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Show October 29 ‘with a broken finger, broke the index finger Hansen) his Tight hand in a game last onweek, | Ogden, too, will vary starting lineup slightly as atheir, re. sult of an injury to wingba ck _ Lynn Cope and illness to block| ing back Jackie Kerr. s ia ; _Ogden’s tentative startirg line| up: | | | Ends—Richard Rampton’ et. and; “Garth Olsen or Ralph McEntire. : Tackles—John Garr and Ralph’ oe uards — me ol st ee“Benj — 0 | ason : Standings Hyrume andfor —. Brent) ei Noth Gash. «sciagers uted f3e3) 1) £0” 200) Weber Tee ale ws *ytecce South Cache tregeseee at “Bear River at Efe ames ans rently holde of over Ogden ; i ' 3 2 O @ : Weber at aut ane Ogden at Ben Lomond dium). . . € trophies ch year, Of action MMe Season and ath 2 ben 41493 8). Jidune Bie: ort bap Bear River vs.sesse ses (4000 .800 Box Elder ........ ete hy AS gu +5 BAA. a aye tt eeeee uzA1ES sched- was »»» Tackles—Frank, Gielman. and ! George Xanos. Guards—Dick Miller and Dick; Hamada. _ Centers—Keith: Mikkelsen. — _ Backs—Brent Heaps, tailback; Frank Stone, blocking back; Mike | Sheridan, wingback, and Garth, Rohde, fullback= . Region e trong overs quarterback; Ben Lomond’s tentative start- Thomas. pc the cir- Cache | Mecham or Tomlinson, ing lineup: «>. |__Ends—Gary Kapp the refo at least -gion One is s lost but DUS con+ ampiond or’ Kenny Mayne,” blocking back; | Roger Tomlinson, wingback, and | Gary Nate, fullback. dium. ted in i and Vernieu | _ Backs — LeRoy | Roger 4| Ramsey Centers—Charles Jim Hart. -” nig at at 7 second am ual Fe % all n . Jerry Canfield.Gary two when 0.600) 1 000 r (Ogden Last Week’s Results Ogden 19, Benth Cache 14, Hen tanaced 20, North Cache ear River 24, Box Elder 14, 20, } Sta- ! Se a: Hig igh |