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Show 7. Introduction to Business and Industry. A survey course in the fields of business and industry with special consideration given to the types of business, industrial, and personal service activities in which men gain livelihood. Standard forms of business organization are discussed and applied to each type of vocational endeavor. Location and layout of the business unit, financing and managing the organization as well as personnel problems and ethical business policies are stressed. Hurst 10. Business Law: Contracts, Including Negotiable Instruments and Sales. Five quarter hours. Autumn, Winter. Hurst 11. Business Law: Agency and Partnerships, Wills and Real Property. A continuation of Business 10. Five quarter hours. Winter, Spring. Hurst 12. Salesmanship. The selling function, basic psychological principles of selling, laying the groundwork for the interview, preparation of the canvass, arranging for the interview, meeting the prospect, suggestion selling, sales resistance, methods of closing the sale, analyzing practical selling cases, and demonstrations. Five quarter hours. Autumn, Winter, Spring. Stratford, Wilson 15. Advertising. Preparation of different types of advertisements and development of principles applicable to the production of advertising. Three quarter hours. Autumn, Spring. Wilson 16. Business Mathematics. Percentages, analysis of profits and loss, interest discounts, profits and losses of partnerships, annuities, compound interest, algebra review, and logarithms. Five quarter hours. Winter, Spring. Clark, DeLange 17. Elementary Statistics. Collection, classification, tabulation, analysis and presentation of data; calculation of averages and deviation; construction of graphs, charts, and tables. Required of all majors in Business Administration. Prerequisites: Economics 3 (or Business 17 to be taken concurrently with Economics 3). Five quarter hours. Spring. DeLange 21. Calculators. Training in the operation of Burroughs, Comptometer, Marchant, Monroe, Adding and Ten-Key Listing Machines with special emphasis on the Key-driven Calculators. Two quarter hours. Autumn, Winter, Spring. Staff DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS O. M. Clark, J. R. Foulger, G. H. Hurst, E. M. Vietti, E. C. Larsen. A student majoring in Economics should complete Economics 1, 2, 3, 4, or 7, and Business 1, 2, 3. Business 7, 16 and 17 is recommended. COURSES OF INTRUCTION Economics 1. Principles of Economics. Basic institutions of our economy, production of goods, some problems of capital and labor in production, security and standards of living, and consumption of goods. Three quarter hours. Autumn, Winter, Spring. Staff 2. Principles of Economics. Some problems of money, banking, and price levels, international trade, government finance and economic policies, and other economic systems. Prerequisite: Economics 1. Three quarter hours. Winter, Spring. Staff 3. Principles of Economics. A continuation of Economics 2. The value and price of goods, and distribution of income to the factors of production. Three quarter hours. Spring. Clark 4. Economic History of the United States. Development of resources, commerce, agriculture, manufacturing, finance, etc., down to the present time. No prerequisite. Five quarter hours. Autumn, Spring. Clark 7. Economic Geography. Resources, production, commerce, and economic conditions of the various areas of the earth. No prerequisite. Five quarter hours. Winter. (May not be given 1950-51). Clark 8. Personal Finance. A study of the economics of consumption, personal finance and budgeting, and intelligent spending and investing of one's income. Three quarter hours. Spring. Clark 9. Current Economic Problems. A course dealing with present problems of employment, security, price bonds, and government policies. Three quarter hours. Spring. Clark 81. Industrial Economic Problems. A course dealing with current problems confronting labor, management, and government as they affect individuals entering the skilled labor groups. Three quarter hours. Autumn, Winter, Spring. Larsen |