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Show ‘ Tan mémbe: a oe ade | i Committees idueatior, committee chairman are month during give ea effieient more In Cirele Cla 2a u aan: communi by the this month missions, mn ee. secretaries in promenms. circle They! keen she end program, mee tings before of the society, the eircle — =e lea’ their circle to realize that each cirele is a vart of the larger miei ongeae ‘The: end that all circles are wor'cing together for the cause of missions. of progress the on reports make and e ail meetings of the executive committe socials: ‘or ee for reports. och CHOOUF IE) full attendance. They een their cirele dyterested in the education of young neople through cooreration with ‘the young people's cirector Dy each cirele fostering one of the JOUNg neople' S missionary organizations. each eircle. an information getting pions “Fos ¢ the i= making in plarming ehairnan of eire?.s anc . society attend” Pa a+ orogram mombés and veep They counsel with 4 study and stevardship chairman with the eirele a committee should 1 have each no circles, are membets Dey Pe? missions coors rave reneral I issionary Ss . of God. segco0 —e They oreside 7 ‘thar circle meetings . They worl, with the » -*. | for It cooperates with the young people's diree tor in making plans the young 3 department. peo; ole'’s This comnittes is commosed Cotas ts: tissions: | of a chairman and a person from — each eirc le or three members of the missionary society that, does not have cirtles Lead the The goal is to make your community christian. and youn, peonle active. re fares Pe During to seciet: lead the committee should informed and enlis sted in all society plans. hoy circle. in service small soccieties: ti there thore rove: the circle — Be bBa This education. the year to be edueation month. whe of those This committee should be composed from each circle. educabicn the and a chairman is composed of committee committes will inform the society and the young veonle devartment about the aus rare! “Jhere nossihie the Mods of the home mission, foreign mission and educational schools. comnittec This this eomittee WALL set a goal for an offering for education. es) promising young men and women to secure the necessary training in orter to baleen 7 pe me owe, Ped E THEMIS This inter :sted in christian set aside one a of the secend Vice President wae schedule for the entire year and in presen ying she “uses” a3 many members as peseihts within the course of the year. Jorship is programs. missionary be programs remember, remember, all programs should the reality | more and more an intens 3 “awareness of God; it is the effort to understand Speaker; missionary LODLC » communi ty mission report, juggested things to do: of God. Ste book revi pies group: discussions and other interesting things. 5 Be ey is composed the program This committee It arranges circle. in a survey of the community, with snecial referenceto unsaved and unchurehed memher core ak aid the moral and economic needs of he commmity. Visit jails, hospitals, Minister to needy and institutions distribute Bibles and other religious literature. . Try to help solve the problems of juvenile delinquency. sickand the uhuti~ins. - Minister to those of other races and nationalities, promoting family worship, prayer Provide cr help to provide whole.meetings and sniritual welfare of the community. . Some Yee, ‘ational activities : TELE NI TEE Mission | »budy Committee: other pi, sons of the missionary sooisty. young nau ole director maintain a church that it will know This committee about mission is composed of a chad rman It makes mission study plans, study book. It leads and tuo checks with the society to start and library. It studies methods of teaching mission the requirements of a good mission study teacher study books and leader, so VHS Literature Chairman: as chaimman and two cther for the worker. Heights, This committee members of the (35¢ per copy) Jashington D.C. is composed of the sotcedeintien secretary mission society. It secures subscriptions Send order to: | Ifiss Nannie Burroughs, Lincoln Rin > |