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Show INDEX Page Merrill, Howard D., Scholarship 36 Metallurgical Engineering, Curriculm for 97 Meteorology, Curriculum for....97 Mineral Industries, Curriculum for 97 Mineralogy, Curriculum for ....97 Mining Engineering, Curriculum for 97 Moench Building 8, 33 Moral Character 21 Musettes 16, 66 Museums 33 Music, Department of ....14, 66-69 National Education Association 18 Non-resident Fee 22 Northwest Association of Secondary and Higher Schools 3, 8 Novitiate Contest 57 Numbering of Courses 39 Nursing, Three-year Diploma in 83 Nursing Education, Department of 14, 83-85 Officers, Weber College....18, 178 Offices 8, 9 Off-campus Training ....12, 14, 17 Ogden Community-Weber College Concert 17 Ogden Community Theatre 17 On-the-job Training 15, 17 Opera 66 Optometry, Leading to Study of 86 Oratorio 66 Oratory 16, 56 Orchestra 66, 68 Organization of Weber College 14, 176, 177 Orientation, Department of 14, 124-125 Orientation, Freshman (See Guidance) 31 Otyokwa 16 Out-of-class Activities 15 Part-time Program 131 Pharmacy, Leading to Study of 86 Phi Rho Pi 16, 56 Philosophy, Department of 127-128 Phoenix 16 Photography, Department of 104, 105 Physical Education Activities 112-114 Physical Education, Page Physical Education, Division of 14, 112-119 Physical Education, Requirements 20, 25, 114 Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Division of....14, 88-111 Physics, Department of 14, 105-106 Physiology ,...86 Placement 37 Play Production 56 Political Science J.24 Pre-registration 21 President of Weber College 18, 176, 178, 180, 185, 186 Private Instruction, Music..23, 69 Probation 29 Professional Clubs 16 Psychology and Eduction, Department of 125-126 Publication, Student 16, 56 Quarter, Weber College ....10-11 Radio Speech 16,63 Radio and Electronics Department of 14, 162-165 Radio Technology, (and Physics) Department of 18, 107-108 Recreation, Department of 14,119 Red Cross Unit, Weber College 16 Registrar 18, 176, 178 Refrigeration, Department of 14, 165-167 Refunds 24 Registration 21 Regulations, Scholastic 28-30 Related Instruction 172-174 Retailing 42 Requirements, Admissions, Graduation, Grade Point, Group, Residence 20, 25, 28 Rotary Club 36 Scholarships 35-36 Scholastic Regulations 28-30 Sribulus 56 Secretarial Courses, General 45-46 Secretarial Training, Department of 14, 44-49 Semi-professional Courses 13 Service Bureau, Weber College-Community 17 Service Clubs 17 Services 18, 20-37 Sessions 10, 11, 14, 15 Sharmea 16 Shop Practice (See Division of Technical Education)....130-174 Shops 8, 9, 131 Department of 14, 115-118? INDEX Page Shorthand 47 Short Intensive Business Program 47 Short Term Courses 22 Sigma Delta Pi 16 Signpost, Weber College 56 Signwriting and Display, Curriculm for 148 Skull Club 16 Sociology, Department of 14, 128-129 Social Clubs 16 Social Sciences, Division of 14, 121-129 Social Work, Leading to the Study of 128 Sociology Club 16, 128 Soloist Club 66 Sophomore Class 21 Sophvita 16 Soroptimist Club Scholarship ..36 Spanish 65-66 Special Student 21 Speech 60-63 Sports 16, 115, 117 Staff, Weber College 180-184 Standards, College 18 Stores Service 35 Stenographer-clerk, Curriculum 46 Stenographic Bureau 9 Stenography 47-48 Study Program, Changes in ....28 Student Activities 15-16 Student Affiliates of American Chemical Society 16 Student Aid Fund 36 Student Government 15, 18 Students, Classification of 21 Studies, In-class 14 Summer Session 10, 14 Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds 8, 18, 176, 183 Swimming 16, 114-118 Swimming Pool 9, 33 Tanner, Lydia Holmgren, Award 36 Technology (See Division of Technical Education)....130-174 Telephone Service 18 Tennis 16, 114-117 Terminal Courses, Student 39, 185 Testing Bureau 9, 31 Theatre, Ogden Community 16, 56 Page Tiki Kapa Kapa 16 Title, Associate of Arts 25 Title, Associate of Sciences ....25 Tournament, Weber College Debate and Speech 56 Trade Courses, Type A and B 131-132 Trade Extension Program (See Division of Technical Education) 172-174 Trade Technical (See Division of Technical Education) 130-174 Trades and Industries Office ....8 Training, Off-campus 17 Transfer Courses, Students ....39 Treasurer 9, 18, 176, 178, 184 Tri Vesta 16 Typewriting 47-48 U. of U. Scholarship 36 Utah Educational Association ..18 U. S. A. C. Scholarship .36 Veterans Administration 8, 9, 32, 179 Vikings 16 Visual Materials 34 Vocational Building 8, 33 Vocational Education (See Division of Technical Education) 130-174 Warning, Failing Work 29 Watchmaking Department of 14, 167-170 Weber Club 16 Weber College Development Fund Committee 19, 179 Welding, Department of 14, 170-172 West Central Building 9, 33 Wheelwright, David R., Loan Fund 36 Whip Club 16 Wildcat Club 16 Withdrawals 28-29 Woodwork and Building Construction, Curricula for 141-143 Women's Athletic Association 16, 113 Work Program 29 Wrestling 16, 114, 116 Yearbook (See Acn) 56 Zoology 86-87 Zoology and Physiology, Department of 14, 85-87 Zoological Museum Collection 34 Thomas Natural Shorthand ....47 |