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Show From left to right... Nearly 500 alumni, faculty and friends gather for the annual banquet... Board of Trustee chairman Ira Huggins and wife form part of the reception line. The first ones through the serving line. (The last ones through are promised a bonus next year.) The fanfare and festivity of the °68 Homecoming may, omed the new alumni leader, Joe Florence, into have faded, but the memory lingers on. Very possibly ffice. One of the highlights of the dinner was the e anding ovation given College president William P. the greatest Homecoming ever celebrated on Weber campus, the many successful events were the. iller and his wife, who were seriously injured in an result of many hours of planning and preparation by cident earlier in the year. students, alumni and staff. ci oil portrait of Marian Read Shafter, emeritus facim lty member who died in April was presented to the A theme of “Great Dates” suggested many events com ollege by her husband, Mr. A. J. Shafter. weather _ the life of Weber State and near perfect plimented the efforts of all concerned. e lass reunions for the years ’44, °49, °54 and ’59 Homecoming ’68 literally started out with a bang ast ere held at 6:30 p.m., previous to the banquet. gigantic fireworks display over the campus herald A vintage photograph display again provided ample i the official beginning of festivities. imulus for chuckles and the promise of next year’s The lighting of the “W” on the mountainside climaxed Panquet to be held in the new Union Building should the spectacular display, and a Flaming “WwW” stomp fol € an incentive for an even larger number of alumni 4 lowed the traditional event. The “Feline Follies’—Alum-Student variety show= played to a full house on Wednesday, October 2 the Fine Arts Center. With a theme of “Thesé Your Lives,” Waldo the wildcat was honored with th re-telling of his several lives during the historyO® school. A slide presentation combined with pre" sional student and alumni talent made. the evemilia™ tremendous success. The “Four Freshman” were presented in concert following evening, Thursday, October 24, in the F rT ce Arts Center. i i\ Top, former studentbody pre the good old days... Center left, a well-recovered president and first lady receive the accolades of the crowd after their introduction by Dexter Farr. Center right, Weber State College president William P. Miller presents a glimpse of things to come. Bottom left, alumni old and new. Bottom right, Jeanne Nowak, talented Miss Weber State, sings for her supper. The largest Alumni Banquet in the history of Home coming crowded into the Union Building © cs Friday, October 25. Nearly 500 former students, ™ ulty and friends assembled to greet old class and check out the growth of the school sines =e time on campus. Outgoing president Dexter Fart the activities of the alumni during: the yeat, 4® a 9 attend the annual event. : aig Homecoming parade on Saturday, Octoche e a new high in quality of floats, numbers ce Pating and spectators. Considerable comment ; ae to the effect that the parade actually out- Lise a July 24th parade. The alumni entry was Webs, es Corresponding to the great dates a, istory—a horse and buggy, bicycle built for pom’a8E Cats, etc.—up to the present date. -limax; F rticipat : great pre-game arching - ae telkeld han ‘ a Sitch § ersity, ooo show by the masterful direction of Don ildcats of Weber State proved more or their cousins from Idaho State Uni- © final eve ance held i t of the 0 and half-time school bands, and the Weber State at evening week in th was the Homecoming : Fa ; Mer alumni ‘ning in the Union Building with : at Person president : C. duties Carter handling the poe 1h M.C. Dean Hurst introduces the celebrity of the Feline Follies aldo. : Top right, alumnus Richard Mavin wows the crowd with a finger-blistering banjo act. Center, 196g cheerleader Roger deserved pat on the back. Lee a gives Waldo lo ( (Steve Fra jer - zier) Wildcat a well Bottom, Homecoming royalty Eileen Kelley, Nancy Stromberg and Germer are escorted on stage by studentbody officers Conrad Maw, Welch and Bruce Nilson. . Mary Tom |