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Show March | an one field. aoaAe isos at Ase LAs ae At halftime, howe cea x the yi ‘ties owned a 34-22 bug rand t went on from Was, W | there. ¥ con est from:-here in, but ‘Weber eame closest. only: in. .the o ‘ter, of the fourth w ‘they: narrowed quar-. ‘spread to,ial eas, | the pillona Yi his injured ».f oot tre ete bya phy ri s tag sep ‘ar un hoe a like po | es portion of the: ee peg ors to action ‘seemed to give the Plaid the lift, they needed. c= fury en, aie a was ‘top: scorer. nae with _ For the Warioss it was Frank | _Berrett who, looked .mighty fine while. scoring = _ e 12! -through th ie playing .a_very,,fine Wig Durbanaia 19 counters: and floor game. owas ofeonsid: -erable -help;his long shots early. _ in the game proving more than. enough to keep Weber in the run- ning. He ‘scored 10 points; ‘many ° of them 'spectatcular, 9 Ben Lomond scored 37.3 ‘der -eent of its shots from the eee while Weber ‘eould ‘COREEY 23.8 per cent. : regen AER ih | West’ got ‘off ito! a: ‘Tace sine: istart against North Cache, scoring | | ‘10 points before’ the Bulldogs. ‘ever saw daylight. - Then, very quickly ty the hands | ‘of Arden Porter and Bob Hen‘dricks, the Cache Valley five| tallied and began pulling up. At. ee halt it was 22-20 for the Salt "Phe Panthers were cashing in’ jon more than 41 per cent of their. ‘tries from the field, with Paul ' Stanley being the high man with (16 points. George Johnson got 12 ;and Dave Van Wagonen, nine. | For North Caehe it was Porter Berrett aut eta 14 who led the scoring. The ' Bulldogs rang the ‘bell for 36.8 and fram. tha! |per cent of the shots. 12 |