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Show eet | hh ag tlle vay peu va a / mi if My aay win y ic Mite : Srenoatnnny Reta madness iy He yea inary WG) | rms 179 30th 2510 Lehman Harry LEHMAN A driver IRVING, 334-W, r Reed Mgr Model The Lndry 30th. Mailing ae Leidig Lois tchr b 2267 Jefferson av. Leidig Phyllis tehr b 2267 Jefferson Leigh Guy C plmbr Rossiter Plmbg Co av. r Lepasiotes s a ia to BUSINESS mgs Bele eke WIRING and LIGHTING Problems EVERYT ELECTRIHING CAL Victor Lentz Harley [Lentz Jas firmn lab M Survr rms S P rms rms 2707 708 2554 av, } Grant 7th. ay. Lung emp Vienna Gafe rms 2468 Plmbg Jas V r Riverdale. “Leonard & Htg Co r Riverdale. |/|LEONARD JOHN G, Mgr American Fowler av, Tel 1510. Shae en ns Bee OE —_—— eee Can Co of Utah, a Flash Lights Toys, with Ete, S P b 1784 1781 hlpr rms Clarence EF W ; Mildred Bete Tel Amal 2916. Sugar b 136 Co r 522 Cook. ay. av. 30th. Lew Foin Lew Jim i Lewis j Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis j Utah tinr With § b 869 Can P Vienna emp Amos Vienna H r 2901 b 236 Cafe Cafe W 22d. r 236 C rms W lewis Edwd LEWIS 22d. Creston rms Grant electn Ernest. Ri dep L MRS EVA Forest M av. 22d. 2468 Hotel. Lincoln av. av. r 3609 28th. Porter Carrie maid Hotel National, Clawson clk Wright’s b 1454 Lewis ay. 239d. Co Clk r (823 Kershaw. barber Nat Barber Shop r 2550 Porter P, Treas J S Lewis & Co, p Reed mer Home, Ogden Canyon. Lewis Evan clk Piggly Wiggly a: Wash Co. Mrs Anna r rear 212 24th. Anna M (wid Jas) r 828 28th. Belle gslsldy Messenger’s b 828 Block 2449 Wash av. Clarence Lewis yewis | student emp firmn U Pr rms 724 245 W ay, Hotel, Sum- 24th. Pattersou. EWis FRANK.E, Mgr Dining Car & Hotel Dept Union Pacific L System, rms The Virgini a. ‘Wis a fWIS “Wis Frank W carrier P O r 2523 Orchard Geo H student b 199 W 28th. Grant ctr Lee’s Mkt r 2032 Ogden ay. av. ——— a4) | THE DESERET and Printing,1! Ammunition, Franc Devoted to is Delivered Radio Batte ies, Kodaks, Radio Supplies , Westinghous ie ahh ay. ay, Oak. 16th, Peter insp b 236 W Thos jan Police Dept 4 oe e ee —— Nev, Gibson Gibson 142 W drftsmn student Henry lever Lever eretre Sporting Goods, Photographic Supplies, Developing Johnson Bicycles, Edison Talkiny Mechines , Arms and Giozes, | 7 p 2573 a C. E. Armstrong & Co lab Wm Mae Lever aa = Louis Montello pr Leth Lever ; i a av. rms Letts Violet M student b 136 30th. Letz Chas E jr atdt Ind Gas & Oil Co. Levedah! J Wm contr 869 Wash av r same, ‘Levedahl . i Hotel. Lincoln P see also Lister and Lyster. Apartments 24102-2104 Jeffe rson Letts - ‘|[ Leo P emp Vienna Cafe rms 2468 Lincoln av. ||Leonard B C hipr Utah § Louis) Leth Peter C jan Marriott Schl r Marrio tt. Leth S Chris r 2935 Grant ay. 3 é Lether Herma n M wldr § Pp rp 3223 Lincol n Letts Chas M mach § P r 136 30th. t a it entz Jas.M jr survr rms 708 7th. Leo Louie H mgr Paris Cafe rms Creston Leo (wid Lester Frank prsmn W W Browning r Brigham City. lester Park bet Jefferson ; and MadisoCo n avs 24th and 25th. Ellen emp Scowerft’s. » Quiney av. ay. Riverdale. Riverdale, r 1041 Lesser Lester tester p , Jefferson DIRECTOR — 1924 Y Lesher Mabel G tchr Madison Sch] rms Virginia Hotel. LESLIE THOMAS (Rodman-Leslie Co), Sec-Treas Van Alen Canning Corp, Leinhardt Theo G drugst r 2629 Harris on av. a Base 006 Claude E r 2138 Jefferson av. ECCLES | Leiser Leishman Alvin: Tformn Student b 2555 Orchar aha d av. a BUILDING Leishman Andw B trkr S$ P r 475 W 24th. Leishman Bert appr S P. Oi yid im Phone 690 [IT eishman Douglas M student b 2555 Orchard av. i Leishman Mrs Irene rms 2362 Madison av. a Leishman Jas H sec L J Leishman Co pr 2555 Orchard ay. 7 Leishman LeRoy J pres’ J Leishm an Co r 2545 Brinker LEISHMAN L J COMPANY, L J Leishm an Pres, J H Leis man Sec, KE W Cannady Mer, Mathematical and Electri Instruments, 2400 Wall av, Tel 454. a Leishman Parley B mach r 2440 B av. di Leishman Robt B mach r 5114 16th. a 6 Leishman Robt. M lab Amal Sugar Co r 2628 Eccles aveum Lemen Guy IL swehmn OU R & D Co rms 24744 Wash | Vv lemen Mrs GL prsr Ogden Stm Lndry r 2474% Wash av. ‘Lemme Chas EF clk OUR & D a Lemme Wayne Jj auto mech b 816Cor 816 16th. 16th. Bi Lemon Genove mlnr Princess Minry r 324 Plaza Apts. i Lemon Wm carp r 2522 Polk av. a LIGHTING [Lemos Juanquin lab O U R'& D Go. i ig an Lemp The (LE Wertz) billiards 2307 Wash av. a ASSET Lensky CITY C b Riverdale. firmn b Anna Leonardi ‘4 b —& Yula Leonardi a; 2539 Verna Wm Leonard ay.° Fred student b 2267 Jefferson av. Geo F eng r 2267 Jefferson av. Leidig Leonard if Washington _ Vaughn Leonard Bt. r 249 OGDEN Leonard 4 av: Leader, 2351 Hotel. _— am r same. Lincoln Ernest R carp b 179 30th. or “a . — Promotion in OGDEN a Ogden of Each OFFICE, the Interests Evening in of Time BASEMENT ty Tt NEWS. Ogden for and Early REED the ung lab | Advertising Lehman Robt A carp pr 849 Kershaw. Multigraphing Lehman Mrs Thelma laund Model Lndry r 159 30th. Mimeographing |} Lehnert Mary (wid Geo) rms 2107 Lincoln ay. Leidig Don M clk U 8 Forest Serv b 2267 Jefferson iercite Leidig eed | i es ' isl R 30th. co's Whole Evening ae State Reading HOTEL S| ssoulsng PL DIRECT 179 & Lt Q3au4 yi I Benj Lehman MILL” b Aug shoemkr Lehman ae LETTER Lehman A POLK COMMERCI Rete SAVINGS *Ajuodoug no A 9AdU9§ 01 Ssou isng ung sz) | |0ueUNsuy] sueo*y ofebyu0 ‘SH3GNII4 SNOHd HO WW ‘oye4Sy jeoy o 4 Bujureqeg u euue Wily ul no, SAU9g 0} SHAQGNIT4 3NOHd HO a3gS Co. Anna L. MEMBER RESERVE SYSTE M FEDERAL OZb-6LP | Service Lehman | | | Nat ional2453 Bank of Commerce Na WASHINGTON AVENUE ‘Bpig Yueg jeuoneN isu4 R. Commercial |2° . Pt i INSURAN YOUR, Uc ; SH3Ad SURETY BONDS, T Y LIABILITYFIRE,ANDACCIDEN BURGLAR aea OSD TELEPHONE YOLIVSH For r stall : 3NOHd : M. LOLL }. es |