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Show Diy ae January January 4, 1962 cuit Se RE Re UE 5, 1962 Friday Thursday tea, glen mG pax | } > ve i? 5 'Ss Scots, “nate* Bears’ ‘ gig hes t Bourtitul High h rent favorite to Tigers=" racticg iy ee mF ‘didi School” the * ‘ -Ontest. tagiales z Seaside cur- At | ah ‘Ogden by. i Pir a ie r i | ! . a | en) || me) HI) i a Bit lh | | . iit of a half game, ‘but ‘he hit 32 points. ' =» be ac he ine ha Visas co Se a tclide aa BPA os Pe cha cap a *) EEL ; : (a sats tT * pa Roe : nts: frot 1/7 gD ees : Jen ti-| Ene) oie ‘ 1 of Utah contributed- ‘io the ¢ Library’s' two-month » 7,936 items checked out, erence . desk. ' Weber »College people” ‘used the reference library 1,490 times to lead the list daring. ‘November and De-| oy ‘as usevof this fi a: 84, ; YY, es om 4 wii young Falcons don’t iy size nor shooting ability to Lilt 15, | quist 8 a | v0 ‘eerie of sewing School, 4. m., Lor. These | High ability, will ones in recent years. Another league game Ogden ae i, y a : Anderson “oth as as in-| -in- classes will be held ne pe. Starting Thurs- ne furniture classes is ean can. get past Bonne- ; paign as it meets the defending champion Davis Darts. The Darts dropped their first game of the season, but came back last” week to whip Bonneville. Ogden does not have a ‘aie game this week, but will take: on the strong Bear River Bears in a repair and held Mon-; e if it ot Region Two game is’ schedul ee Clearfield. In _ that one, ees eons will go after their first league victory of the cam- ‘the cost of materials | vill be held in this same on u Arlo Fel Ben Lo-| will -be ther. practice re at $ P. m. on the’ en T Regn. ¢ One, four ikaink play | gton Junior High re - 10, with Fred Corra oe a can move into a first place tie with | "the : | in The Bra awh regarded as the team to beat in the Region Two race, = "will be held Wed-. ; at 8 p.m. played in the Bonneville High gym where the Lakers host. Bountiful. Hig gh 1 School, with Merrill f mat battle | game that should be close. These two clubs have played some Bood | fee for the sewing be ames and a’ prac- tice ean : played by high a4 feats _in Ogden tonight. . and Ben Lomond, a Gane of rivals of about equal | 8, 7 to 9 p.m:,, r ¢ next ay: Washington Junior : “Peterson, instructor; Bish, Gwennith, Chris; Central Junior e der, instructor. asses will start Wednes0 and the hours will be 9 Ogden High School, 7. & brraine Grames, in- : sch ‘that won’t give up. The Darts need this one if they. are to stay on the league action; ~ the e schedule Os a } heels of Bountiful.” _Davis is 1-1 in | for Glas begins Jan. 9. Davis although Clearfield is a elub | ee Junior High, e Alexander, in- he two teams tangle at Clear! iy ta . said in sewclasses anf has ree repair mi ? a ose one. ie see TE 2 ‘Ad: Davis will be a heavy favo han Clearfield Falco ac Aa sond semester in adult - s will begin Mon- There is some gi material 0 | go with MacKay so the Lakers have to play their best to pull of ‘an upset. In the other end Of%town, the| Ben. bommond Scots ost: Weber| High’The Warriors ke. a 1-1 record into this game, while Ben ‘Lomond Jost to Ogden tast: week in its only league contest. to, date. +Weber will have more:size in its lineup while the Scots willjhave the floor advantage. Thre é Local « Prep _ . y_ school officials can | Weber | High a defeat two weeks ‘ago in’ their league opener. And for the ‘third straight week, the ‘Lakers will be ata great met ‘disadvantage. — » «Bountiful is led by Lyndon. Mac: ‘Kay, a 6-5 center who. is ranked as. ‘the top prep performer in the state this year. In a pre-se, son cont home an | appearance = over Bonneville. victory But the Lakers will be playing on d tbe same court where they i| | :| a first move into a first place tie with a a 1 its .the.season in Ogden this, week when the Bonneville Lakers at M, Friday. fe The ‘Brayes trail . Jieaguetlessint! | , make pais tact Given school ; win, the Region f ‘Two basketball crown this season, | will ne bag le | ‘thelr first league games. Box Elder | will be at South Cache, while the Lo : Grizzlies play host ‘to North’ | Cai In ‘the Class B ranks, St. Joseph travels to North Hie ‘to open’ its Region Six schedule. Morgan is at | South Rich while Wasatch will play| at North Summit, See | |