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Show 90 31. General Poultry. An introductory course pertaining to the study of feeding, marketing, production problems, breed, judging and incubation. Four lectures and one laboratory period a week. Four quarter hours. Spring. (Given alternate years.) Staff Vocational Agriculture See the Technical Division and the Life Science Division in the Evening School Section for the courses offered in Vocational Agriculture. Forestry, Range, and Wildlife Management If a student plans to qualify for the Bachelor of Science degree in forestry, he may spend two years at Weber College and an additional two years at a senior college. Forestry CURRICULCM Freshman Year A. W. S. Botany 1, 2, 9 5 5 5 English 1, 2, 3 3 3 a Engineering lb 1 Forestry 1, 2, 3 2 11 Health Education 1 2 Mathematics 1, 3, 4 5 5 5 Orientation 1 2 Physical Education Ill Sophomore Year A. W. S. •Agriculture 20 5 Agriculture 1 5 Chemistry 1. 2, 3 5 5 5 Economics 1 3 Engineering 4a, 5 3 3 Geology 1 5 Speech 1 or 3 3 Physics 4 5 Physical Education Ill *Wildlife Management majors take Zoology in place of Agriculture 20. COURSES OF INSTRUCTION Forestry, Range and Wildlife Management 1. Forest Management. General study of professions related to forest, range, and wildlife management. Relation of management to multiple uses of land. Open to all students. Two quarter hours. Autumn. Staff 91 2. Range Management. Natural resources management. For students in the fields of forestry, range, and wildlife. One quarter hour. Winter. Staff 3. Wildlife Management. One quarter hour. Spring Smart DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY S. I*. Hayes Botany 1. General Botany. An introduction to the plant kingdom with emphasis upon form, function, and general educational aspects of plant study. Plant organization is stressed with emphasis upon cells, tissues, roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits, seeds, and inheritance. Four lectures and one laboratory period a week. Five quarter hours. Autumn. Hayes 2. Principles of Botany. Plant kingdom survey. Consideration is given to the principal plant groups. Botanical generalizations are stressed with discussions directed toward plant identification. No prerequisites. Four lectures and one laboratory period a week. Five quarter hours. Winter. Hayes 6. Spring Flora. A study of the local spring flora, giving training in the identification and classification of the higher plants. Two lectures and two laboratory periods a week. Pour quarter hours. Spring. (Given alternate years.) Staff 7. Trees and Shrubs. A study of the native and introduced trees and shrubs of the state. Special attention is given to their identification based upon twig and leaf characteristics and to their culture and economic importance. Three lectures and one laboratory period a week. Four quarter hours. Autumn. (Given alternate years.) Staff 9. Taxonomy of Vascular Plants. A fundamental course dealing with the systems, the history of taxonomy, relationships, classification, and identification of the flowering plants. Prerequisites: Botany 1. Three lectures and two laboratory periods a week. Five quarter hours. Spring. Staff DEPARTMENT OF HOME AND FAMILY LIVING M. Jacobs. M. Lehner, B. Mumford, R. Williams The courses in Home and Family Living are planned to provide an introduction to and fundamental training in various phases of Homemaking and Family Life Education. They are designed to meet the needs of both those students who complete their formal education at the end of one or two years and those who wish to continue a major at a higher institution of learning. |