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Show 74 4. Oral Reading of Literature. Designed to cultivate discrimination in the selection of material for reading, with emphasis on procedures for gaining an understanding of both meaning and mood of what is to be read. Three quarter hours. Autumn. Allred, Redford 5. Interpretative Reading. Designed to extend more fully the experience gained in Speech 4 into the areas of performance before audiences. Major emphasis is given to the techniques of expression, together with a cultivation of poise and standards of performance. It is recommended that both Speech 4 and Speech 5 precede the more specialized training found in Speech 13, 20, 24, 25, and 26. Three quarter hours. Autumn, Winter, Spring. Allred, Redford 6. Speech for the Classroom Teacher. Designed in collaboration with the Department of Education to give practical training in those aspects of speech deemed most immediate to persons seeking to qualify as public school teachers. The individual needs of class members arc given special attention. Three quarter hours. Autumn, Spring. Allred 7. Speech for Forensic, Contest, and Public Performance. Designed to give training with a view to the immediate utilization of student abilities for public appearances, as speakers, readers, story tellers, book reviewers. Preparation for an acceptance of engagements, both on and off the campus, are contemplated. Registration subject to approval of the instructor. Three quarter hours. Autumn, Winter, Spring. Allred 8. Speech for Forensic, Contests, and Public Performance. A continuation of Speech 7. Three quarter hours. Autumn, Winter, Spring. Allred 9. Speech for Everyday Needs. Designed to assist students in the most practical aspects of speech performance. Emphasis is placed on the organization and making of short speeches of a practical nature, related as closely as possible to individual interests and needs. Vocabulary development, good pronunciation, and the overcoming of common faulty expressions are supplementary aspects of the course. Two quarter hours. Autumn. Allred, Redford 10. Theatre Production. Study and application of basic principles and procedures as encountered in typical amateur situations by the technical director and his crews backstage. Designed for drama majors and all persons desiring to gain needed skills in connection with stage craft for service in schools, churches, and little theatre groups. Three quarter hours. Winter. Staff 12. Principles of Directing. Designed to give practical experience to the amateur director of school, community or church plays. Special emphasis is given to techniques and procedures confronting the inexperienced director in typical situations. Three quarter hours. Autumn. Staff 75 IS. Principles of Acting. Designed to establish appreciative conceptions and basic skills in acting. Theory is combined with practice on a laboratory basis. Two lectures and one laboratory period. Prerequisite: Speech 4 or 5, or must be taken concurrently. Three quarter hours. Winter. Staff 20. Theatre Workshop. The selection, rehearsal, and presentation of both one-act and full-length plays on a laboratory basis. Registration subject to approval of the instructor. Two quarter hours. Autumn, Winter, Spring. Redford 21. Theatre Workshop. A continuation of Speech 20. Two quarter hours. Autumn, Winter, Spring. Redford 24. Radio and Television Announcing. Analysis and practice of principles of radio speaking, microphone techniques, announcing, interviewing, and newscasting. Writing of non-dramatic continuity. One lecture and two laboratory periods. Prerequisite: Speech 4 or 5, or must be taken concurrently. Three quarter hours. Autumn. Staff 25. Radio and Television Acting. Laboratory experience given in the techniques of radio acting. The class will progress from individual scenes to the final preparation of a radio drama. Whenever practicable, this drama will be broadcast over a local radio station. Two laboratory periods. Prerequisite: Speech 4 or 5. or must be taken concurrently. Two quarter hours. Winter. Staff 26. Radio and Television Production. The theories of radio dramatic production will be explained, then put into practice in the studio. Each student is given the responsibility of organizing and directing productions. Two laboratory periods. Two quarter hours. Spring. Staff 27. Radio and Television Appreciation. A survey course designed to give the general student, as well as the radio major, those understandings of the operation of radio and television desirable from both the listener's and performer's point of view. Trips to radio and TV stations are anticipated. Two quarter hours. Autumn. Staff 28. Theatre Appreciation. Designed to improve the student's critical preceptions in one of the world's oldest and most significant areas of entertainment, culture, and public influence. Attendance at selected plays in the city and in adjacent areas is part of the course plan. Two quarter hours. Winter. Staff 29. Motion Picture Appreciation. Designed to enhance critical perceptions in one of the most familiar and significant mediums of public entertainment and influence of today. Attendance at selected movies required as basis for critical discussion in the class. Two quarter hours. Spring. Staff |