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Show October 10, 1975 The Honorable Alan Howe U. S$. House of Representatives Washington, D. C. Dear MA. Howe: Tama local pastor in the Ogden anea with a congregation of approximately 700 members. TIT am concerned ab out the action taken against the Oqdan Anea Community Action Agency on the basis of a dkasohne change as a criteria for cutting the funds. I am been taken concerned has because affected the the action that entine community. has Furs thermore the Lom income people are benefited by this program, It has been my understaading that The Community Action Agency program is designed to Overcome poverty instead of creating poverty. 1 Submit that this. premature decksion 4s against what the judicial process calls for - that a person on agency 44 innocent until proven quilty and it 4h my beliefs that you have a moral obLiaqation to asbiSX in releasing the funds until such charges are a proven fact. AS a concerned pastor in the community, I soli- cit your help in securing funds for the Ogden Area Community Action Agency to continue with a well-balanced pkogram to fight poverty and give our youth an opportunity to know a better Life. Sincerely, WD:S Res Udibed dale |