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Show RnB- = fe es poe Sane . i - 4 is ee. / *,, «hag KEW 210i! BAPTIST CHURCH. GENERA, HISSTONARY SOCIZTY oman bye fn, eee ee eS ho FORD ABOUT MI33TOK A Subs: ee re | | ( ove into the Hartha He Graham, Director Christian _Sducation > ee | immeciate community and Functions of Officers and Gommittees in the Local ‘ionmans HMissinary Society of New Zion parent ee | into a . % the world. | | | See serinture2datuleciass o isto on is training that is nurturing in: st Vice President, Sis: hall preside in the absence ai ‘things, and Ceveloping. | | : of she president and shall cooperate and be chairman plan | ak, and | : on education. workshon. Its task is thashing Phit he 7-8), es Te! | Se : pe ie with her in the them to observe ; Second ‘Vice President, Sis: Pi . ke importance of this office is that she serves as chairman of the Progyam | pt. -—-- Goubtee along with the Cireles, and General Presidents. This comitées is a weg eepean onsible for the uorship or cevotional of the Society. Miso perform the duties zi = of the re re President. Ped - ; Lage 2he beahT = Matt 282 19-20 ~ Mark 16: 15-20 : at wet 8 min? be in you which was also in Christ Jesus (Phid 285, : Sssdon is preaching, svongeMizing ami ecdfying. pea ‘ssfon is teaching that is education and orientation. es work | says, to each anc every Christian as the Father hath sent & Lig, _ even so send I you. sneval — x The Veren is primarily a Missionary Force and the workd 4s its field mission As “_— very heart of Christianity, Christ came to seek and save the lost. ‘ God's, Savior-gon gl 28S ‘The. concent: of ! ot adt@nare’ dot an the local chureh indtodes hat ater do to exte ad the eaxuse of Christ and His gospel of grace beyond the congregation itself. -iisstion is central in the Bible. It is the Christ through His ehurch ras. oo ok % Sa +k, ~ ’ - 3 7 | ae — & 5 1. asai 2 |