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Show 16 CEMETERIES — CHURCHES © CLUBS, Brigham Carr Cassin Hotel Bldg—Wall Bldg—2480 Grant av. av se cor 24th Union Union BlIk—362 24th. Labor Hall—363 Col Hudson Commercial Bldg—now Nat Commissary Fred Bank Bldg—w J Kiesel Bldg—369-371 24th 25th Wall av and 26th. Corey BIkK—2558-2566 Wash ay. County Court House—430 24th. County Jail—County Court House. bet Cross C W Bldg—2242-2252 Wash bee-Eccles Bldg—325 24th. Dooly Bldg—2414-2418 Wash av.. av. Eccles Bldg—24th sw cor Wash av. Eleventh Ward Amusement Hall—344 3ist Emmett BIK—330 24th Federal Bldg—24th nw cor Grant av. Fifth Wd av. First Nat Amusement Bank Hall—2570 Bldg—Wash av Madiso ne First-Utah Nat Bank Bldg—409 cor 24th. BIK—2320 Wash ay, Grant BIK—2436-2444 av Kiesel Fred J Bldg—Hudson av Grant av. Kk of P Bldg--2353 Hall—2353 k of P Grant sw Stevens Bldg—2408 24th Tenth Third Blk—Lincoln Wd Wd Amusement Amusement av sw Wash cor Hall—1625 Hall—2164 L Leach. Bldg Rev BAPTIST First—2350 Grant av Rev LA Garrison. Wall Av—2701 Wall av Rev L'A Garrison. CATHOLIC 24th Rt Rev P M ‘Cush- CHRISTIAN First—680 Wash Grant CHURCH OF JESUS DAY SCIENTIST CHRIST SAINTS The—Wash av nw OF LATTER- cor North Weber Stake Office 429 24th. President John V Bluth, Counselors cis W Stratford and Thos M Clerk David W Evans_ Bishops of Wards— Farr West Chugg; Harrisville Richd R D ; av av CHRISTIAN 24th, 22d~ Mount Ogden Sta — ke Office 212 EcclesBldg. President Robt I Burton Counselors Jos Ririe Jos McFarlane, Clerk Z Terry. Wm Bishops of Wards—Chas A Halverson Og_ den Fifth, Oswald Jackson Ogden Ninth, Thos B Wheelwright Ogden Twelfth, Clarence B Morriss Fourteenth, Chas A Fernelius Uintah, Clarence Earle South Weber. cor 24th. 24th. First—780 Tabernacle av. Wash av Southwell BIk—200 24th. Bldg—360 Standard-Examiner BIk. Blk—see. Lewis Stayner av. Wash Streeper Blk—242-246 (L D S)—-Wash av nw Tabernacle The ; S20. Tanner Seventh Day—469 29th Rev J ‘Mission 221 Fred J Kiesel J A Nielson supt. |: Joseph’s—500 nahan. Thos E McKay; Bldg. Counselors John Halls Saml G Dye; Clerk Elj Holton. Bishops of Wards—Eden Geo A Fuller; Huntsville J L Peterson; Liberty Jas L Shaw; Middleton John M Grow; North Ogden Fredk Barker; Ogden 4th Hyrum E Lund; Ogden 6th Albt B Foul- ger; Ogden 7th Wm A‘ Budge; Ogden 8th W W Rawson; (Pleasant View Reuben T Rhees; Ogden 138th John H Jenkins. Branch for the Deaf—'734 21st. Max W Woodbury Office CHURCHES av. Lewis BIkK—2449 Wash av. Masonic Temple—2550 Wash av. 25th. Blk—156 Montana av. Wash Moose Hall—2416 Mound Fort Amusement Hall—590 E 12th. 25th. Blk—101-109 Murphy National Bank of Com Bldg—2453 Wash av North Ogden Amusement Hall—N Ogden. av. Odd Fellows Hall—2320. Wash : O’ Neill B1IK—423-427 25th, av. Wash BIk—2514-2524 Orpheum av. Wash Paine & Hurst Bldg—2468 av nw cor 23d Parry BlkK—Wash av. Wash Bik—2422-2436 Patterson 24th. Peery BlkK—427 av. Wash Bldg—2437-2445 Peery Hudson av Bldg—2475-2481 Peery-Hudson Hall—4Plain City. Plain City Amusement Post Ofrice—24th nw cor Grant av. cor 24th. av nw Blk—Hudson Read av se cor 25th. Reed Hotel BIk—Wash Ogden. Relief Society Hall—N Hall—Roy. Roy Amusement 25th. Hall—251 Salvation Army 12th. Hall—590 Amusement Seventh Wd Sidney Jeffer- | St cor 35th, ADVENTIST Fred J Kiesel Bldg—Hudson av sw cor 24th Freight Dep - Joint—Wal ot l av ft 24th. Hooper Amusement Hall—Hooper. av. Wash BIK—2479 Howell Hurst Bldg—2437-2445 Hudson av, av. Wash I O O F Hall—2320 Inter-Urban Terminal Depot—254 24th. Kiesel | CEMETERIES Hooper—jHooper. Mountain View—bet 33d and son and Madison ays. Ogden City—600 20th. Plain City—Plain City. Union—N Ogden. 24th | Five Points Dance Hall—4200 Wash av. Forest Service Bldg-—2041-205 24th. Fraternity President Weber Stake Relief Society Hall — 2150 Grant av. West Weber Amusement Hall—W Weber. Wilson Ward Amusement Hall—Wilson la. 24th. BIk—368 Woodmansee O W Hall—2320 Wash av. W Bldg. s Office Pres. Ward Meeting Houses {sSt—305 33d, 2d—271 26th. 8d—310 22d. 4th—4+2129 Madison av. 5th—2580 Madison av. §th—682 23d. 7th—478 13th. sth—480 7th. 9th—-3104 Porter av. 10th—1625 Wash ay. 11th—344 31st. 12th—2604 Jackson av. 13th—1000 23d. 14th—3750 Adams av. 15th—2 Harrisville ra: 16th—,W 24th cor G av. Deaf and Blind Chapel—740 2ist Parr West—Farr West. Harrisville—Harrisville. Hooper—Hooper ; Huntsville—Huntsville. Kanesville—kKanesville. Marriott Marriott. North Ogden—-N Ogden. Main City—Plain City. Riverdale—Riverdale : Roy—Roy . Slaterville—Slaterville. West Moroni Brown; Ogden 15th L Ww Sherner; Marriott Lawrence Ritchie: Ogden 3d Myron B Richardson; Ogden 10th Timothy P Terrv: Plain City Wilmer J Maw; Sla_ terville Jas H Rich; Taylor Wm H Jardine; Warren Wilford H Wilde; West We16th Chas R Dana; Ogden ber Geo A Heslop; Wilson Jas H Platt ;Sami Knight. West Warren West Warren—W Weber—w Wilson— Wilson ; warren. Weber. CONGREGATIONAL Pirst—o4 64 Adams av. Rev C C Wilson. Second—rFive Points. Rev J BE Enman. EPISCOPAL St Paul’s German—580 23d. Shole — 2752 n Finkelstein ne cor Grant LUTHERAN Elim English—575 son. 23d. METHODIST Rev P R O EPISCOPAL ' First—454 24th. Rev W E African—2817 Pingree av. Cully. Erick- Bennett. Rev B F Mc- PRESBYTERIAN Adams Wash av, Rev av Rev J E IE Carver. REORGANIZED CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST: 1501 Wash av. C A Smurthwaite elder MISCELLANEOUS Ensign (Mission—255 25th CoV Branting supt. Japanese Christian Institute—4277% 24th. Margaret Taylor Memorial Union Sunday 24th. W School—519 Salvation Army—251 25th. Robt Quayle capt. CLUBS, la. Church of the Good Shepherd—2 4th Grant av. Rev J W Hyslo p. EVANGELICAL Congregation Brith av. Rabbi Saml First—2400 President Geo E Browning; Counselors Natahn A Tanner Brigham G Goddard Clerk Jos H Stimson. Bishops of Wards—Clinton F E Mitchell; Hooper Thos W Read; Kanesville Edwd S Green; Ogden 1st Horace E Garner; Ogden 2d Wm BH Newman; Ogden 11th Jas H Riley; Riverdale Murray K Jacobs ; Roy Martin P Brown. View— View Warren—warren SOCIETIES Central Park — 3131 Carver, Wieber Stake 523 Eccles Bldg, Taylor—Taylor. FranIrvine, AND HEBREW Ogden Stake 524 Eccles 24th. BlkK—42343-2345 Wash ay. | Union Station—Wall av foot 25th City Hall—Wash av sw cor 25th. City Jail—e s Hudson av bet 25th and 26th View Amusement Hall—vView. Warren Amusement Hall—Warren ASSOCIATIONS ASSOCIATIONS AND SOCIETIES American Assn of Engineers—407 Fred J Kiesel Bldg. Boy Scouts of America—223 Fred J Kiesel Bldg. 25th. Children’s Aid Society—414 Grant av. Chinese National League—42461 Wash Dix-Logan \Post No 3 G A R—2320 av. Wash Corps No 2 G A R—2320 Dix-Logan av. av. Grant Club—2527 ElKs’ & Potato Growers :Co-Op Assn—306 Fruit Fred J Kiesel Bldg Lincoln Circle No 2 Ladies of the G A R— av. 2320 Wash 25th Industrial Workers of the World—173 Inter-Mtn Demurrage Bureau—Joint Freight Depot. av. Grant Assn—2480 Japanese Inter-Mtn Wash av. Club—2550 Masonic Master Plumbers’ AsSn—Union Labor Hall. Mountain View Cemetery ASsn—2482 Wash ay. Nat First Exchange— 1310 Builders Ogden Bldg. Bank floor Commerce—4th of Chamber Ogden Fred J Kiesel Bldg and Union Sta. and Club—40th Country and Golf Ogden av. Wash Wash av. Ogden Gun Club—2500 Ogden Live Stock Show—wUnion Stock Yds. Capitol. Tennis Club—1365 Ogden Club—127and Waiters’ Porters’ Railroad 25th. Rotary Club—5th floor Fred Utah Canners’ Assn—303 Utah Canners’ Exch—+721 Bidg J Kiesel Ogden Assn—N Cemetery Union 26th. Club—401 University Industries —503 Associated Utah Bldg. Eccles Fred J Kiesel BldgEccles Bldg. |