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Show 1961 September High school teams’ aban Here Friday Hedin This contest is xlso set for 8 p.m. “The Spartans — already ’‘hold one Two complete theit’ pre-season foot:| “One game’ is scheduled here tonight, ‘while the others will be played Friday.” -. Tonight, The -powertul West High victory this season SIWOLV ONITAAVE oer 1961 over a Region Two. club—the new Clearfield High | —but, face a: more forsaksable foe in. Bonneville.» ~ : The Lakers have: ‘good: depth, Panthers invade Ogden for. a game with Ben Lomond: This * is something that paid off im :earlier against Tooele and’ Murscheduled for 8'p.m. in den Sta- sere And their pre-season showing ‘dium. © fdicates that they will be a defThe Panthers have won two| straight so far in practice games inite contender- for. region honors | and are figured to be the power this fall. Weber High, which. made a bril‘this year in Region Three. | ge Late in the game, Ben Lomond The losers gave up the bal twice made its final bid to dent the West on fumbles, another two times ie to goal line by traveling to the enemy interceptions and West managed block Ben. Lomond kicks twice, geo 2 D. three | Freshman Sddent Given High Honor at College Chris Kotok, again’ see son of Mr. and Mrs. E. §S. Kotok, 1689 Canyon Road, is among 38 freshmen students of. Whitman _ lege, Walla Walla, | one to Teceive honors at en-| The honor “recognizes “outstandin high school hol achiev ement am Bie too freshmen in the 305. RY ea at the the ‘college. & Pa gy | oe ME SACL RETR 6 14 60S A shining light all, evening iong Ben Lomond ...... oe Oe ave: for the scoreless Scotties was their ; a oruneweys 10 run Csi captain Richard Sawa_who pull an outstanding job on defense, par+... | ticularly. covering down field on _ | punts, and Ogden to fly: the | once in the only two passes Ben Lomond PF West—Den, traffie divis High, 20 but an interception ended that threat. managed to complete and also did The Scots, on the other hand, have! liant showing last week in holding a ‘small and inexperienced club. the powerful Granite Farmers to a But. Ben Lomond looked impressive 7-7 deadlock, travel to. Salt .Lake at times against North Cache last City Friday, for a 3 p.m, game week, so could give West a real against Highland at Westminster battle: The Scots have a 1-1 Tee: College... Stadium. ‘Weber, after losing its opener to ord so far this season. © The only undefeated teams in the ‘Glympus, came up with ,@ solid defense to hold Granite, in:ats own region, Ogden and Bonneville, have ‘games scheduled: here in Meier! territory most of. the. evening. Friday. TRAVELS TO: IDAHO Onten will meet Box Elder ines Davis, which now’ a 1-1 recannual pre-season . skirmish | ca will travel to’ Idaho Falls, these two clubs have played stare! Idaho,’ this weekend for its game. thrillers in recent years. Ogden has: At Garland-Tremonton, the Bear polished off two Salt Lake City high River Bears will host Cyprus at schools—South’ and. East—ini:postp.m ing a perfect record. Box Elder, the 8 The Bears lost to West two weeks defending state champion, dropped ago, but then came back last week its opener to Jordan, but came back to hand the big South Cubs a 7-0 last week to. defeat: Granger. Sate at. Teams from Radion Six open their ACROSS TOWN The Ogden-Bee game will begin, le ague campaigns Friday. The schedule in that region is: Morgan at 8 p.m. in Ogden Stadium: North Summit, Wasatch at Across town in the Weber Col- at lege Stadium, the Bonneville Lakers Grantsville, and South Summit at meet South Cache from ‘Region One: Judge Memorial. hers Sco ts’ . wees re-Season Grid. Game -‘guiorpeut ‘ Tigers, Bonneville ¥ UL pasn St qf Moy pue uOIssy pue UoTerped 19ud ) JO sadAy 104}0 YITM MOY : oy -YBNoy) peseerar St AB10ue JTUIOTeTWOJE JO ay ASZJoUa aurepuny ey} ureld Yf Moy Pp sereduioo gee Host paliabend Tonight; pall’ schedules this’ weekend. 22, Friday LP 21, “spay Jeqjo. pue..Axysnpur September Thursday 7 run (Sahni). West—Greenburg, . 10 run (John: oe Rice est—Greenburg,3g, failed). 12 : hh S 4 fam ~ | | |