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Show 64. Automotive Servicing and Adjusting. A theory course acquainting the student with the technique of making adjustments and servicing motor vehicles. Five quarter hours. Autumn. Gaz, Hartog 65. Maintenance Mechanics Painting. A theory course offered to a student majoring in maintenance mechanical work. It aims to give general information covering the need of improved plant conditions, such as lighting improvement, pleasing and contrasting colors. Special emphasis is given to cost estimation and sub-contracting. Five quarter hours. Winter. Vandenberg 66. Elementary Electricity. A theory course dealing with the elementary theory of direct and alternating currents and equipment as well as the method of connecting instruments, generators, insulators, transformers, and control equipment. Five quarter hours. Spring. Staff DEPARTMENT OF RADIO AND ELECTRONICS James E. Dalley The Department of Radio and Electronics offers a two year program of training in the Radio and Electronic field which will prepare the student for a position in Radio Servicing, Broadcast Engineering, Communications, or Industrial Electronics. The student is given a broad background common to all of these fields with special help and projects in the field of his choice. The department meets the requirements of Type A and Type B programs. CURRICULUM Radio Mechanics (Pre-Apprentice) Freshman Year A. W. S. English 81 3 Health Education 1 2 Mathematics 81, 83 5 5 Orientation 11 2 Physical Education Ill Radio Mechanics 51, 52, 53 5 5 5 Radio Mechanics 61, 62, 63 5 5 5 Technical Education 91 2 Electives 2 18 18 18 Sophomore Year A. W. S. Economics 81 3 Radio Mechanics 54, 55, 56 5 5 5 Radio Mechanics 64, 65, 66 5 5 5 Sociology 81 3 Speech 21 3 Technical Education 81, 84 3 3 Technical Education 88 2 Electives 2 2 2 17 18 18 COURSES OF INSTRUCTION Shop Practice 51. Elementary Construction and Shop Practice. A course giving instruction in the construction of simple radio apparatus with special emphasis on use of hand tools, reading diagrams, and familiarity with component parts. Five quarter hours. Autumn. Dalley 52. Intermediate Construction and Shop Practice. A course giving instruction in the construction of moderately complicated radio apparatus with special emphasis on wiring, layout, making simple tests, and interpreting more complicated diagrams. Five quarter hours. Winter. Dalley 53. Advanced Construction and Shop Practice. A continuation of 51 and 52 using more complicated circuits. More attention is given to details, testing and adjustments. Five quarter hours. Spring. Dalley 54. Transmitters. Special projects and instruction are given in construction, installation, adjustment and operation of transmitting equipment. Transmitters ranging from a few milliwatts to 7.5 kilowatts are available for class projects. Five quarter hours. Autumn. Dalley 55. Receivers. Receiver repair, installation, and adjustments are given special emphasis. Commercially constructed equipment of modern design is available for student projects including: broadcast receivers, record changers, television receivers, communications receivers, FM receivers (broadcast and communication) and VHF receivers. Five quarter hours. Winter. Dalley 56. Servicing Procedures and Techniques. Methods of making measurements and tests, analyzing troubles, making repairs, and adjustments are taught through actual experience on various types of radio and electronic equipment. Special emphasis is given in the field of the student's choice. Five quarter hours. Spring. Dalley |