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Show 3. Basic Communications. A course in the forms of description and narration, emphasizing the use of these types through reading, listening, writing, and speaking. Techniques of effective reading of fiction and poetry are stressed. Three quarter hours. Autumn, Winter, Spring. Staff 4. Argumentation and Debate. A study of the principles of argument. These principles are discussed in connection with the preparation of the national debating question. Two quarter hours. Autumn. Monson 5. Argumentation and Debate. A continuation of English 4. Pre-requisite: English 4. Three quarter hours. Winter. Monson 6. Journalism. A study of and practice in the fundamentals of news writing. The class gathers news for the College paper, Signposty composes, and edits it. The instruction includes: (1) journalism as a vocation, its opportunities and renumeration; (2) newspaper organization; (3) nature and evaluation of news; and (4) simple and complex story types. Three quarter hours. Autumn. Carver 7. Journalism. Class members are apprentice editors for certain issues of the College paper. Newspaper plants and scholastic press conferences are attended. Students do newswriting in class. Three quarter hours. Winter. Carver 8. Journalism. A course concerned with policy in the news, feature story types, editorials, news editorials, news editing, copyreading, proofreading, headlining, and makeup. It is aimed at acquainting the student with all editorial room functions. Three quarter hours. Spring. Carver 11. Vocabulary Building. A course designed to give a student the correct pronunciation of words, and working knowledge of the best methods of enlarging his vocabulary. Two quarter hours. Autumn, Winter, Spring. Staff 12. Magazine Writing. A study of vitality and style in the magazine article; also physical problems of format and content. Problems of editing and publishing Scribulus, the College magazine are considered. Contributions are required. Three quarter hours. Autumn. Nilsson 13. Magazine Writing. A study of imaginative writing involving description, generalized narrative, and language with a strong image- making appeal. Editing and publishing of Scribulus continued. Contributions required. Three quarter hours. Winter. Nilsson 14. Magazine Writing. A study of editorial requirements of the short story. Editing and publishing Scfibulus continued. Short stories required. Three quarter hours. Spring. Nilsson 16. College Grammar. An advanced course in college grammar. Three quarter hours. Spring. Mally 18. Business English. A course including a thorough review of basic grammatical elements, with emphasis upon constructions commonly found in business writing; also practice in writing the correct forms of business letters and other communications. Three quarter hours. Winter, Spring. Mally 28. One-Act Flay Writing. A course designed to give instruction and experience in writing short plays with a view to their possible use for local production and their possibility of publication and professional acceptance. Registration subject to approval of the instructor. Three quarter hours. (May not be given.) Allred 29. Short Story. A course devoted to the writing of the short story. Three quarter hours. Spring. (May not be given.) Staff 81. English Essentials. A course giving a review in spelling, a study of the parts of speech, sentence elements, and the tools used in speech and writing. The material is applied to the work of the trade student. As far as possible the conversation and writing used in the various occupations are stressed. Three quarter hours. Autumn, Spring. Green Literature 21. American Literature. An historical and appreciative survey of the prose and poetry of American literature from seventeenth century beginnings to 1860. Three quarter hours. Autumn. Read 22. American Literature. An historical and appreciative survey of the prose and poetry of American literature from 1860 to 1914. Three quarter hours. Winter. Read 23. American Literature. An historical and appreciative survey of the prose and poetry of American literature from 1914 to the present. Three quarter hours. Spring. Read 25. Children's Literature. A course which aims to acquaint the student with a representative body of literature for children, and to develop standards of judgment for its selection. Five quarter hours. Autumn, Spring. Read |