Title |
1924 R.L Polk & Co's Ogden City Directory |
Creator |
R.L Polk & Co. |
Description |
This is a listing of residents, streets, businesses, organizations and institutions, giving their location in Ogden, Utah. It is arranged alphabetically, geographically and in other ways. This also has advertisements for businesses. |
Biographical/Historical Note |
The city directory will contain an alphabetical list of citizens, listing the names of the heads of households, their addresses, and occupational information. Sometimes a wife's name will be listed in parentheses or italics following the husband's. Other helpful information might include death dates for individuals who had been listed in the previous year's directory, names of partners in firms, and forwarding addresses or post offices for people who had moved to another town. |
Subject |
Directories; Address books; Ogden, Utah; R.L. Polk & Co.; Advertising |
Digital Publisher |
Digitized by Special Collections & University Archives, Stewart Library, Weber State University. |
Date |
1924 |
Date Digital |
2023 |
Item Description |
Hard bound 11.5x8.4 inches boox with brown spine. |
Spatial Coverage |
Ogden, Weber County, Utah, United States |
Type |
Text |
Format |
application/pdf |
Conversion Specifications |
Archived TIFF images were scanned with an Epson Expression 10000XL scanner. Digital images were reformatted in Adobe Bridge. PDF/A files were then created for general use. |
Language |
eng |
Rights |
This Item is protected by copyright and/or related rights. You are free to use this Item in any way that is permitted by the copyright and related rights legislation that applies to your use. For other uses you need to obtain permission from the rights-holder(s). |
Rights Holder |
R. L. Polk & Co. |
Source |
979.228 R62726, Special Collections & University Archives, Stewart Library, Weber State University. |
ark:/87278/s6bfxzgv |
Setname |
wsu_wcpd |
ID |
118238 |
Reference URL |
https://digital.weber.edu/ark:/87278/s6bfxzgv |
Title |
Page 257 |
Format |
application/pdf |
OCR Text |
Show SHAW & STONE COAL CO. ALL KiNDS OF GOOD 2065 Washington Avenue 506 R. L. POLK Vause Ralph formn Am P & {Vay Frank rms 2526 Adams Vay Becker Products Company Phone 157 Drink GW rms BOTTLCS Anita Diana student b 3516 Jefferson Johanna b 3546 Jefferson av. John opr Utah Can Co. Vellinga Company Phone 158 maid Martin OGDEN av. 2580 mach Jefferson Utah Cang Sarah b 3546 r 3261 Jefferson Marvin Vendell Anna Vendell Art Vendell Edwd (wid Nels) N storekpr Mrs W Kath Fred Camira clk av. Norman Sims rms 1287 July 13 b 3456 Wash 2 Barnhart b 1021 21st. Bus Coll av. Apts. r 18 Barnhart 24th. °23 age 27. r 168 Rushton. 3196 Pacific av. pkr b steno 3196 J G Pacific Read & av. Verhaal Frank Verhaal John Bros Verham Verham Verheek Verheek Verheek Wm M clk O U R & D Cor 3001 Wash av. Wilma M steno U § Bureau Pub Rds b 3001 Wash Abel mgr r 427 Cross. Hannah clk Clark’s Fashion Shop b 427 Cross. Herbt student b 427 Cross. Verheek John car bldr S P b 3196 clk Ogden Whol Co r 3196 Pacifie Drug ay. i Vernieuw Vernieuw John Co b 427 Jos G lab McLaughlin-Storey L baker Marie Mary E- (wid (wid rms rear John P) Wm) r 2858 867 av. 2455 av. Monroe av Lincoln av. 27th. J. A. McCulloch Agency | — 1924 av. (Economy A brkmn Cash § P Gro) rms r 2783 437 Wash Binford av. av. 922. (See adv under classified Automobile REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND LOANS | Office Telephone 301 Residence Tel. 2814-J OFFICE UNDER FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING Tires). Vice AlfdJ cook b 323 18th. Vice Nath D r 323 18th. Vickory Lottie E (wid Gilbt E) r 248 29th. - Vicks Cora E bkpr J'S Lewis & Co b 184 22d. Vieks Frances (wid Chas) r 184 22d. VICKS FRED J, Sec-Treas Continental Bldg & Loan Assn, r 184 22d. Tel 3176-J. Vicks Wm eng S P rms 2177 Lincoln av. VICTORY INS CO (Phila), Continental Bldg & Loan Assn Agts, 212 Fred J Kiesel Bldg. Vidau Alice (wid Frank A) r 1635:Grant av. Vidau Quentin D student b 1635 Grant av. Vienna Cafe (Leo Young) 322 25th. View Amusement Hall View. View School View. View Wd Mtg Hse View. Villella Frank r 153 W 21st. Villella Victor Vincent Herbt Viner lab E Raymond b opr Dr K 153 r 8 W 3138 echfr Fire av. Lloyd Mrs Mary chef The Virginia. Chas slsmn Am P & P Cor Price. Visser Visser Visser Visser moved Dept r 3271 Grant hse T. 469 24th. to Centerville. Tenntze r 2926 Quincy H lab Am P& P Corirms av. 3223 Lincoln Viaanderen John jan Utah Schl D & Brms Viack A W brkmn § P rms Helena Hotel. Vlahos av. Chris bldg supt Weber Coll rms 2636 Harrison John jan r 2926 Quincy av. John jr clk Ogden Bkg Co b 2926 Quincy av. Jos widr rms mear 3547 Adams av. Visser Mrs Wiaanderen Nicholas W. JENSEN, (Superior Shoe S Co) rms C. FRED Pres-Mgr. avy. ECCLES BUILDING same. National SCHADE, Wash Av. ‘“‘ From Producer to Consumer’ BUILDING Specialties 515) av. Hotel. Sec-Treas.. Economy Butter Shop| 2450 OGDEN PORTLAND Apts. Adams Vining Chas Sales Agents|} 21st. Rose Vining Virden Visser Lincoln DIRECTORY Virente Gracia died July 14 °23 age 40. Virginia The (Kate Shufflebarger) bdg Visser Abraham R r 2636 Harrison av. Cross. Co‘!rms Wash -r 3350 av. av. Verma Anna (wid Helmer) r 3062 Grant av. Verma Kath b 3062 Grant av. Vernieuw Aline b 3350 Lincoln av. Vernieuw Gilles J firmn O U R & D Co b 3350 Vernieuw Pacific J Tel 21st. Smithsonian Veraldi Saverio lab Verhaal Antonia b Bertha 1020 U P & L Cor tchr clk died r Co CITY VIADUCT AUTO SUPPLY CO, W H Short Propr, A Complege Line of Automobile Supplies, Oils, Greases, Etc, 183 24th av. O U R & D Saml Vezeau Venable C clnr HOME” Vest Florence H rms 2325 Quincy av. Vest Josie clk Ogden Whol Drug Co b 3057 Adams ay. Vest T Edwin prin Slaterville Schl b 3341 Wall av. Vetas Bertha r View. Vetas Geo (Economy Cash Gro) b 2783 Wash ay. Vetas Chas R lab Utah Can Co r 3456 Wash av. Eliz B (wid Richd T) r 3700 Hudson av. H Lawence lab Am P & P Cor 256 22d. Margt (wid Boyd) rms 726 25th. Verry av. av. Venable Venable Venable Venable Vera Wall av. Co b 3546 Jefferson THE Vessa Antonio lab r 630 W 20th. Vest Clifford H iab A F B & T Co b 3057 Adams Vest Edwd D apiarist 3057 Adams av r same. Martin J hlpr Boyle Furn Co r 3570 Jefferson av. Peter A tailor Gordon Tlg Co r 3546 Jefferson av. Peter A jr (US N) b 3546 Jefferson av. Verhaal Becker Products Ogden . Vellinga Vellinga Vellinga Apts. Vennman Onzae-CRUSH r 708 Vellinga Vendell (Ceabola P Co av. av. FOR CO’S Veenstra Albt H prsmn Standard-Examiner Veenstra Frank Y r Wilson la. Velasquez Alverto lab O U R & D Co. Vellinga in Adams & “EVERYTHING Veasey C Wm eng S P rms 2671 Adams av. Veasy Harold W sec McBride Drug Co r 2553 Harrison av. Veasy Paul J clk McBride Drug Co b 2553 Harrison av. Vellinga Vellinga iVellinga PASTEUR BED 2526 OYLE: WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TELEPHONE 699 Tel. 542 |
Setname |
wsu_wcpd |
ID |
118495 |
Reference URL |
https://digital.weber.edu/ark:/87278/s6bfxzgv/118495 |