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Show December 17 dwin B eft), professor of military science and tacti | ee on schools, ha Eee to Lyle Benson (center), and his twin. brother, Dor aa kore battalion: Cadet Lt. Cl; Lyle Benson is battalion com: | ie *Cadet_ Maj. Lynn Benson is battalion executive. ie ‘ v a a SST 7m oted to mel: Oe ee oe roe ween a cf tics rey 5 an : Top Positions in ROTC. te to ariac ig } Promoted from cadet corporal ras, to cadet sergeant are Darrell ben e . oe | Michael Miner, Charles Ward, James Stitzer, Melvin London, ee Bridwell and Clifford Smith. | Louis Sorenson, Gary Thomas,| ' ‘Promoted from‘ cadet corporal | Fred Vit, Raymond Movitz, Niles | i- | to ‘cadet sergeant were Jimmy Herrod, Fred Profaizer, Victor Pepcorn and Norris Bagley. Davis, Ralph Rivera, LeRoy vat ae ceeteins promotions from _) Rivera, Leonard Robb, cadets, to. cadet. _corporal were Bott and Robert Rauzi. Pa Re at A cele Robert : l ll | as _ Promoted from cadet’ second | lietenant to cadet first lieutenant | are James Olsen, Clifford Helms, | Gary Saxton, Melvin Alexander, | a Herrick and Leslie Hors- | pool. Receiving promotion from cadet sergeant to cadet second \ Hl lieutenant was Clair Nielson. apt. Edwin P ' _ | Promoted from cadet, sergeant first ‘class to cadet master serSeant are Jeffrey Gardiner, Mon-| ty Hahn, Clyde Heiner, Gary Hadlock and Richard Norton, Sergeants First Class ee Making | is 5 1 dN ae gli Pa ices na ; anes Ue inaecaiceas | | | cadet sergeant firs class from cadet sergeant were | laine Anderson, Gordon Muirbrook, Charles Kemp, Bennett Stone, Jared Fuhriman, Howard | cKinney, Ronald Dent, William Norseth, Robert Clark, Roger Le= Michael Just and Rawlins “ig af HiHi HI td | | | |