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Show October & ig oe y = a | i COTTLE es to a students, large working a school like i fi High’ ond | efficiently. — ru in } we fs assembly. .whidk is cones eS to be the best assembly of the. year. Then comes. the, Reni, class party! yo oete Junior leaders)” - After the. seniors, come ‘the t ee t, juniors. Their lead, - ers MRE aly this ot a 4 good-looking nt done 50: far this 3 Oe ; preside, secretary} meret: ability, me sh ) y as. vice pres- . the opening day of school in the many different . eon en rson, a gal has ‘some excellent New Sophomores Last but certainly not. Je: Sty: s comes the new sophomore i class. This class *“¥eally’ has & possibilities... i on their kpreste Not. only are i they a large class, but they:ve a got what it takes!: ES Their president is. the evér- © efficient Reid Bagley.’ Hele H ing him are Gaye Deane vice president. and yom — berton as pecrelaiys, lt Would Happen | os se fk = Even with all of these out: & standing leaders*and student body members, some things are bound to” happen! TAIL Scotties know, that’ the Ben ‘Lomond- -Logan. ootball ‘game Wednesday night was ‘The Bad Thing.” Even though Lo‘an’s score was a great deal, higher than Ben Lomond’s, the Scots’ score in’ spirit and ene soared mueh eee Atiate Scots, Me luck, team, in the and to the rest of the see up the 7 ee 10 |