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IT'LL BE THE FIRST--Discussing plans for Ben Lomond High School's first homecoming, Friday and Saturday, with Principal Ellis McAllister, are Dennis Stettler (left), last year's student body president, and Gary Kapp (right), present president. |
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Show October 28 sd HE FIRST—Discussing plans for Ben Lomond High t homecoming, Friday and Saturday, with Principal ister, | are Dennis Stettler (left), last year’s student sident, and Gary Kapp aoe (right), present president, Ben Lomond | | To Celebrate _ Homecoming | { | | © ' Ben Lomond celebrate its High first School will| Homecoming ‘tomorrow and Saturday, with a/ full schedule of events arranged | | by -the Homecoming Commitee | and the student body. | The Homecoming will open | | with a pep assembly, to -be preSented by the alumni, tomorrow | , | 'After the assembly, Ben Lo-| /mond’s Homecoming issue of the | ‘school _ ; a | lander,” After newspaper, “The Hig hwill be distributed. school, the entire stu- dent body will take Part in fire contest, in which the a bonvariOus classes will compete for prizes, Students and ‘former students. will then drive in’ a policedl Procession to the Ogden Stadium,ed| Where the Scots will compete /4gainst the Ogden Tigers effort to retain the “Iron Trophy.” Homecoming events concluded Saturday with 40ween dance, “The | Waltz.” in an Horse will WA A Ny i We Wn 1 \ i il be a HalWitch’s } | | |