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Show March ey to be early to rise, healthy, wealthy or so the ‘saying any students at Ben AHigl ‘School were deoe last Wednes> Career Day at nd High School, and to have ir vocations. Es- a thoughts relike poner : ‘Oi teers BES: aide 14 ent Career Annette is going to ih ught was decided ’s been. sporting a 2 or some time. But she turned the ‘went. to a Mortior osingl Day. d how she liked Was a very in- clas poeeeening how : _ | ave you changed on vocations, or 0 you plan to be? fo. Hap ppen urse, many other fun- ‘har ppened, too. Like t into the mod- . or the girl who Migyauto mechanics such things are oa ais ¢ Pa Pe bay as also the day event. Mrs. trip to Berkeley, the new from the a wif . he play. A favorite Scottish slogan is “The Scots are Scotch,” but in this case, it certainly wasn’t true. Good luck, Ogden. Albanettes ‘On Go’ The Ben Lomond Albanettes are still “on the go.” ‘Last Thursday night they gave a party for the basketball team, the wrestling team, and the band. ‘This was given for the help * and participation these mem- | bers have given tothe school. Yearbook da > | Scotties Staff Busy The yearbook’s ° business staff has been busy this last week. Gordon Muirbrook, Ron McKinstry, Gloria Perez and other members of. the. staff have been taking care of get- ting the advertising taken care of. space Devoted =—s_ to Photos | Last Monday was one of the days devoted. to taking pic- tures for ads. In the course of the day many students were excused from their classes to ‘have their pictures taken. Ben. Lomond’s yearbook this year will probably prove to be the best yearbook to be produced from the looks of all the preparations. Audrey Raty, this Jones and year’s David co-editors, are really doing an outstandjob! Your Time Will Come For the benefit of all those students, w re| week ago Calif., where they have recently been asked. to ing Bn nS to cin & none a pa ee eee Bl. ms a, former Pep a. r, became _ r of a daugh- standing Ogden High School band to help finance their ee renee / e held an outstanding matinee dance. Tickets were sold and the proceeds given to the out- and Gary Foulger, who want their name in print, be patient. Your time will -be in the near future. = 6 eS E 27 |