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Show Section 4. ficio 7 The president shall be an ex-of and Student Council. Pep and ion, bly, Elect member of Finance, Social, Assem r of alt He will be an ex-officio membe assembly committees. to vote as a member in The president has the right CG. and all committees board tive execu student council, student ; member. of which he is an ex-officio q assume, temporarily, the The vice president shall D. The vice presi absence. his g durin t iden pres a duties of the Assembly committee. shall be a member of the committees. and chairman Body Officers Student and sent by the received accessible shall handle ARTICLE Section g the year. students activities held durin activities and serve as a history of student 1 chairman Committee. Social activities encourage to for each class Article VIII. seniors. Section principal 3. to 5. ° The encourage president, and of the Boys' Starting with secretary; Association the A faculty member serve as advisor. year shall and shall who be A. E be 56, they shall t appointed the The Boys! ys' Associati i sopieval the of ee the faculty Association shall serve shall to advisor as by the a C. Bronce j 2 Association offi cers, facult alternate from ewe advi , j or are enrolled of the Girls! among the cake j The president _ iati -- of the Girls' . necessary VI with The the oe Association approval Executive of shall the Board Membershiv: ; shall See consist of nine members as ody officers, president of the Sophomore d Senior classe i presidents of the Boys' Association ksenclation. Girls! an S e When sig eles as prescribed in 1955- 6. 1. B. Al attendan shall be shall duti ies activities Section Junior, Association. of this organization with ounselor girls ARTICLE Association Boys! of the The officers vice by the members Section Sectic ion : advisors. Boys' IV y members automaticallbe Section 2. or more classeSe l All boys of Ben Lomond High Schoo Section 1. one follows: ARTICLE president, 4s serve to S where ingssor.when ever Gy call meetadvi one OF more fae shall appoint 4 . The Girls! s' representative _— shall be & respective to their relat sve The principal Section 3. members class officers The duties of the 2. Section : 4 Junior, and Seni Officers of the Sophomore, Section l. and secretary ~ t, iden pres ice v Classes shall be president, ed in Articl crib pres as s c lasse elected by their respective VIII. Section ected one ee Boys' A Ss es eiabexa. Girls! c The woman Section 3. Association, Svs! Officers Class III ARTICLE elect an wh ere of Ben L omond High ; Sch of the Girls! een. See girls consist of filed He shall serve% rian. with the Ben Lomond High School Libra of the be and plies peetion a The officers of this organization shall be a. vice president, and secretary; who shall be elect y the members of the Girls' Association as prescribed i er Article Starting with the year 1955-56, ’ the y Saat a, VIII. shall be Assembl shall All : automatically be members all associated The historian shall keep a record ofThe books shall F. 1. V shall advisor, advisory each of the necessary whenever advisor. student and of the r The secretary shall be a tiembe of the Elections committee. ; meetings Council faculty from The president Section 6. call corresp all Association officers, The duties of the Section 5. encourage activities among the to minutes of all Student E. The secretary shall keep the 7 ngs and general meeti il Counc nt Stude and Executive Board to all member: which shall be The secretary Boys' representative or alternate or more boys are enrolled. Clans. assemblies in books of the association. The Association Boys' the es y Th i. a Mist first of the in r the ee es ire i e Student Executive Board must be in ings, and excuse will be acceptable faculty advisor of the Board. are shall have power to interpret onl and : itution of the Ben Lomond High’School Associated usiness to be presented before student council previewed and approved by the Executive Board : 3 |