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Show gies Y | | t. ‘ ate Vacation Travels Are Over For Ben Lomond High Folks By DIXIE COTTLE “Hoot Mon! to you early risers of Ben Lomond’ High School. Yes, another year has started which means no more bre ed painner time. But ‘ _ only ight and -a half months and again your schedules maybe fearranged. — Two as Cheap as One? Many Scotties have taken up the philosphy that “two can live as cheaply as one.” Among those girls who have. changed their names are Verla Vaughn, Elaine Nelson, Wendy Warnes, Gladys Stitt, Genett2 Gladwell, Gaye Stewart, Jackie Bryant and Sally Plant. Cupid has been working overtime it seems. Among the “senior girls Sherae Johnson, Florence Stoddard, Larae Ne.s¢ ville, and Sally Hook Sporting diamonds. New are all our fa- Dise Jockey Congratulations! to as . yorite public address system announcer who is rapidly tussell making a name for himself as a disc jockey on KOPP. This _ celebrity is Bud Trewett, who is speedily making friends with his cheerful voice and _ friendly personality as he everyone’s favorite rec- A fierce battle has been go_ing on here during the summer between the grass and the weeds In several places the -. weeds summer he _from coast to coast byed it, especial- have made quite a vic- tory, but the grass is still Struggling to make itself known. Football players, Ron Ballantyne and Gary Kapp say the grass is a good deal easier on the nose! New on Staff Something new has added to the teaching been staff. Audry Moody, who was recently aa ciaal an instructor at Ogden has joined the commer- department. The woodwork and technical radio classes will be enlightened by another Ogden teacher, El , Mont Bingham, While Jarvis: Palmer, recently from Mound Fort, is joining the instrur mental music department to help in the band section. # |