe-Williams gt lh Cecorating Co. | ——— | iit HI] 6 | itt 2318 al eisetehBH} t A kd IN KNIT GOODS” Avenue Washington 2357 ff q WALL “EVERYTHING h? at Wi M ae! J STR ATFORD a Sold, Makes Rented and Repaired Typewriter tof’ Supplies Sundstrand Adding Machines 2422 Hudson Av Tel. 236 | |