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Show ray Cincmainiacntidiath Zim October 24 rum. Bear River tentatively '8 p. m. and Logan are scheduled to play at on the Grizzlies’ field. | Here at home Ogden will clash with Ben Lomond for the Iron |Horse trophy and The Ogden Standard-Examiner-KLO city and county | Ww ill be ' t that me in Le t 7:30 in od annual Officials are i her or not layed Friday i. The reant able y, they point weather. eath er take a Ogden. win, /retain p ion 001, ‘ea eo Iron ner at least a tie for the Region One grid title. A Tiger win and a Bear loss in _ ‘either games of the two remaining would assure Ogden of’the region championship. Team standings: wy, Ogden ‘aes | Ben Lomond | North Cache of Ben Lo- the With Bear River's” ‘upset vic‘tory over Box er last. week, _Ogden needs only one win to gar- afte cipal of _ard-Examiner trophy. Bear "River! Ellis and they Horse trophy and would play We| ber next week for the KLO-Stand- e€ game od for either Frinoon, trophy. favorites to do so, they would ‘romp home with both. trophies| | following the game. Should Ben Lomond win, however, they would m*"aA , championship Should are Box Logan South ase ; eee ennee Cache “........ 0 . 1.000 1 ; -750 1 1 -250 .250 OD 2 3 ms tay Sa Cach: ‘ac. yy rs en Lomond ium).\ © on Week's Results Lo 0 4 800 -600 ae 1° 000) aan + agg er *tSou ith en 3 eee mene 1 . oe ria Pet: 0 1.) ab Shenae Seer Pe | Friday’s ; L. T. ooh Bovesectesche Elder. < + a Weber eeeeee 19, Sout, Gaghe (Ogden Stad14, on a 20, tN ° arth Cache 20 (tie). Ben Lomond “South C2 he game 24, Box Elderi tt Hy-| | |