Title |
1924 R.L Polk & Co's Ogden City Directory |
Creator |
R.L Polk & Co. |
Description |
This is a listing of residents, streets, businesses, organizations and institutions, giving their location in Ogden, Utah. It is arranged alphabetically, geographically and in other ways. This also has advertisements for businesses. |
Biographical/Historical Note |
The city directory will contain an alphabetical list of citizens, listing the names of the heads of households, their addresses, and occupational information. Sometimes a wife's name will be listed in parentheses or italics following the husband's. Other helpful information might include death dates for individuals who had been listed in the previous year's directory, names of partners in firms, and forwarding addresses or post offices for people who had moved to another town. |
Subject |
Directories; Address books; Ogden, Utah; R.L. Polk & Co.; Advertising |
Digital Publisher |
Digitized by Special Collections & University Archives, Stewart Library, Weber State University. |
Date |
1924 |
Date Digital |
2023 |
Item Description |
Hard bound 11.5x8.4 inches boox with brown spine. |
Spatial Coverage |
Ogden, Weber County, Utah, United States |
Type |
Text |
Format |
application/pdf |
Conversion Specifications |
Archived TIFF images were scanned with an Epson Expression 10000XL scanner. Digital images were reformatted in Adobe Bridge. PDF/A files were then created for general use. |
Language |
eng |
Rights |
This Item is protected by copyright and/or related rights. You are free to use this Item in any way that is permitted by the copyright and related rights legislation that applies to your use. For other uses you need to obtain permission from the rights-holder(s). |
Rights Holder |
R. L. Polk & Co. |
Source |
979.228 R62726, Special Collections & University Archives, Stewart Library, Weber State University. |
ark:/87278/s6bfxzgv |
Setname |
wsu_wcpd |
ID |
118238 |
Reference URL |
https://digital.weber.edu/ark:/87278/s6bfxzgv |
Title |
Page 159 |
Format |
application/pdf |
OCR Text |
Show SHAW & STONE ALL KINDS OF GOOD 2065 Washington COAL co, “ g Avenue “EVER 314 R. Malan John Malan Lawrence Dr rear > 456 Bes i Malan Laura L bkpr Mut Creamery Co b 828 26th. Becker Products Co : mpany Phone 157 Drink, ||Malan Lillian ,||Malan Malan M sec Goodale-Scoville Co r 453 asst H W Louise H (wid Myrtle emp Nelson Bart) b 3650 Adams r 2442 Monroe Troy Lndry b 2107 av. Quincy 3560 Adams | ay. a 3 ay. * ie aerrce | _ i lab r 112 M tchr b W 955 22d. 26th. Mallery Milton J tehr r 955 26th. Malmsten Harry rms The Virginia. Malone Clifford H brkmn § P r 312 eee farmer Malone Mary H Cabela ae Orange-CRUSH i Becker Products r (wid Michl) 7 | 23d. 4 Kanesville. Aneesa b 2443 Lincoln _ Mal eicus A sIsmn r 2202 Edwd I asst mgr Toh r She, Wall Metro fy, ' Life Compan Recut Phone 158° ||Malouf Nockard farmer 217 22d. Malouf Rea ari 4 Saml Malouf Sarah Malouf Shaker Maltby Tod A$ slsmn (wid L r 1483 ' _ ] . r 133 Binford. Solomon) live stk r 202 r 209 23d. ‘2 26th. | Malouf Watfa (wid Jos) r 2443 Lincoln av. Maltman hipr Thos Ogden swchmn Iron O Wks U R & Co r D Co 2847 Grant r. 369 34th. avi Mrs Emma Mann David Eugene M John W r eae | ok Fe . it rms H firmn 2040 Monroe § P rms 554 r 2017 Wash av. 16 Argyle Apts. OGDEN CEMENT co. b 262 W 20th. | ; 2832 Quincy av. | C J prin West Weber Schl r Hooper. David G pipeftr S P r rear 2344 Madison D Henry agt Metro Life r Garland. tie MW oece W Manning slsmn 5 Eugene 5 Florence me yonning Pate Marin ite ng Hae Harold Manning ye Jos + Leon et 3044 E r tchr moat I] ae student r Wash f aud Ogden av. BUILDING & C Co r 444 Chester ay|| Speciaities Argyle Ogden Apts Schl Bene. Pingree. ay, b Hooper 16 N Furn . r N Ogden. Manning student Luann B b (wid : Pet 444 Chester. penning Lawrence bkpr; 1 685' 23d. anning 444 | Chester. Henry) r 435 18th. winner mos ene! | Economy Butter Shop T. W. 301 FIRST NATIONAL Residence Tel. 2814=-J BANK BUILDING |} jf : 7 JENSEN, Pres-Mgr. C. FRED SCHADE, Sec-Treas.. ‘ 2450 Wash Av. _[:.., UNION PORTLAND Di | CEMENT f av. —- Office Telephone OFFICE UNDER ° ay. 27th. agt Metro Life r 2274 Monroe av. ; Manning Ephraim q ) av. Walter L messr U § Forest Serv W Linden rms 2945 Adams av. Mann Mann Manning ‘am Quincy yonning Clarence P 4170 22d. 22d. Clarence A H carrier student bOr 1170 if ie av. r 2102 linmn U P & L Co r 319 Parry. Manning Manning Manning Manning a leat mail Wm) r same. Childs uanning Renj Alfa Wr Hooper. plmbr Halverson Bros r Manning Manning Chas W cook r 2220 Lincoln av. | 21st. 2224 R I r Hooper. Do av. Carlyle) r (wid Mann Wilmoth a Lincoln (The lab Mann Reinhart baker rear 240 W 20th r 240 same. Mann MALOUF CHARLES nt Light & Power Co), r 2 a 23d Tel 968-37. (independe | Chas Beach Cal. 17 °23 age 33. Mann Jos baker b 262 W 20th. Mann Leslie J acct r 14 Ivy Apts. Mann Maria (wid John R) rms 2141 2d. 4 ‘ Malouf 1924 Manley Mrs Fronie D r 866 22d. y av. — Manley Myron C brkmn § P b 866 22d. Manley Philip § gro 3731 Adams av r 3710 Ogden av. Mann Albt labr 3232 Lincoln ay. Mann Carl baker r 262 W 20th. Mann Carl jr baker b 262 W 20th. _ b 342 33d. DIRECTORY Oakland. Manley Chas E lab b 3710 Ogden av. _ _ _ Maloney V dentist Maloney Mich] Wm mach §8 P 2469 r 218 Wash 22d, av r 2743 Grant ay. Maloney Wm F messr T H Carr Pharmacy b 218 22d. MALOUF ALBERT N (Independ ent Light & Power Co), r 217 224. ie Malouf _ ; Malone Cora H steno Pac Fruit Exp b 312 33d. Malone Hyrum _ May Louis Emma Mankin _ | to Manful Raleigh R br mgr W U Tel Co rms 974 26th. Manful Raymond W oe . Mrs Manful } _ 5 CITY Chester moved to Hermosa Manfreldi Manful Manful § P. Mallas Tony Mallery Mary Manda £ | t Inv Co G H Malan pres G M W heelwr v-pres C A Waterfall sec-treas 412 23d. a Malan Wilford A r 2780 Liberty av. Malberg Jas A firmn § P rms Modern Rms. Malinowski Casimer A elec eng UI Cr 2561 Brinker avy. Mallas Jas blrwasher OGDEN moved Manausa Eliz § died June ‘ 45. B Manausa MrsWinifred moved to Hermosa Beach Cal. Manda Frank C mech r 238 25th. Manda Louise (wid Fred) rms 633 Canyon rd. _ : Art Manausa . _ a ay. av. Robt N mach b rear 456 22d. Sarah A died Sept 15 ’23 age Manausa - Malan Parley Q mgr Malan Tlg Co r 2566 Monroe ay. Malan Raymond § b Malan Malan — Wash Leon A b 2780 Liberty av. Leonard chfr J S Daniels rms 2756 Jefferson Lewis clnr § P b 2727 Monroe av. Malan Tailoring Co P Q Malan mgr 2480 Grant av. Malan Virginia E student b 453 Wash av. Malan Walter S patrol Police Dept b rear 456 22d, Malan-Wheelwrigh Nh |. merasntas Malan Malan Malan ie 22d. “From Producer to Consumer’ Tel. 542 ECCLE S BUILDING |
Setname |
wsu_wcpd |
ID |
118397 |
Reference URL |
https://digital.weber.edu/ark:/87278/s6bfxzgv/118397 |