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Show 2D OGDEN STANDARD-EXAMINER OGDEN, UTAH, SUNDAY MORNING, NOV. li, |Gold Star |DEAR ABBY 1962 ~ Woman Wasteful - Mothers To Install With Relief Fund — By Abigail Van Buren how do | get out’ ae (signed) San DEAR ABBY: A woman who Diego lives down the street from us is DEAR ABBY: I am a junior in om relief, has two Princess telehigh school and am writing for phones and pay $80 a month for her apartment. She keeps a bum others as well as myself. Do you she calls her “husband,” This see anything wrong with a boy bum she keeps has a wife and and girl walking down the hall three children, and you won’t be- with his arm around her waist? lieve this but she pays his wife’s (Not real tight.) If it is wrong, alimony out of her welfare check please tell me why. There has| so he won't get arrested for non- been a lot of comment about this support. She has four children of at our school lately. FRUSTRATED her..own who are the hungriestDEAR FRUSTRATED: “While looking kids on the block. She it may not be “wrong,” it is in drives a new car and is having bad taste. Caress your books trouble making the payments. Reand embrace your studies, spectable citizens like ourselves pay .taxes. to support trash like CONFIDENTIAL TO “E”: her. How does the welfare departGrief knits two hearts in closer ment let people like that get away bonds than happiness ever can. with it is what I’d like to know? TAXPAYER (wn ioe : your mind? For a son send a self- ddressed, DEAR TAXPAYER: If only EH aa venelbat ae Abby, Box 3365, | half of what you say is true, Beyarly Hills, Calif. your local welfare department would appreciate the information, DEAR ABBY: This is for the Ogden Chapter Gold Star Mothers of America Inc., will hold a luncheon, followed by installation of officers for the ensuing year,. Tuesday at 1 p.m. at Harman’s ‘Cafe, 1412 Washington. Mrs. Dorothy Shank, depart-| ment president, will be the installing officer. New officers to be installed are Mrs. Alice Scilley, president; Mrs. Frank C. Davis, first vice president; Mrs. Isabella Hunter, secj|ond vice president; Mrs. Lorna Pideock, treasurer; Mrs. Herbert. Garr, secretary; Mrs. Mabel Pettit, chaplain; Mrs. Alida Norda, musician; Mrs. Aleen Olson, sunshine chairman; Mrs. Mary Felix, color guard; Mrs, Owen Fox, ban. ner guard; Mrs. Juanita Hanson, sergeant at arms; Mrs. Felix, historian, and Mrs. Myrtle Hatch, hospital chairman. . Garr, president during the past year, requests that all members be present. Delta Chapter Sets Luncheon On Saturday Club Women To Hear Talks person who said he didn’t believe’ you really get some of the letters you print in your column. Jus send him to me, Abby. I have MRS. J. LYLE MASON, Mrs. Dale P. Toone and ‘as, C.K Cordray. ( lejt to ‘tight) been a clerk in a large store for designate world-wide scope to be emphasized in the program at the YWCA World many years and some of the conOgden District of the Utah Fed‘Fellowship brunch Thursday. The November luncheon meeting versations I hear are absolutely eration of Women’s Clubs will hold unbelievable! One customer was of the Delta Chapter of the Delta its first meeting of the new seatrying to select a sympathy card. Kappa Gamma Society will be son Monday at 1:30 p.m. in the I showed her one which read, held at the Threshold Saturday at Council Room, sixth floor of the oe of you today.’’ Then | Municipal Building. p.m. she said — “But Le won't get the Mrs. Jack Bg saa presiMRS. ELLIOTT F. FOWERS Mrs. Mildred Quinn, dean of the a antl TOMORROW!’ i ‘dent, will pre M. E. T. University of Utah School of NursThe eae will include talks | DEAR M. E. T.: Some people ing, will discuss the subject, “New by Mrs. Robert F. McConnell, diHealth, nutrition and vocational _are funniest when they are in An invitation is extended to the; Thredgold, Mrs. Dale Toone and, Horizons for Women in the Field vision state chairman on recreadead earnest. | once heard from itraining are stressed, and homeyublie to attend the YWCA World| Mrs. James D. Wright. tion and forestry, and Sgt. F. of Science.” en and refugees are| _a young man who wrote, “Dear fellowship Brunch to be held! World Fellowship Week is held less Comstock of. avy Marine Mrs. Charles W. Powell, presiAbby: I joined the Navy to see in November by the cared Thursday between the hours of | annually Training Center, who will discuss {1 a.m. and 1 p.m. at the home of | YWCA in 71 countries to give spe- | The YWCA of the U.S.A., as a the world. I’ve seen it... now dent, will preside. “Courtesy and Respect for the Virs. Harmon Williams, 1409 oe cial emphasis to the worldwide member of the World YWCA, with |The committee in charge of arae Flag.” ork of the Association. Contri- | headquarters in Geneva, Switzertn an impressive Getiaing cere- tendants, Miss Ina Jean Sanders | Mrs. tidge Drive L. Cragun, Weber rangements for the affair includes Serving as chairman for the| juin raised at special events jland, takes responsibility sount mony performed in St. Joseph's , as maid ‘of honor, Mrs. Cody RecMiss Jean Binnie, chairman, Mrs. Catholic Church, the former Miss| tor, Miss Corliss Fowers and Mrs. County Civil Defense Center, will o orunch is Mrs. C. K.. Cordray. held during this week by the ‘the Mutual Service Program give suggestions on the self-medL. W. Glissman, Miss Nellie Marlene toe eae gone of Thomas Martinez. Little Janis ical health training course, which Members of her committee in- YWCA members throughout the | the world organization for oe W. Simone, 2590| Fowers was flower girl. .| world make _ possible advisory ‘ing contributions which help asclude Mrs. Stanley Dee, Hendricks, Mrs. Clifford B. Doxey, Mr. and M will train people to care for themservice program in grants and | sociation work in 24 countries. the bride of, | Best man duties were performed selves. 0 Mrs. A. F. Rynders and Mrs. Sue Buchanan, oe . | training of leaders, or a combina- | For further information call Elliott F. Fowers, son of Mr. and, iby Eddie R. Simone, brother of All club presidents and chairThe Ogden District Dental As- Peterson. the YWCA, EX 3-0297. William V. Starley, Mrs. Delwyn tion of these aids. Mrs. Frank Fowers of Royo, the bride. Ushers were Mike men are expected to be present. sistants Society will hold its reg- Reservations may be made by Officiating at the double-ring Wuebker, Clark Taylor and Thom: | — ular monthly busiziess meeting at calling Miss Binnie, EX 4-6466. as Martinez. rites was Msgr. P. F. Kennedy, page LT a the Health Center, 26th and Grant, ne Rev. James Semple assist2 the evening following the Monday at 7:30 p.m. edding, the young couple reThe bride’s gown was a lovely ceived ‘guests at a reception at Miss Karla Milligan, president, ereation of brocade satin, fashthe Hains House. A wedding breakWhile in India, they spent time visits from some of “their family. will preside. With election in the fadeout... Ladies Auxiliary to the Order of ioned with pearl bead trim and a fast was given at the Mansion Ogdenites relax for a bit, prior to in Bombay, New Delhi, Agra, Be- Mr. and Mrs. Deric Hopkins (Pam Miss Contie Beyda, piesidante graceful chapel train. A dainty House, with parents of the bride- Railroad Conductors and Braketheir preparing for that “big nares and Calcutta, where they Bingham) of Colorado Springs, men will hold a 12 noon luncheon elect, will introduce the speakers Members of the Coronet Club bridal crown released her sheer | groom as hosts. day” . Thanksgiving! . ae social Wednesday in the IOOF Colo., have been spending some for the prigram | will meet Tuesday at 8 p.m. at’ fingertip veil.The Val A. Brownings have saw people... people... Out of state guests for the wedIn’ identically: styled green bro- ‘ ine included Mrs. Joseph Christime with them. ... : Dr. William R. “Egbert will speak the Mountain Fuel Supply Audibeen enjoying a visit from their people The regular business meeting W ere the bridal” at- tian, sister of the bride, from Other interesting places they son-in-law, Edmund W. Dumke Here for Thanksgiving are Mr. on the subject of cancer. An open |, torium. will be held at 2 p.m., along with were. Rangoon, Burma;. and Mrs. N. Barry Bingham and discussion wiil follow of Greenwich, Conn. He plans visited Biloxie, Miss.; Mr. and Mrs. Jo- election of officers. « holiday ideag | Bangkok, Thailand; Hong: Kong Mrs. David C. Peterson, Weber | A demonstration on to be here a week.. - seph Scavo, Mr. and Mrs. Vander Committee members. are Mrs. baby son, Chris, of Sacramento, Connie rr education chairman will be given by’ Lou ‘Ann K. Time to Call Chief topic of conversation in and Formosa. -Smaldone, Mrs, George Jurata’ Winn Funk, Mrs. Paul We ‘They also enjoyed several cities Calif, They are house guests of of the Amprican Cancer Society, Christmas. the home is the news of their new ae Morris yee ‘Mrs, Tim K “Ag: soon a5 an eiizagerient~ is /and Mrs. ‘Mary Thum, all of Dengrandchild, Amelia Carol Jones. in Japan including Osaka, Kyoto, the Binghams and of Mrs. Bing- will show @ film on the same subaa Colo. Mrs, A. J Tobias, Mrs. DJ. Mrs. Paul, Southwick, chapean: announced the parents of the She was born Nov. 1, to Dr. and Miyanshita, Hakone, Tokyo and ham’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. es will be assisted by Mrs. Arch G.. groom-to-be call upon the parents| The newlyweds are makin te Mier Nie ¢. E: Cole and 1s Hakone, Tokyo and Mikchafman and plans for the Mrs. Leon Lloyd Jones of Notting- roma Lowes, home’ in ee Terra of the bride-to-be. . ko, and then flew home by way of Philo Peterson. yarty will be an- | Webb and Mrs. Robert L. West. : icine ham, Eng! nounced. Ms. ae is the former Judy Honolulu. TO THE DESERT | TiNprespsea They were especially impressed ear bok will be distributed es is doing| Brown: : Dr. and Mrs, Charles: ¢. _ Hetzel with the graciousness, cleanliness an hments will be served. : he piaeeres ‘work at the. University eed Jy. ertal assistants are ton of Nottingham. He is a son of Mr. and culture of Greece, and agree st -weel Las. iful Taj. Mahal fh attend, Guests are invited.— and Mrs. Leo mn “Jones of Cald- that the beautifu Agra, India, was one of the seven ‘there they attended t well, Idaho. } i NBG wonders of the world. They also tion of the cee poe OGDEN “visitor were impressed by the devotion | ¢ciety. ‘Planning entertainment! . i of the Indian people to religion, | FO: NORTHWEST For her sister-in-law, Miss Belle and were interested in the many Hetzel, is Mrs, C. C. Hetzel. Miss burning gats at Congress-elect Laurence Burton ae all along Hetzel plans an enjoyable visit) the Ganges Rive and Mrs. Burton have left for a before returning ig her home in “We were fascinated with the trip to Seattle, Wash, They plan Burton’s brother, Omaha, Neb. Klongs in Bangkok with their ‘to visit Mr. The wt University Club many floating Siieter Mrs. Tom, whois working on his Ph.D. will hold a reception for memCOUNTRY CLUB Lambert. said, “and we think! at University of Washington there. bers and past presidents WednesA duplicate bridge six-week Hong Kong is the most exciting day at 7 p.m. at the Threshold. | FROM WEST COAST tournament was started last Tues- place in the world with its old and An interes ing evening has been ‘Saying hello! . . . To her reladay at the Ogden Golf and Coun- the new and its sophistication. It’s try oe Re Mrs. Harry Elcock the cross roads of the world.” . . ives and friends ‘here has been planned. A ‘book review will be given by Miss Dora Coffman. and J. M. Crutcher in The Lamberts also felt that Jap- Mrs. Olive Gay Salmon of San Officers and directors are in oe Forty-eight participated an was an especially beautiful, Francisco, She has been a house guest of her sister, Mrs. Etta charge of atrangements. in the second game of the series| clean and ambitious country.. Miss Helerz, Woodcock, chairand also enjoyed luncheon. . . They were joined on the trip by Shupe, and batten: Gene Gay, man, will be assisted by Mary The week’s activities at the rs. Lambert’s _ brother-in-law for the past:w Mrs. Salmon alk has been visit- Leon Cooper, Miss Mabel Lesher, club were climaxed on Saturday and sister, Mr.:and Mrs, A. U. Norma ing another sister, Mrs. Nicholas Mrs. Clara Manning, Miss with the monthly birthday dinner Miner of Salt Lake De G. Smith in Salt Lake City. She Stewart, Mrs. Agnes Rynders and dance. Approximately 65 were | plans to return home on Monday, Miss Ione Jensen. honored for having birthdays in Reservations may be made with the month of November. The 200 Family et le Norman after a stay in Utah for six Miss Jensen, EX 2-13 attending danced to the tunes’ of B. Binghams have been enjoying weeks. the Four Sounds. YWCA to Mark Fellowship Week, eS Annual Brunch Planned Thursday St Joseph's Church Is Scene of Nuptials Dental Group Sets Meeting PERSON’ TO” PERSON Railway Group Plans Luncheon Coronet Club Meets Tuesday OC tnekoy, Club 4 Sets Reception On Wednesday AN EXCITING ORIGINAL “MOOD Ww as Mixes w Dutch-topping cake mixes . in three flavors, apple spice, tseotch crunch with almonds, innamon raisin. Each takes ute of hand mixing, with n of only 1 egg and water. “ toppings are baked LUSTROUS Lace-Lavished JACQUARDS by Cordulon® VAIGLON Robe Now frilled with dainty lace... This robe of wonderful nylon tricot. Turquoise red, mocha. L‘Aiglon sets the scene for allurement with two gracefully slender fashions of cordulon®, the fluffy lightweight nylon ribbed like corduroy. And the lace-trimmed pajamas are of matching See Ea aA Pajamas SORE NI and AGP Arts International will meet Monday at 8 p.m. for a business meeting at the home of Mrs. Graham F. Shirra, 971 Bel Mar Drive, with Mrs, Roger Waterfall as noe hostess. tural classes, hostesses for “963 and the ‘special - Christmas meeting will be discussed. ’ Mrs. Shirley Danielson, cultural chairman, will introduce Mrs. Lynn W. Harris, who will instruct the group in voice production. She also will instruct the members in part singing of Christmas carols for the holidays. Mrs. Harris was soloist with the BYU a cappella choir and has had leading roles in four of the avery 6 operas. She also served on the BYU faculty as graduate oe in voice. Mrs. Harris also sang a leading role in the production of “All Faces West’? and is currently instructing the Glee Club. at St. Toseph’s High School. She sang ith the Ogden Choral the past sar andd will give a recital in rise, Idaho, the latter part of is mon HENSON’S ee Brarg% On Monday IN OUR- 4 . Kae SCE Arts Group Sets Meeting IS HERE = WORLD TOUR Around the World! . . . Pro- vided an exciting by jet for the Paul H. Lam They boarded dis iy at New York and landed in Paris, France. From there they went to Rome, Italy; ees Greece; over to Cairo, E: ; Saudi, Arabia, and then into ae India,® lustrous jacquard-patterned rayon and silk. The mo od : and the look are delightfully oriental... perfect now ,through _the holidays, and on into spring. Coral, turquoise, Dress with locale- changing jacket. $35.95 gold, beige. Sizes 10 to 18. Mandarin- collared Robe, 14.95 Pajamas, $7.95 sheath front. with tucked $25.95 |