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Show Presi dency of Weber College in 1953. Miller has been President of the Utah Education Associ ation, President of the Utah High School Activities ee eee ee Association and President of the Northwest Association of " =, | da y “tt a . 2 ae oe aoe Ne -_ cz — ' Ne, 7 » Ween tt IT HOMECOMING °Z7®@ ON RAINED OUR PARADE ALUMNI HONOR FOUR AT HOMECOMING The Weber State College Alumni Association held its 1970 Alumni Banquet in conjunction with Homecoming week at the college and extended awards to four outstanding contributors to the college. A crowd of over three hundred persons sat down to the banquet in the Weber State Union Ballroom to witness the presentation of the Distinguished Service and Distinguished Alumni Awards. The Distinguished Service award for 1970 went to former Ogdenite and Weber faculty member Judge David J. Wilson. Judge Wilson was born in Wasatch County and educated at Brigham Young University. He came to Ogden in 1914 and taught at the Old Weber Academy for two years. He left Ogden to attend the University of California Law school and returned to Ogden in 1919 to begin his law practice. He was twice elected Weber County Attorney and served for eight years as District Attorney of the second Judicial district. In 1954, David J. Wilson was appointed to the United States Customs Court in New York City by President Dwight D. Eisenhower. Stewarts, Alumni President Nelson Wilson He was only the second Ogden Attorney appointed to the Federal Judiciary and served in the position for 12 years. In 1966 he became a Senior Judge of the Customs Court and still maintains offices in Salt Lake City. In addition, Judge Wilson has a long record of service to community and service organizations and the Boy Scouts of America. Three persons were honored as Distinguished Alumni at this years banquet. They were Weber State College President William P. Miller, and Mr. and Mrs. Donnell Stewart, Mrs. Stewart is the former Elizabeth Dee Shaw. President Miller began his term as President of the college in 1953 and is now in his eighteenth year. William P. Miller was born in Syracuse and educated in the Davis County Schools prior to entering Weber College. After his term at Weber he attended Utah State University, took his Masters degree at the University of Utah and his Ed.D. at Stanford University. President Miller has spent his lifetime in education, beginning as a teacher in the Davis County Schools in 1929. He was a teacher and administrator in both the Davis and Weber County schools until 1950 when he was made Assistant Superintendent of Public Instruction for the State of Utah. From this position he came to the Miller Junior Colleges. He is a past President of both the Ogden Kiwanis and Ogden Rotary and is on the Advisory Board of the First Security Bank. A joint award went this year to two people whose names have become synonymous with the support of Weber State College, Donnell and Elizabeth Stewart. Since the Stewart’s were classmates of President Miller in the Weber College of the 1920’s, they have been active participants in and supporters of the programs of Weber State. Many of the current academic and athletic programs at the college are possible because of the generosity of this outstanding couple. The Mary Elizabeth Dee Shaw scholarship fund memorializing Mrs. Stewart’s mother has supported over 100 music students at the college. Over the past few years the philanthropy of the Stewart’s has extended into many areas on the campus. The latest gift from the Stewart’s is the Weber State Bell Tower bearing their name to be constructed this summer at a cost of $150,000 dollars. An event of Homecoming that has gained in popularity over the last few years had its luster dimmed to a degree this year as a steady rain fell on the Homecoming parade. The talent and flair of the participants was not diminished by the drizzle, however, and the assortment of floats and bands gave evidence of the growth of the Homecoming activities. In spite of the rain the Washington Blvd. parade route attracted a fair crowd to cheer on the dampened paraders. fo f Homecoming royalty The sun made an appearance within an hour of the end of the parade, so the weather was more cooperative for the impending football contest with Idaho State University. As the afternoon wore on it became apparent that the sun was only shining on Idaho State as the Bengals defeated the Wildcats rather soundly. FELINE FOLLIES AND DANCE Topping off the weeks events were the annual Feline Follies show on Thursday evening and the Homecoming Dance, Saturday night. The 1970 Feline Follies presented a fast moving show of Alumni and student talent that drew enthusiastic audience response from the opening curtain to the hand clapping finale of “Aquarius” presented by Ron Wooden and the Chamber Chorale. The show featured a good variety of numbers with the Lonely Bulls full bodied brass, the dancing of the Chatonelles and the Sharon McCallister group and a show stopping rendition of “Midnight Cowboy” and “Bridge over Troubled Waters” by Judy Romero. The 90-minute production was scored for the first time and featured Earl Ericksen and the Weber State Stage band. Co-producers of the 1970 Follies were Dick Brown, Student Body Activities Vice President, and Mrs. Norma Willie, Alumni Chairman for the event. The Homecoming dance hosted a larger crowd than in Past years and found them enjoying a variety of music. Intermission ceremonies saw the introduction of new Alumni President, Roy C. Nelson. € encourage those who were not in attendance during the festivities of 1970 to begin planning to attend the 1971 Homecoming at Weber State. As Alumni, take an Interest in the old school and come State is doing. to see what Weber That kind of a day SS aS WATS N = : Ss baa NS (1. to r.) Diann Ward, Diane Carter queen and Connie Ferry |