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Show iti peas Sako : eigsvatt a ‘ oea Spee gae e aae Saaf omonis' Varsity Basket eS : Richard Sava need .icnsen Sr. Sr. Dave liensen Vern Grazer uoznon Morrisson Sr. Sr. Sr. Dale Thompson Arnie Garr Steve Luthy Steve Daniels John lliggins Steve Blood Paul Richardson Organize instead Members ef of tact Miss Ileszler as second 0 ot" 0 §'10" dt. 0 5°10" Sr, 0 0 6*0" o*r" con- points, East in Ben Lemond second lovember 29, placewlth was the final match, held at Ben Lomond and this concluded the Interstate competition, PRE-SEASON BAS’ TBALL GAMES School Where | Date Box Elder Box Elder Dec. 1 Olympus Olympus «= yec, 3 Tooele Hast South Caabe Logan Ben Lomond Tooele Ben Lomond Nov, Dec, Dec, 30 7 12 Dec, 14 Dec, 19 Dec, Jane Jan, Jan, 21 4 11 25 Feb, Feb, lL §& Feb. 17 to do the best job SWIMING TEAM SCHEDULE 1961—62 | WA" and "B" MEET BL. & LOGAN B,L.H. & EAST © Bx-Elder @ Logan @ EAST JUDGE @S.L,C. MEMORIAL Bel,H. & B,E.H, INVITATIONAL MEET B.L,H. and B.E.H. B,L,H. and BLR,H,. INVITATIONAL MEET To be announced REGIONAL MEET STATE Judge Memorial Dennis Wimmer the TOOLLE B,L,H, BYL.H, B,L,H, @ ~ TIME: is @ Bx Elder @ @ @ @ later @ Logan MEET DENNIS WIMMER ROBERT WESTON KIRK LAUGHTER RON MUSSELMAN DAVID HAYMES BRYAN BOGGS HERB CARR points, Ben Lomond in third with points, Jlighland in Fourth with points, Logan in sixth place with points, and West in seventh place 3189 points. Ben Lomond scered 96 points out of first place and juat seven points out of second place. South Cache Logan Alumni are determined Bee 7:00 Captain 7? unless Home p,m, of Swim Team, MEMBERS; 3315 $803 3242 3238 with Wednesday, emis AXl meets will start at 3:45 School notifies otherwise, placed third with 1665 points. The Interstate standing after two matches, placed Ogden in first place and 3404 5*10" Sr. as pessible, place, 3°10" 1 Soph. Ben Lomond's ROTC Rifle Team placed third in the Interstate hifle match held in Salt Lake City, levember ro : | Ogden toak first place with 1738 points. ilighland follewed with 1667 for 0 5 ie" sts 5 *10" 61" 671” 5'10" oa" and Dec. Dec. _. Dec, 7 8 14 Dec. Dec. 21 26 oS G'S" G*%" S35" et)" teams, seon wae oo" a 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 i joining, j aie = ~Veo 0 Program in ae COMS Jd. Jr. JIL. JY. Jt. Jr, Jr. the Intramural Program Crawford manages. _ Giris' interested viewer os ‘ Jr. meetan Thursday at 8:00 p.m. in the gymnasium te play in teams of ten, Mary Streng is the president of the Intramural program while Claudette peints DAS I team be 1 1 0 The girls' Physical education department organized an Intramural program which will cansist of Volley Ball, Basketball, Softball, and sports for ine dividuals Se ca sr F 1 "The fellows have a good attitude can this year;!} OR said ne EN coach Berrett, eee IR oe Girls ore ” aa Sr. Taylor fhey 7. Bt. Val Southwick Douglas ‘oward Eric. lard Clive Ingram Gordon .iancock Orleff Opeikens ilarold Prince Willie ee FERRON WIMMER PHIL DUNCAN PICK PLEDGER MIKE DEAMER FRITZ SMOLA MIKE HILL BOYD COLE : i |