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Show .30, 194! Sate, San Le Daron and Gale Jensen play leads in the school play, "Crine and Punisiment", vy waich ing. Fecdor Dostoevski, opens a two night run this evenTen other students complete the cast, liiss Johnson, .en Lomond's new drama teacner, “directs the P Layer: Sendra Dol son ani arvara ‘ennett assist ner as student directors. Tne play takes place in the nine teentn century. The play shows the Ruse Sian people at that time. The tineliness of the play adds to the interest of the plot. Students will receive free adnis~Sion witi the presentation of a studente bedy card, while the general puvlic will pay one dollar. esrTrit sent MOS. West January, San a play. This play however, it will tO Le is COME» waron will prenot yet chosen, be a comedy, "Ask Any Also in the drama department, the debate groups are forming. The American Provlems classes heard deuvetes on Federal Aid to Education on Novenuer 16th. -en Lomond will compete witu Ogden and .onneville ligh Schools in the college tournament in February. Jane Kern,David Pettinsill, Carol Sorenson and Sam Le uaron directed one act plays in the drama class during the week of November 12-26, Tnese are only a few of the many activities that are taking place in our crama department. They nave a fult line 1,62 school ea for year, : the A ee —~— rest bei PUBLICATION. of the'1$61~ i eeae er PAGE 4 _ BYU SENDS TRAINEE Joseph Tomlison, a cadet teacher from “irigham Young University will spend ive weeks at ~en Lomond teaching under tue supervision of Hiss Moyes and lHir, Soyle, ix, Tomlison enjoys participating in athletic events as well as watching them. In his spare time, he and lir, -oyle engage in other activities dealing with sports, He likes to listen to concerts especially the Utah Symphony. After com=- pleting a two and mission in visiting Frias, dents, South a half year America, he Santiago, one of the home our foreign PRY YOUR ARYS L.D.S, toured Chile of Gabriiela exchange stu- DOMEST, MERE The annual wietty Crocker tUomenaker Tomorroy Test will Le given Deomber 5, {en Lomond Illich School, This test, open to all senior girls, tests the ability and attitudes of teens all over the country, General ifills will give prizes to the winners on the school, state and naof at Girl’ and "The Importance of »eing Larnest"’ are the top choices Try-outs for this new play will take place some tine within the next two weeks, of activities OE me RATED bach month Len Lonond's journalisna class sends tne school publication, TLL! HIGJLANDUN, to the National Scholastic Yress Association for ratings according to nacional standards. fnis association renders constructive criticism and helps to hundreds of Scnool papers, magazines and yearLooks throughout the country. Jstaslisned in 1/21, the WSPA has served tue schools of the country for forty years in raising the standards of material set down by high schools and collevzes, en Tonond joined the ranks of ilayeong® Sccolastic Press menvlers last yer" «and carries the insignia of memversnip ries on uer pages, CORRECTION S.m Le Buron will present his three act comedy, ‘dam's .vening,"'within three weeks following Christmas vacation. Miss Johi.son will direct the sbowa- mest toned play latex in the year. } ce FULL YEHR “HEAL FOR UISAMA CEU the SE LOWL ANDER tional vasis with ting receiving a MAKING booklet, SENICR each girl GUIDE TO PROJECT participa- LETTER UNDER wWoMi- WAY Ben Lomond's upper classuen are collecting money for their as yet undecided senior project, Loyd Andrews,Sharon Dodce, and«Dale Thonpson urge all students to drop their ideas into the Scottie Sugrestion ‘ox by the -uditoriun. Some theorical suj.estions are tennis courts or a 3,L, for the top of the school, of Weber The latter tligh's i, CHEM would LAB be in the order HOPPIN’ The chemistry lavoratory at en Lomond this year opens the door to a new world of chemicals, atoms, molecules and elements, Students experinenting in the laboratory must leave ail carelessness outside Dibienwara One girl in fifth period chenistry and one in fourth period had to replace vurette clamps Decause the solder melted walle supporting a test tube over a unsen ovurner flame, Short thistle tuies sparsely appear in class because too anxious Scets have broken them while trying to force them into rubver stopper holes, One Loy even cracked a thistle tube beyond further use but will replace it with one of two he has at bone, One of the JIGIULANDER editors cooled a pyrex test tuve with cold water and cracked the “unbreakable” tube wiiile a junior in fourta did the sane, One boy in fourth perio: orcke three vottles and a thistle tule using an experineoti Rew DOW LT VISE ‘CRIMP ee | heeded “uID PUNISAMRNT" etonight bn 03 25, ee st NOVEMBER |