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Show 36 Grade and Grade Points. The grading system consists of five grades: A, B, C, D, E; W, withdrawn; WP withdrawn passing; WF, withdrawn failing; inc., incomplete. Exceptional accomplishment is denoted by the grade of A; above average, B; average C; inferior, D; failure, E. When a student is dropped from a class because of inferior work or excessive absences, a final mark of E is recorded. Grade points or honor points are assigned as follows: Each hour of A grade counts four points; B grade, three points; C grade, two points; D grade, one point; and E grade, no point. The total honor point thus obtained is divided by the total hours registered. A ratio of 3.5 represents honors. Normal Registration. The normal registration for any one quarter is 15 quarter hours credit, exclusive of one credit in physical education activities. Maximum Registration. The maximum registration should be 17 quarter hours, exclusive of one credit in physical education activities. The student may apply for additional credit upon the recommendation of his adviser. This excess credit must be approved by the Dean of the Faculty. A petition blank for maximum credit may be obtained from the Registrar's Office. Exceptions are made where the student must meet the requirements of a prescribed curriculum. For example, engineering students register for the courses outlined by the department even though the course prescribed is in excess of the maximum registration. Attendance: Registration and enrollment in the different classes of Weber College presupposes that recitations, lectures, and laboratory sessions will be attended regularly. Absence from class naturally detracts from accomplishment and interest. It also leads to habits that are not tolerated by employers. Students who are irregular in their attendance may be dropped from the class involved and given an E grade in the subject. Changes in Study Program. A student who wishes to make a change in his study program must do so before the end of the second week in a quarter. After a course has been in progress for two week?, a student may not enroll in that course without special permission of the instructor concerned and the Registrar. To withdraw from a course, a student must list the course or courses on a withdrawal slip obtained from the Registrar's Office, have his adviser approve it, and return the slip to the Registrar's Office. If a student withdraws officially from a course during the first two weeks of a quarter, no entry will be made of the course in the permanent record. If withdrawal is made after the second week and before the end of the sixth week, a mark of W is entered in the record. Withdrawal is not permitted after the sixth week except for reasons satisfactory to the Registrar. Upon withdrawal, the Registrar ascertains the student's scholastic standing. If he has a C grade 37 or better, a WP (withdrawn passing) is entered in the permanent record. If he is doing below C grade a WF (withdrawn failing) is recorded. Withdrawal from School. Except at the end of a quarter, any student who withdraws from Weber College must obtain a with- drawal-from-school slip from the Registrar's Office. This form must be approved by the Dean of Men or the Dean of Women and returned to the Registrar's Office. If withdrawal from school is made after the sixth week, the Registrar determines the scholastic rating of the student in each course registered. For a grade ofC or better, a WP is entered in the student's permanent record. If a student's work is below C grade a WF is recorded. Good Standing. A student is in good standing on Weber College records who has been honorably released from the College and is eligible to return or transfer to another school. Incompletes: Incompletes are permissible only in instances wherein the student has been absent for illness or is delinquent for other thoroughly justifiable causes, and in such instances only when a grade of passing work prior to the absence is revealed by the class record. The giving of an Incomplete is further contingent upon the student's having made known the causes of absence to the instructor, prior to the issuance of grades. It is further provided that any Incomplete given under such ruling shall appear finally on the records as an "E"' unless made up during the first succeeding quarter in which the course is given. Changing of Grades: Grades entered with the Registrar shall be unalterable except in instances in which written explanation to the Admission, Credits, and Graduation Committee, or to the Administration, is expressly made by the teacher concerned, and then, only in the event that error in recording or computing grades is shown to be the cause for the change. Make-up Examinations: No make-up examinations are allowed except on the payment of a one-dollar ($1.00) fee to the Treasurer and the presentation of the receipt of such payment to the instructor concerned. Work Program: A student who is working for the College or elsewhere should so inform his counselor so that a satisfactory in- school and out-of-school work program may be effected. A well- planned and a well-balanced program of work and of studies is most important as it presents a situation conducive to success and greatly reduces the chances of failure. Unsatifactory Work: A student who is doing unsatisfactory work is interviewed during the quarter by members of the guidance committee. Constructive assistance is given the student in meeting his educational and personal problems. Academic Probation. A student failing to maintain a C average or better in any quarter is on probation during the next quarter. In the quarter in which he is on probation, the student will be given personal counseling on his problems, and he may be limited in his registration. |