OCR Text |
Show Frank Smith Smith Smith DIRECT Advertising air ltigrephing Fred SALES Smith Fred F Geo Smith Base 006 Geo Geo av. _ Apts. The Virginia. r 2762 Wall av. U Co rms § b 8 Go. Bureau Ivy Pub a Rds r 726 29th. 453 a Cross, & D Co rms H motrmn UIC r = ae 8 Ty Apts. 7 Geo M farmer rms 422 W 17th. Gladys M b 21 N Wash av. ; BUILDING | Smith Grover G repr Miller Furn Co r 2827 Monroe av. Phone e990 || ith Harold lab Amal Sugar Co. Smith Smith Harry S instr Utah Schl D & Br rear 748 23d. Henry C firmn D H Peery Est r 3246 Wall av. ef Gg gh iat eee 7 _ j . Hi i | PE Tut i as Hi) ata ‘ vy Ma wane nn i 1 hg alee g i GOOD _ LIGHTING ig an | ASSET BUSINESS a v6 4 ert 9 : fl io O° with: Yous COMPLETE | and INSURANCE 2374 WASHINGTON | ESTATE SERVICE AV. TELEPHONE 4 q , ® =— — _ 1147 Smith adv). Herbt W smith and LIGHTING smith sinith ELectricaL ||>™ith Jacob smith Jas Smith H Ida Ira Giles formn moved Utah to Whol Gro Farmington. Co r 2053 Orchard 7 a av. Isabel r student b 625 r Harrisville. lab Amal waiter rms “ab Adams Grant Sugar av. Co. 256 26th. A r 3105 Grant av. F mach S P r 3217 Grant av. av. Smith Smith J J brkmn S P rms 133 25th. prin Hooper Schl r Hooper. Smith Kath Smith Mrs Smith Letuis Pr 219 Plaza Bedg Co) r Apts. 464 24th. Jos L rms 2818 Grant av. Justin J clk Pac Fruit Exp A A av. av. Infirmary. 3-2785 (wid Laura Leonard Smith Lillie Smith Smith Lyle L CG Smith Mabel Walter) B F G r 2637 A r 1041 2835 Liberty a Liberty Grant av. av. av. 2647 Monroe Bent Concrete (wid John E) L clk Typwr b r mgr av. Pipe r 2236 Co b Lincoln F. L Smith b 2762 Wall av. Co W W Grant mgr 374%. V student ae 507 Wash av. av. 25th. 412 Plaza Apts. nee at see cian Smith Marcellus slsmn Glen Bros-Roberts r 2454 Smith Mrs Marie furn rms 427 24th. = | Smith Smith Mary Mary student b 32d (wid Elmer E) Smith Mich] S formn Smith Smith Smith and Tyler av. r 3215 Pingree Mary A (wid Henry) r 151 W 28th. May tehr Hooper Schl r Hooper. Mona mus U P & L Co tchr 530 r 1038 24th b same. Smith Morris poultry 3801 Wash Polk av. ay. 25th. av r same. Morris E brkmn § P Cor 392 Plaza Apts. Nellie J clk Golden Rule b 2647 Monroe av. Smith Nelson J hay rms 1014 Smith Can Smith Nettie r Hooper. Hooper. 2546 Co Wash av. H slsmn I (Smith Smith Smith 21st. Jos Jos av. Wall rms inmate rms Jackson Smith LDeclkkOUR&D Cor . ; E nurse 422 W 17th rms same. J mach 8 P r 2953 Wall av. 3246 brkmn Jos Jos Jos b Norine emp Amer 30th. Co b rear 452 22d. C. E. Armstrong & Co.| | | THE DESERET NEWS Se ae Sporting Goods, Photographic Supplies, Developing and Printing, Iver Johnson Bicycles, Edison Talking Machines, Arms and Ammunition, Franco Flash Lights with Radio Batte ies;-Kodaks, Radio Supplies, Westinghouse Globes, Toys, Etc, ; 306 25th Street a i Rae ung TI C Z O IT By Smith Marion G formn b 1038 25th. ) Smith Martin emp Smith Bldg Co r 604 Douglas. SMITH HERBERT E CO, Herbert E Smith Mgr, Real Estates. Insurance, Loans, 2374 Washington av, Tel 1147. (S€@.mmm WIRING yuna REAL lab Jos Jos Smith O , John E r 2359 John r Smith J-B brkmn S P rms 2620 Wall av. Smith J G brkmn S P rms 2468 Wash av. — mit oe , 245 WASH AV uae aT eewalt ) |e mt A | be Yee | gine Mt mf er John Smith Smith —_— ye Smith Smith Smith Smith _ a of Commerce 26th. Smith Jos H hlpr S P b 2020 Adams SMITH HERBERT E, Mgr Herbert E Smith Co, Pres Federal : Bldg & Loan Assn, r 454 34th, Tel 3159-J. i ilies Re Jesse Smith Smith _- Cham Jas R eng U P rms 2728 Wall av. Jason C lab Bent Concrete Pipe Co Smith Smith . Ogden av. Smith # agt 507 Smith — 227 28th. A publicity r Smith a Apts. Infirmary. Jas ~ Smith Jas H gro 2300 Grant av r 2128 Adams Smith Smith | _ Prof 2800 Madison av. Smith Jas E lab rms 203 va — av. - Smith a — F baker Ogden Bkg Co r 306 23d. F in chg US Army Ree Sta r 928 ‘Capitol. =([S™ith Geo Smith Smith eng motrmn lab Sugar Geo K stower O UR Smith Smith ECCLES disp rms 107 25th Amal inmate Geo Smith aioe ddressing lab Willard Geo Smith Printing Monroe W clk 8 P r 1328 Jefferson A F Smith Stenography r 2146 C supt S P r 14 Browning Fred H train Fred L curios Smith a repr Smith Smith Smith grapn'ng H Frank HijrclkkOUR&DCor 464 30th. Fred stockmn S P r 233 Ww Patterson. DIRECTORY —Bic) 1924 CITY Smith Jas A rms 715 28th, : Devoted to Promotion is Delivered In OGDEN of the Interests of Ogden and the Whole State Ogden Each ‘Evening in Time for Early Evening Reading OFFICE,E, BASEMENT REED HOTEL | 2 O "Ajuadoud NOA oAueg Oo } ssoulsng ung sii ‘SHSQNIIT4 HO 3358S obebyuoj | 97e4Sy |eoy 0} Huyureqod u OUUPIN IW UL SNOHd NOA SAu9g 0} S} SSoUIsng SHYSQNII3 S3NOHd YO 33S “ The LETTER MILL” OGDEN s eoueunsu]‘ suevo™y ||S2ith Frank D eng S P r 759 224. *Smith. a ae | CO’S, & ysul4y OZb-GLP POLK jeuoieN Ro | “Bpig Yueg Service Co, | 2453 WASHINGTON AVENUE MEMBER COMMERCIAL AND | ~~ s|| FepeRAL RESERVE sYsTEm SAVINGS | TERE Peace LIABILITY AND BURGLARY ——————$ + YOLTWAY 448 | | National Bank of Commerce 3NOHd Commercial 2255, | TELE PHONE202" 425 rs INSURANCE Pa LOLL J. M. Forristall |