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Show NNV ViIDldLVd Volume |, Numger 5 “W94SAS TOOYDS| }esung WEBER oY} JO JoseueUl STATE jUe}SIS| ALUMNI NEWS Monday, May 17, 1965 7 AA GHONVLS Teacher Training Objective of The major purpose of the Education Division is the preparation of elementary and secondary school teachers. Course work also is provided for teachers-in-service who desire to renew their teaching certificates or otherwise improve their teaching skills. Work in special education is provided for those who desire to teach the intellectually handicapped or become remedial reading specialists. The staff members in the Education Division all have had teaching and administrative suDR. CASEEL D. BURKE DR. REED K. SWENSON pervisory experience in elemen-|, . . Chairman Education Div. . . . Phys. Ed. Chairman tary or secondary schools, and most have taught in other col- some are denied admission to teacher education. leges and universities. The Selective Admissions Dr. Leon McCarey is chairman of the Elementary Educa- Committee, representing Education and other divisions of the tion Department, with a speThe Division of Physical Educialty in educational adminis- college, is the body designated tration. Other specialists in ele- to make final selections on ad- cation is concerned with the dementary education are Profes- mission. velopment of each of its partiThe evening and summer cipants in (1) physical fitness, sor Melba Glade, language arts; Dr. Clifford Clark, curriculum, schools play an important part (2) social and emotional maturin teacher education. During ity (commonly called sportsmanand Dr. Nicholas Glaser, readany given year the professional ship and team play), (3) knowling . Dr. Parry Wilson is chairman courses required for certifica- edge of activities and their reof the Secondary Education De- tion are offered in these schools. lated components, and (4) the partment, and specialists asso- Through an extended program play spirit through the media ciated with him are Professor of evening and summer courses of physical activities. Activities Florence Barton, English and one can continue his regular are not the ends but the means speech; Professor Blair Low, co- occupation and still obtain the whereby the behavior of stuprofessional course- dents is modified in harmony ordinator of student teaching, required and Dr. Evan Memmott, audio- work except student teaching. with the ideals of the college A large part of the academic and the society in which we visual instructional materials. Dr. Blaine Parkinson is in the coursework required for teach- live. field of educational psychology. ing also may be obtained in this The Physical Education DiChairman of the division is manner. vision includes the departments Although Weber State is au- of: Dr. Caseel D. Burke, formerly Intercollegiate Athletics, thorized to offer only under- Men’s Required Physical Educaof Utah State University. At the present time there are graduate coursework, many tion, Women’s Required Physiabout 100 teachers in the sur- teachers in the-local schools en- cal Education, Health Educarounding school districts, who roll in courses which apply to- tion, Recreation Education and have completed their prepara- ward their recertification. Oth- Professional Physical Education. tion at Weber State. These will ers register for courses solely The College Health Service is their professional also administered by the divibe joined by upwards of 160 to improve more who will complete certifi- skills. It is anticipated that as sion. cation requirements by August a fifth year of teacher prepaThe division staff includes ration becomes the standard in of 1965. Dr. Reed K. Swenson, chairman One of the features of the Utah, Weber State will be auto provide graduate of the division; Luellyn Withteacher education program at thorized row, office manager, and twenWeber State is the selective ad- work in professional education ty-five other members whose mission procedure. Based on the and other contributing academic duties are found in one or more assumption that a student enter- fields. With the completion of the of the seven departments. ing teacher preparation should The Department of Intercolpossess qualities of scholarship, new library, the Education Dihealth, stability, character and vision will move into the base- legiate Athletics is headed by citizenship, a testing and screen- ment. Faculty and staff offices Reed K. Swenson, athletic diing procedure is in operation as well as classrooms in the rector, with the following spewhich helps the student identi- new building will be used by cific assignments: Gary Crompfy his strengths and weaknesses the division. Among the features ton, athletic business manager; and to adjust his preparation to of this new arangement will be Don Spainhower, sports inforan enlarged audio-visual instruc- mation director; Sarkis Arslanfit his needs. Most students are encouraged tional materials laboratory, as ian, head football coach, with to continue their preparation: well as a more adequate curri- Tom Ramage, Bud Belnap, Dick others are required to do re- culum library. It is hoped this Williams and Douglas Hunt, asmedial work; still others are new facility will be available sistants; Dick Motta, head bascounselled into fields more ap- for the beginning of summer ketball coach, with Phil Johnson, assistant; Marvin J. Peterpropriate to their abilities, and school in June. son, cross country and track coach; Leroy Overstreet, swimming coach; Tom Low, wrestling coach; Earl Miller, head ski coach, with Mac Madsen, assistant; Dick Williams, baseball coach; Ron Flygare, equipment Governor Calvin L. Rampton receive diplomas, including 370 manager; and Jay Hollingshas been selected to deliver the bachelor degree students. worth, athletic trainer. main address at the Weber State The Baccalaureate Service The Women’s Department is College commencement exer- will begin at 7:45 p. m. in the headed by Carol Westmoreland, cises on June 5, 1965. Fine Arts Auditorium. The au- with Margaret Waterfall, dance; All commencement activities ditorium’s 1800 sets will accom- Pat Ingoldsby, activities, and will be centered on campus for modate the Baccalaureate pro- Franke Clarke, dance and swimthe first time since Weber State gram, but is too small for the ming. The Men’s Department is moved to the upper campus ten commencement exercises. headed by Marvin Peterson and years ago. The Baccalaureate Service has the part-time services of all If the weather is good the will be led by The Right Rev- male instructors. Monsignor William E. commencement exercises will be erend The Health and Recreation held in the college stadium; if Vaughan who is the Pastor of Education departments are Catholic Church headed by Raymond Rhead and inclement weather develops the St. Ambrose exercises will be held in the in Salt Lake City, Utah. again the instructors teach part Fine Arts Auditorium. The June commencement is of their load here and part in The Academic Procession will the 77th in the history of the the men’s activity program. The begin at 7:15 p. m. More than institution and the second as a instructors are: Bud Belnap, 35 students are scheduled to senior college. Wallace K. Nalder, Marvin Pe- PAUL HUISH . .. Chairs Business Unit PHYS. ED. DIVISION BUILDS STUDENTS FOUR WAYS os i PEL EEE he ' Gov. Calvin L. Rampton to Deliver Commencement Address June 5 terson, Richard Williams, Mac Madsen, Leroy Overstreet, Douglas Hunt, Tom Low, Phil Johnson, and Jay Hollingsworth. The Student Health Service is headed by Dr. R. N. Hirst, M. D., and Margaret Nicholson, R. N. The dressing rooms and the shower rooms are operated by Harry Burchell in the Men’s Department and by Gertrude Stallings in the Women’s Department. The Professional Physical Education Department trains men and women majors for teaching or recreation professions. Last year 26 graduated and this year, 22. All graduates of last year were placed in teaching positions or went on for higher degree study. In the athletic competition, Weber State College belongs to the Big Sky Athletic Conference which is composed of Weber State College, Montana University, Montana State College, Idaho University, Idaho State University and Gonzaga University. Games and meets are scheduled with other Utah universities in all sports except football and basketball to supplement the conference schedules. The departments of men’s and women’s physical education conduct an intramural program for the students of the college. Pat Ingoldsby is in charge of the women’s program and Marvin Peterson is head man in the men’s program. All students of Weber State are given an opportunity to participate in athletic competition either in intercollegiate or intramural athletics. The department, in order to give its students additional opportunity to participate in professional activities, sponsors the Physical Education Majors and Minors Club and the dance ganization called (Continued on Orchesis. next orThe page) HANDI-BOOKS NEEDED The Alumni Office at WSC would like all of the alumni to check through their old books and see if you have any of the HandiBooks. If you should find any of these books, would you please send them to the Alumni Office at the college. We need them very badly and are having a hard time locating any of them. The physical sciences consist of the study of the physical universe, the fundamental principles and laws governing all forms of matter, energy and the multitude of interactions that involve matter and energy. A fundamental aspect of all the physical sciences is the accomplishment of a great variety of controlled interactions and the beneficial utilization of the forces, energies, and materials evolved. The physical sciences are also closely related to most other science, including the biological sciences. Most of the processes observed to occur in living organisms are known to be of a chemical or physical nature. Because of the great generalizing and analytical properties of mathematical symbolism, mathematics is an extremely important, if not essential, element of all true sciences. Mathematics has been called both the Language of Science and the Queen of Sciences. The Division of Mathematics and Physical Sciences at Weber State College strives to meet the educational needs of two general groups of students:— 1) Those who must unerringly apply the principles and laws of the physical world in their professional activities, such as a variety of engineers, physicists, chemists, geologists, metalurgists, physicians, surgeons, dentiscts, nurses, dieticians, etc., and a variety of researchers in these and other fields. 2) Those who can benefit from an understanding and appreciation of the principles governing the universe in which they live, and especially of the role of the physical sciences in developing the many useful new materials, mechanical conveniences, travel and communication systems, etc., of our modern civilization. The division is composed of the following six departments: Chemistry, Engineering, Geolo gy - Geography, Mathematics, Photography, and Physics. The chairman of the division is H. Paul Huish, who is also a member of the physics department. Departmental faculty are: Chemistry: Mr. Ralph S. Gray, head; Dr. Alva J. Johanson, Mr. Bryant A. Miner, Dr. Spencer L. Seager, Dr. Garth L. Welch. Engineering: Mr. Newel B. Cutler, head; Dr. W. Lee Dickson. Geology-Geography: Dr. Walter R. Buss, head; Dr. Dallas O. Peterson, Mr. Wayne L. Wahlquist. Mathematics: Mr. J. LaMar Jensen, head; Mr. A. Parley Bates, Dr. R. A. Clarke, Mr. Jasper D. Hepworth, Mr. Steven A. Moss, Mr. Dick R. Rogers, Mr. David C. Tolman. Photography: Mr. Fred _ S. Rabe. Physics: Dr. J. Ronald Galli, head; Dr. Gilbert C. Barton, Mr. Richard G. Hills, Mr. H. Paul Huish, Mr. Barry R. Parker. It is anticipated that the division faculty will be enlarged by six or eight members for 1965-66. The division is severely crowded for space in the present quarters, but the construction of a new science building scheduled to begin later this summer and ready for occupancy in 1967 will greatly expand facilities and enhance the instruction. es = Education Division |