OCR Text |
Show es b ey iam . TRNGTE, . Sin allt j Tee ont » ial I ; a a | OGDEN STANDARD-EXAMINER OGDEN, UTAH, SUNDAY MORNING, JAN. 21, 196. 2C r “TO PERSO Pp F R SO N _BEHIND THE SCENES / : Guests . . : parties . . . travelers;may ine be evidence on Monday . : highlight the social news as| when Mrs. Ernest H. Balch enter| at }luncheon winter continues to cuddle Ogden-| tains her bridge club “ under its blanket of snow . . .| at her home, Her special” guests Birthdays are wri elie ee a someone eae them MaBigelow nae pet had | Mrs. Mrs. Myron Gillette. thot viglece "on Tucede Wen om ee OGDEN encimer guest ; getiouettiers ave social ‘activities aM pee “ “aoe ur E. Benning have e0-| joying a vist from Mrs. Blizabeth ‘ fe S . oe Me ‘ ye y een, ie i eee ls ‘Driseal Tt he left |ice home on Friday after a few LUNCHEON quick ane the ee i@ Deveron in San L Diego. gi “were, She Richard H. 5 t. Mar y S : Al tar Soci ely wo-week fo F. eatur e E stay i zon n Tue: evening, ! for ee party to be given at the Social Hall | of the necessities for the new see.|and Mrs. Joe ee ae ei Leee ° ° Ti n y ° ° Mi dr | fts 7 . ‘ $ il k : P rl nts ic F | or es = " ° City, is set for Feb. 99 Pouring were Mrs. L. Henry Zitz- tncay vit In Og on ee Ee ‘ pr | ng y ar or : es = ly | nate i : Paul Wilbur | “3 ae Mrs. Arch Kesler of Salt Salt Lake City attended. : The 32 designing members of the| Some who stood pat. on the easy | colors. were pressed into a new| ning, to honor the affianced couple| New York couture group tried them|or semishaped silhouettes were smoothness that could be pleated}. . . and on Friday evening, Mr.| Fashion all this week. attended the week-long spring and summer an vouch ior uring 4 SHENG at held 0,” the Winner "ot chiffon and crepes. silks, critics fashion Pauline|liston asked has some guests for D rama W Stephen dow: he upholstered look, A variety | Seams of silk prints, silk linens, crepes| Bareness vs. cover- up. Decollet-| her ‘citon| eat yar and __ lightwei were | 28@, won out as a No. 1 ally of femSoe bosom; tight- Montesano souring around the ened around the midriff by means | Monte-Sano sa af yokes, cummerbunds Bott “alts: and ated, - pleated at the few silho' ete, Via embers fF ay the A special meeting of Miriam | Bags Chapter No. 14 Order of the Eastern 5 | h of Star. will be held on Tuesday at 8| it looked Tike knit | her home in Salt Lake e City... . Mrs. John A. Shaw is planning | — Velvet, isually a dressup fabrie,| a luncheon for Jan, 31 to ao i2 a tie smartly tailored ' princes: the eae er 2Zucherman | ment ig eyutilize? by y Sesinnee But Ja cauieline Tiffeau| Oleg ee al- owni whe trim. Ruffles, sf Ue ee Cassini where. a shea Dono-| introduced re nar glass bottles, sprayers and hold at the hemline, narrow in the mid-| 7S sides to studs. Add yond the wall wide | a silhouette EE EEE Club on i a ae Feb. 3. and op A (aay sre a : ae opporti ite edom Loraine aint directly Day n Salt, Tee Tabernacle Ch ceived raves from a W aL a ae early M wouldicewe ard Evans, Howard Keel, Temple. Protect Plastic bags rotect Rand THE EAST Rae arid children Musical by Mrs. : 2 | clothes from your hen packing a peer as SSS : icon most dis-| George Europe’s Become Monsters HOLLYWOOD (UPD — Marlon| she went onda ; inow news h that the : Reg. : eg. : $10 : ae x coy pg DOND eve: have Man. os Reg. $12.50 e rae HA R : ; SUPERIOR ‘ Dial 3 EX 4-7474 Sc S 6 a . : Cup BE AUTY 2343 Kiesel Avenue HOO MK | | to Noon EXE Carolyn = HOME SERVICE SPECIAL LIMITED ENGAGEMENT WED & TUES : 23 & : 24 : OF ‘AWARDS! “SP00 K-A-RAMA a se a HAs 9 NEVER BEEN A | is } MOTION : PICTURE SKOW 2 Fantastic \ Fearful i “THE LIKE Frightening RED SHOES!” Funusual 6 e@ > “SHADOW an THE CAT ” ioe OF i mP td 3557 GrantA aaa Don’t Confuse Pade BG ally KGOLORu WALBROOK HARUS GORING - MOIRA SHEARER JUNIOR MISS SHOP ee : 6 Toddler Dresses, % were $8.98 a yen 10081 3 to 6: JULIET PROWSE presents Cenfury FoxRITTER 20th THELMA : : : ® ung be4:08Maton Seng 4 dane Millionaire 2 Wath Conus : Sitter oe 5 NWS 9.05 ae an aotearoa ie Yours Perfect cure for winter dreariness . . . ee ) 5 Mister geEd - 31 Pre-Teen Sushi fond an ‘62 L’Aiglons. Surahs, crepes, nubby blends . . . in vivid prints, GUNS : Here Dresses Fe are abe OF no) te Slips and Half 42 Pre-Teen : § $22.95 LESS N ODDS Y, THAN & ENDS % j 3—Sleeveless sheath of rayon and Dacron 4 with cover-up jacket of wool, mohair e and nylon. Green, beige or aqua. $25.95 PRICE i wa ; RE 8és 2 rom at SE a Fay ou a coe i “THE USO LOST Drink, ard ‘os ie Sunday Special Dinner ; served in our cafe only. ee FAST BATTALION” EA - : f ‘ govaies World : : 2 HOME Up PROGRAMS News 12:55 to 1 p.m. 7 i 2-6124 Phone or EX — ' Dial and § Daily Z PS ROP TE \ ? s ES em, 3 05—Democrac cy ik 30-Baek _ 1 i 3 Monday ar 4 oi ated Amer-| 7:05—Dawnbusters Charles Peterson 7:55—Bundle of Joy Boge ane Hemmingway City of Morning wea 30—Weat 8:38-Dawnbuster 308-own busters i g a“Sounds P7:45—Spris ld Laparaha Afternooe gues 5:30—Al War | Leceoranee MaLSta ays INDEPENDENTS — Pigec ie News, Musie ” vee a 5:30—Dawnbusters with Charles Peterson and ews 7:00—News ki 21 5— 2 :30—Whatsshcw ee cHeee eae ti Till 2 p.m. | $:90—Hews 1:05—Kim Warda Jr. ty Monday Atternoon rast KMUR—1230 ee tac in Monday Morning ‘0 God Graham To eternal: (eee Sounds Quiet Farm 12:55-Final News 10:30-Voize of Prophecy —Cathol t aie KWIC—1570 ot W: ,05—Jatkpot Bowling and. it Cretan Sunrise to Sunset Familiar Musi¢ 4 3 Pails Tee ie Religion Hour cogerWe =rear Evening with Kim 9:05—An :45—Regi 3 aoe toor —C.Caititee‘Holt Goutwood IDGEATOT ' is Your City with 6:45—Know Bernie Diamond 7:00—Ogden Speaks with kim esa "Sunlay.Evenin a News E:00-NBC Sunrise to _ Hour NEAT ce 5:05-¥5 "Show with Ver , Music KWHO—860 : Sibeceineees &:30-fo fae Careers 5:45 fi mt, hice 5 8:30-Voice of Prophecy rene 00=Oldible Fath ‘RewWs Hour | 12:00-~ iets ba haar il 5:05,a Aasle till 6:00 1-9 ‘a Nee Newsy Temple Square ef Hele au care ‘ .. = sat ; New $ §:45—farm aa 14th St. fi Eye | 7:30-Suype “mation iin eTaherficls Choir Whahi B cu — at . Sports arer pee eae Mea0—Eresby-looney| 5 ‘arming FoscWorld News Rovndop. | tocsoxeene. bavey Rae — as KSVI 5 KLO—1430 60-1Arent Choose 0 RCPX~1920 |. kom Sole fa Monday Morning ‘ BLVD. WASHINGTON 2550 AMERICAN AND CHINESE FOOD :00—Dean, :45—Dateline.Tanden ‘News PARKING . > ay Evening pipe # : . i :13—Business Pe ae ie | : 3 "hidodanren Till | eam Rewse | 1200 Rard rlete Fscsuptae a 4-6148 FREE |e ate eae : é: DE Your See of Free- Day. 3 e tne 49 ae BAS 7:00—News. and Sports = OU SAT. AND SUN. 12:45—WEEKDAYS AT 5:45 — ee eestnceiehehsee port SAS The) Manian aR port :45—The Heasiner A ET satel ror 4:00-Rolle asin, . # boc 3 taiatae Ge! AMOUNT Hees eat From 5 p. m. to 11 p. m. Daily | 75c¢ Till | l CO-HIT: em ¢ 5 The Guiding Light 2 Bold Journey u 1aB-Uniesiy Ear Best Food and Service in Townl \ - Ar Force. St Hy 42 Bilton” 7 Foundation Assn "foctole 2 Seerolreraga {..-just minutes from the oven} After 6 p.m. park free in the Orpheum Parking Lot. Pa park — we refund your parking fee when you’ pay your meal ticket t ; - ; Soup, eee mine EX Y Special peace . Special for Our Customers, 4 1 1 5 i Just Pick e ; |; D deck Teranne ie z a | 30M ne spone 10: esto Hfa PIE 7 . and green, melon and taupe. $25.95 Skirts were $5.98 to $15.98 ..$1.99 to $5.99 SPORTSWEAR ai @ iwnCOLORSCOPE > | a £ e : ee eO Newsstand 47 American a capi | & Flash Gordon ie 4 Capt. KC. and Pixie | 7 Prelude, | 7 The Air Force Story Say Whew Calendar Play YourCourt funch* Rebcenaraoe Worlds 72 yesterday Z2 Divorce ‘Tell-U-News BB tshoseititcy 9:00. & Olite | 22 TeKaka 285 Blom ehonper 2 Dick Trey Biology. Sclence re New 5 on ‘conten dee CHERRY ,’ ‘ : : 2—Fantasy print of 100% linen. Turquoise 0 $ j “os : 4 Ganegoof te :00 Air °F 2 Your First Mpresilad | 20a Hea’ Wit ‘Superb HARMAN’S nicest: i WIT FY with Cranberry Sauce ; ollection. Ol f just three aieldeaeaatancesl) oo bo turquoise or green print on white ground. 1. 99 t 1. 00 “~ Zs Is ‘ 8: ar RK TU € 1—Arnel triacetate surah in brown, 10 Pre-Teen Dresses is were $12.98 to $14.98 ........4.- $4.99 were $3 to $5.98 J ANU ARY : ; 24 pale tones, navy or black. een $4.99 were $8.98 to $11.98 ...0........ $3.99 27 2 eer SEA . q 5 Capt. 4 News 00 Aisle” og |e5 Lockup american ree eiiensea)) Eenueeane ag Patrol ‘ 6:30 Brave of 8 Lote of Lite : 2. Truth ‘or Consequence son-wend Nees ROAST OF THE @ guee of 2 “Two Seno ONLY! TODAY YOUNG TOM e linens, P : hota. apenas ve $2.99 to $8. 5 Speci ta a ISHII NSIT BARBARIANS & The geeretaeStorm | Sele 2:20 2 Here po esa rust Movie| 00 once : contin hoe. RADIO ‘Sun day ROY, UTAH Page Oe NMG UOT g ioe siicdloriul’ colarial: nied ny in Orbit American 2|) SPorte ’ a TOO. 4 Movie, | 5 Million1 Oe. Bow- Bay 4 Sheen in a 10:20 Picture— Standard-Examiner-KLO 90c * FIRST RUN-NOW PLAYING * ' ‘UNCONQUERABLE 5 sun. Night Theater | 2 Veraict Sena itt re l bar a ot-10 | with Cees,the News Seumewent ty weathke to 2M ¢ Room fone ay, a 2 scorv ulliv 4 Camouflage 5 Douglas Edwards Radio listings are prepared by stations which should be rortacted a i i and COLOR SSNS 31 Dresses, ’ 7 to 14 14 Dresses, 7 to1 were $10.98 to Arh in Cinemascope ADDED CARTOON TRAVEL and SPORT THRILLS ort a2 a0 Fi Bai es tke ti tiner out eicae pete. DO ee 4 Away" ta ie of Thinking, 3 dertut 2 ois Fe fags fos orders to take oe SKHANAASAAKANA NHN HANAN AIGLON |, $5.99 were $145 98 to $17. O68. eee $6. 98 1803 W. 5300 S, SN. ae $3.99 6 Dres were Call B25 $54 poe ‘ .........4: .$2. were $7.98 to $8.98 7 Dresses, a y 5 Bouse Party 2 Father19:J. A Thoinas "10:30 S Lunches, from 4 Mia-Day Report eg 2 corete ‘Young 8: Golf | 4 Bat de 5 Sunday ‘sports © 3:1 5 Kiplinger Changing 5 G-E *oohig® Bowl 2 etnies "eee, ury | oh 4 News and, ENE he 1 | THEATER w 2 z Women snore & so World Turns sata Duro Show of the 2 DuPont =5 Testes and Answers World Tile Wonderful j Science | 9 Jon Murray Day In Court Midday $5 midday Bi ee 5 The Big OP an Merchant ilpamemme $3.99 to 3 DOS. ad CH ixBINGERS 3rd Floor 19 Dresses, 3 to 6x KS 4 Follow the Sun 2 Bon $ Camera228 contacted Lake; 9 KVOG, Ogden Riva mieten 6:30 Insight Mamet 42 Buneay the si2{30, oe 5 Spoon THE BUTTON-POPPINGEST } COMEDY IN YEARS! . And Broiled Choice | 2 “Car 54, Where Are | @ Biology 2 The A ain fie ee STE A clipttly in case of @ "Denotes cotor 3 Maverick 2 Wonaerfu ENCHANTING : SE i A . Dial EX 3-5168 Price With Quality 2 KUTV, Salt Lake; 4 KCPX, Salt Lake; 5 KSt, "sal ea se 2 Bible Answers aoe a ny 30 Se oe F a TV erento eee TELEVISION PRC an LEVISION PROGRA are prepared by stations hea ee _ Tv site 25 EENS 4 wn heme & $ Gindid Camera all three, be home by 11:45” ™~ | in Y: Scio 2 Sclence eS Agriculture | 72 Bs Menace 5 “Look Live” 4 The Lawman Garthauee pee Gotan wy: lows at 1:00, 3:10, 5:20, 7:25 and 9:35 3 : ‘ Tube and Part RADIO Sunday, Jan. 21 pens 8:00 5 Lamp Unto My Feet FEATURES © ” HOUSE OF FRIGHT” . erving the Finest in Ne A Replacement r JONES CRITICS E ‘ CALLS Enjoy Complete and Thorough TV | ACADEMY OVACS ust | (5) Tube checke : 2 crampities 15 and te ee ae 8) Witt incor, menevites power consumption. (4) Multi-meter, indicates antenna de- Pils Bondy : the a comedy Home repairs often require more than just tube pe oe and just to be prepared, Jones TV takes five essen‘tial pieces of equipment on every service call. They are a 1images. ide (1)1 Crosshatch generator, corrects tall and wide TONIGHT BIG 12 By i rt VAION e a ie Net : : 5 | | Hf. On Highway 91 North of Layton : SS ee Bul to it e and ; Kink "Come early, see a . say that bad girls make Ways i Draper says he will never play Dolores WAGNER: HART: RESTAU RANT oe Thy Midnight N ANNA IIIS Re-| ; G ARDENS | “Ever since my oefirst movie, : ‘A I’ve been cast naughty and sexy. I guess I shouldn't complain because actresses al- Face In the Crowd,’ Last Service and RCA played a club in Indi RAINBOW \ Ph. ete Open: 6:41 under 16 mast-be et ss ak heb Children Love, 4 Meet the Professor 4 Directions 2 4paca Adlai SY§ evenson ee actly 12 2 : neem WEEK DAym p.m. to 11 cules ea betes ( ‘Splendor in the Grass” mastic ava od Wes he {Brfis., ith your Sh + Warner | bor.” best Ghoul-friend! " Gi Girl ong (AP) — Lee paid: ~, i a, Fa 1 ash Bavghlen'® on NBCTV today. “But Tye ot turn to television to play her | a change of p wee z ae fects. 1 emus i Nice L at S Remick ere WINNER 2 sched- an Aeeneg g. $6.50. ei feels Nene pie for tabs the club again. threatens the Stooges. Whee es vans cas Well, it isn't, Hake the tar of deanace star of the New Facts of Lite froma Nene, SAIGitE Tan er Werten- Mickey hows Shaughnessy =oS Patti p.m, P 7:00 — "9:00 on Laelob Tuc! oe ine hota he her incurably ———— to be or Ham ENT MiB EPES 5 $ i In Suicide Role during the filming of ‘The Last | ee ele) af a PARIS (AP) — “My next Broad- for White Wi work is . Modern Muscum. | jqupepgee an ; Jan. she met director, whom io rae abot a writer who kills that ma Te ay ee Ameri erican n nists ; es sb er, sou wan Sie Vegas 1 Maria is married to Horst Haech- Play will i sk ed R a te hall that, I had to study n, | always will be America to me.” naa F f | both. That helped Dae a rior a portant ways than painting tio . oe myself, to rehabilta = zs \ sa and come ends oe mine drove d f 498 from Fort Wayne to see me, a Siamese Cy-} to of the oth ey Seaton, president eo ranibted Muse the Boston Art prison artist, earl I lived imprison e Fabul lous . . Las “T prin ey jureivel “next d “This morbid, but “After all: et ‘i eat declares, WA York aAri ee of cis West Rag school.” actuall: it 7 n't PERMAN |. ae the in is consid-|five star, who of who gets the credit,” led f desis 4 olf and |. | : will be given aoe ae Eccles and Mrs. will eave this eek for Olympia, | Fred es to join’ Mens Sey woes tran dramatic I clops who guished actresses, had her dress- | Academy Awards, to meet me. Toom strewn with copies of. old|was in America becau a larles, research material, books| nominee for the Academy Award magazines, in her effort to | among foreign film entries, for my and aed the Sy western women. |role in 1 n every his es crisis or great president himself th achievement, it i 7 oe PST E10 TIER 1 is_always the man/|me!”’ she marveled. a ich wi armth | j Zurich get wasicastcolaiiies Jn manyof Pictures spoile ‘A and “madly they took| | in Maria, the different Europe. ‘af the situation, despite | before she madean Amiehoun pee e 5-foot-2 ered one | Clothes a . “Because they|a Girl HOLLYWOOD (UPD,sent — Norwe- |Gets Redbeauty Anna-Lisa complains nt anne é Rol that going out with American males| ROI@ HOLLYWOOD (AP) — Singer Rusty Draper gives us this chee’ My father insisted that I had to critic who saw the TV aeay none fae ing able to earn my living before turing italong ‘with Mis his consent for me| Nice ‘ painted his way out of jail ow he | « i | MARIA SCHELL featured the be for her New other tee h ari cat ite a deep study of the West brush. life have e Art and Other in or. film: “Let | She ai Ring,” which s' Hollywood a moves incycles ly helping as technical adviser on| Might date a girl es a year with- irst “nice girl” role. n recreating the role that won/so Lee’s next movie role in “Reprieve,” a movie about his own | out trying to kiss Pere saneccn ee i ovie Oscar for Loretta oo periment In Terror’ has her playResko made it over the wall with| displayed ‘as. a lady acrobat Lee will play a nice Minnesota ing a nice girl, too. eit ts ‘ans ‘of seen 2 rothers are in the acting professon 20 dle and wide again at the shoul-| dusters. Hang parts for the sprayer ders. He called this the cone'shape, | on nails or hooks above the shelf. a suntie ie i, iis) ab Was 900, Mowe that s“about at the airport at| {he , Three Stooges Meet Her-| .Somea person. in the eastern part of the country.""| ‘When I arrivedmorning, It’s outrageous.” there was _ JANUARY. chairman, Mrs, L. Henry Zitzman, Ee LeWabi rs “Best Liked German for five different years. ,aria toe LS R. Morrell, Mrs. Clyde T. and Mrs. Alice Pardoe Coun-| petty, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. (UPI)—The use WASHINGTON Russel B. Petty. Mr. Ray is a son| of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Ray of South| of plastic piping in place of castMEXICO WAY iron soil pipe can save the home James W. Abbotts are home Weber. ater e two weeks under sunny skies. | -———HHtH-H——_ pea approximately $90 for an they have been spending some time 2 é average six-room house, the Manufacturing Chemists’ Association rein Mexico City and before oe Sponge Stains, Clean ._ | Ports. home Friday, they stopped at Palm AdministraHousing approved Federalrecently coffee there's a festa), Springs, Calif., for a few days. the m: or teaeonstain tionThe (FHA) a non-washable : When e spot with cool water and then|use of plastic drainage and vent BRIDGE pipe and drainage fittings. Off to a slam! . . . Such plays with dry cleaning flui every- fw Giak Bows, all big, tied back in| try ati ero ibe to| front and on the sides. Side pantogether occidental obi look. Neck-|W1aP the head float, Sioles shoulderscoseto elbows as|els smoke and fromeee to waistlines, lines plunge which are raised oeto begin j .| shin in fabrics, rings, encircle hang from one! der the bust, acid skirts flare out-|the fabric was as diaphanous as | sleeve or mg like wings from | cellophane, | Shoulder ward. The idea. Be a s soft, curvy and! : TINY MIDRIFFto the one ee pew Asa Possible rf in C Corners Put Pauline Frenchwoman one Oscar Wilde site elr in U Shelf hi shape,pee the tnicorn promoted aad thessk ees civocr ene pected out, styles change but ie Pee eide at thes ade: aT to a tiny midriff. Edward ‘Apbott are good for shelves that extend be- designs of women remain the same. also : in the Masonic a p.m. —- Ogden I ping ie Pir ne an Mr. tea asstonred ae F. oe plunging necklines; and | style “souble-breasted daytime coat pa Mr. ead wide | Scooped or flared o | Cell Chapman yavoring no shoulder - a buttons as big as door- a rs. wos Hadi ‘al a ee the agency then Pri ricé Home Mrs. Ray is the former Elma Cuts a Cath:©) Ph ie A "Golf AUB . | : straps al introduced a not of Monte-Senp a pter Tuesda y Meet OHanOr four dozen young and| award last fall, Zucherman re-)Trigere made crisp, wide-lapeled| an eveningparty too honor the bride- ye They flew to the Hawaiian Is-| 14..." Horace G. Nebeker, Mrs. Wil. land P LM oe lands or an eight-day stay, and|\. not-so-young blondes, brunettes and| mained in good favor by present-|coat dresses from superthin chif-| elect, at her home in Parry Mrs. Roland Hono- |liam G. Burdett, A.|spent most of their time in redheads, the ladies of the press|ing tricky gored, flared skirts and) fon by edging them with grooved| And on Thursday, Mrs. William Rosalie Macrini puckered |McMain will host_a luncheon at | lulu aiid toured the Island cf Oahu. | and Minnie Moore Brown. took note of these fashion trends: |Coats pleated from the shoulder}seams. moulded stems. Yan OGDEN STANDARM- EXAMINE ing gian pH heedonis tigen gees ) liners are invited to attend. ite shat will be served by David Winsor and her comMrs. ates Da ine See et ae C h H ear ve Coad Frenc a (Twila Beck) of| Cc U b | } Herrington. Mrs. Roscoe ee Mi riam To ° | b> necedsity, Also assisting with the project are Mrs. C. “SUpplies gifts and items of: J. Cuneo, Mrs. Joseph Eatipeon et its in-| next six months at Pittsburgh, Pa.,|J0seph before returning to Washington, wo and Mrs. the ctress” <i ae B John Resko, paroled after 19| obligatedshe to kiss a’ girl on the first | Ick, who is a very nice girl in said,“ person—one of the nicest in town—| they were called upon |She was 16 years old for-her first | 24 Mike McKeever, formerly twin| There were nine people in the ar ay aes oo ecause the men | film. She also appeared in numer- ie car _ opponentsof the Univer Bae Gey were able 5 dspease them cairn Se never forget my: first | monsters fall tean in ete i ae poet Utheln gtnks, “steak are . on Novara Productions’ | imners—the works. When the tabi} sters al in Los Angeles,” she said. y ie | MRS. R. S. BAGBY, president St. TS edbers Hospital Pink Ladies Volunteer _ Tiary,,and to Mrs. Henry D. Mathieu, chairman of gift cart, load articles on the start fast servi ce ie peatients, hospital personnel and visitors. The ps veyance, Mrs. Donald Irvine, the grand Smaller bags pair up sets of jewree he dee eld oe Club will meet at the home of M lecturer of Salt Lake City will be|elry, end lost earring hunts, Take teey, cure Be 4 ent Susie ol the Beane at TNE bars | Garter pone 1497, Beverly Driv aitor. inibeve and “visiine mmem- janailedextra plastic to separate ones. ‘frombagclean clothes fae Mrs. Earl Wilbur | Thursday at 7:30 p.m a = the | Assisting hostesses ‘will be: Mrs. | ithe Wibie ee been Mr. Ce 00! roug! Englishae she fy oe hey were ddvantage é and Mrs. Julius Billeter also of|D.C, Ens. Wilbur is with oe U.S. | Wes writers preview who|of Donald Brooks of Townley and Ben|1220t | as air sharp. and wovenWoolens to lookwerelike light lin-| Salt Lake city. extended hospitality | Navy atomic energy progra lay ih styles here | 2UCherman. Both preferred classic) ens... silks had a shaggy, wooly|atSoups dinner at their home for the French play,Nobel“LesPrize Justes; winCamus, bytheAlbert HAWAII WAY Suits with loose-fitting jackets, only | look. style shows|@ few of which were belted. Fabrie favorites were printed For Monday, Mrs. Richard Bel-| By jet! . . . Riding high have|ner for 1957, will be presented by|/ exhibiting more than 1,400 costumes acting; {he world today, Production in actress ‘has | the Prominent ‘position tes hol numerous’ ovie years in New York’s Dannemora| date.” Prison, was back in Folsom recent-|\" role inFerber’s “Cimmeron,” taken from Td|‘, bealways an actress,” something she said. to“‘Then| Boone (Paladin) and Dan O’herlihy,| _ Nightelub entertainment is: less Edna novel. E ive ini New York, Las Ve| expensive Necessity. fallSo ——!———__—_—__——— back on, if ithavebecame WOMEN ’ WERE SMART I learned shorthand, typing and| Tyg T a gas and Hollywood than it is in| ae 01 jee si smart in those bookie anint Then he let me go to win Terrors some other cities in the country. Wednesday evening, with places ‘avaritel Mrs. William G. Burdett enter being marked for a John A. was chairm: ae tained GEOR OEUNGH at Hee RaneF A humorous program r pravidea the abe alferioon i Hem Wadrieedae sae Be callscanmteen Sik | {fun for the evening. } lace cloth and a centerpiece of IN OGDEN violets. About 40 guests from Ogden and : Mr. and Mrs, J. Fred Pingree en-| NEW YORK (AP)—In what fash-|a term appropriate for the space; Nothing was as it seemed to be.|s.tained at a dinner at Pingr ene Indian raw silks in rich jeweled|jn Salt Lake City on Monday eveion can you spell out womanliness? | age. om r€ Club her’ an morous . 9 ae Tiel Were 56 attending. ,.".| The Exchange nas as yet so friendly Reena io Pike the Ogden food; = EEC TABOANALE. fot ROE Golighttal stallation dinner at the club on|~ ond story, recently added to the ae Joe Ropelato, kitchen. of the Church. ae event is set for next Sunday, retin A highlight of the event will be Mrs. George Coray is chairman, | the showing of slides on a recent n, 28, with a payee dinner be-| tour to Europe by Ralph Russo. assisted by Mrs. Silvio Parisi. . ing featured at 6 p. : of sau |*. e e | eng al ce etna ove cm women. of the they visited daughindusifial Cb ladies. held iteTheerat ain ter-in-law, Mr. their and son Mrs. andJohn M./ner for the Osmond MacNeur Jr. i Phoenix, They alag| Grthers veiiateoed aimee ne a Cee elt to bathroom, beds and linen; and house-warming the ae Wagner ado Mary's Catholie Church, preparing to bring some article of linen for | talent of. your| brought inroads into equality for women, the oe. over, when it comes right } spent some time with the H. R.|evening and Bernie Diamond emin Ou se War Di n ner an | | d mM g Mermans in Sun cei. jhe Mer-| ceed the event. Carl Olsen, presi-| as with a mem-| 1 Members of the parish are in-| Others serving on the committee Recetas _PRE-NUPTIAL Ce el oe and are, chair-| PARTIES Mie eee in charge. Gift certifibers of the Altar Society of the St. } vited to attend and each is asked! in charge are Mrs. Herman H. Vel-| Miss Jul ‘i e presented to the ladi is much Her ror d can even lure a paroled lifer back | ;, bathe, behind the gray walls as a visitor. is a battle. ful cate ee La mee Mit ase 2s hee never eee ek Lake Mormon Tabernacle| ———_———— may have won your West with their |" account of the language. She Lobaine is married to CBS p 1 : guns and ther fists. and’ ther sone oe is all oF them 8 flue ntly. ducer-writer Mike Grilikhes, a im Fun Ss Cheaper Re aoe of tere fought} ae and her= mother, They ideals. the women!and their Out hearts Be their born ee French ae with ; UCK Pot he ees ihe Romina Frison 1 HOLLYWOOD (AP) — Movi have such magic appeal that tothe does What they won was more than land, | (escent, alsois i interested in writing | vert, eae éisa air ofcon They were responsible for the first ae cting. Her sister and two| tps Church, nS North- MRS. LELAND SANDERS ae to right), ie Herman Velasquez and Mrs. George | be given by these three hostesses. andEast-West: Mrs. John First, Bull. Mrs. George aud ais Clyde. HL. Horsley. volta and linen party for the for epeeecto. linen Claeeeh ‘om bi wrap bedroom Coray ee con oF andMore. Cadisle aye Le ARIZONA ee ee ee : : by He Johny ii. dineNetrs ee am Me ‘sn ae : =— va Th , scattered. here and there also lent| South: First, Mrs. Ronald Wadsworth, Mrs. Adelbert C. Brown: as. : This lovely star, whom-one : forit, I'm oe I'm especially interested in co tne ae isting charm to the setting. This was the first of a series to | second, see, aca are Said afternoon x Pee erate fee oe her new Mrs. J. Quill Nehaker “GateHetmetl oe: “Sg laughter, Lisa Kay Deya eee te warmth cn aire aoe pane tableof the The duplicate bridge tournament oe ce ic ite Beate of| an alia cutwork and lace cloth, | was in full sway on Tuesday at the and an epergne a snged with fruit | Ogden Golfan aney Club with and flowers accented with lavender | 40 participan candles. Tiny Dresden nosegays ose ans Stuart Whitm. so in- you when she talks to you, they| g ee gue theynow “The men am hae oe i = pee with SS Oo M early history were fabulous,” she| awards at the Venice and Cannes /| from the braye and’ bold roles they ae as we talked on the M-G- M lot. | Film Festivals. She ae has been | played in early history here,” for ), re efaevisiled er ierendson, and vile aea ig on her a Parolee Returns (Beauty Call im | oon HA GURUREEP, wo OC un- | Brid ee : : ie Hanging Tree’’ tht terest in the background of Ame everywhere,” she women “And:“owe Maria to the eye of the| said, i ae ca.acesMost foreignerst ‘forge merican. public. Her role as the| a great d eb ot zat as | caning. by Gary Cooper,..was| tude to the Americ “a A |ca outstanding. 2 et-richdent us:fr the shecesl, s ae Setarhay : her one ee She surprises d her during her stay { “but invariably there have been S ‘country, | \ aria“He does a marvels portrayal,” not forget, says she is happy to said, “He should get tad ‘Ainetich RS Ld hu, besides ‘her ‘screen here was Mrs. Kathryn at her home to celebrate the oc- a Orewine Seine ime Salem,cam Driscoll casion. OGDEN VISITOR Shel hasof been H Mrs. Milton ith her few sister, ha TPasehiaulatine! di 8 when West blue-green’ eyes have won atteeiee feignaacda<thh GUESTS _ Sa¥ing Pardoe Maria Schell, Vienna-born, ‘is one | heralded women who spurted: the a oT Between pictures we ike in a shine of Ei urope’s most charming. stars. men onto Hee ie accom ishments.’ Hee friendi ie ond Maria’s latest film is “The Mark” villa ‘in Muchen, Germany,” she 7 ly smile and. sincere,| ji de in Ireland. “she ib etaered Bld ote de very beaut fikeeats an| . . . To numerous hello! invited a few guests in for luncheon| By Alice ; Pa i EF R i TO | «BBC Neve: S00 |» | ash i Se ince. KNAK—1280 6 am. is. Sinset Music—News—Sports oe pe .m. | 4 4 is CS age s ie i |