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The Marriott-Slaterville City History Collection was created by the residents of the town to document their history. The collection includes Autobiographies, Oral Histories, History of Marriott, History of Slaterville, and the History of the Merging Townships to create Marriott-Slaterville City. This information has left behind rich histories, stories and important information regarding the history of the Marriott-Slaterville area. |
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Show MARRIOTT-SLATERVILLE CITY HISTORY January 2006 For many of us, 2006 arrived with incredible speed, leaving us wondering where our eventful year of 2005 had gone. We are in our new building-plans announced just a year ago. Elections have come and gone. The new Senior Center is up and operating. Much has happened in a very short time. Mayor Keith Butler's State of the City message in the January 2006 Pioneer Post recognized the individuals who received awards in December 2005 for their contributions to the community. As citizens we should add our congratulations to those who have helped make our city a better place for all. In the same publication, Council President Dennis Ilium encouraged residents to contact their council members with input on problems and failures and successes of city government. As usual, the beginning of a new year brings new events and changes. At the first council meeting of the year on January 19, 2006, the Oath of Office was administered by the City Recorder, Becky Burt, to Keith Butler as mayor, and Delbert Hodson and Kim Slater as council members. All three are beginning a new term of service. Dennis Ilium was elected as Council President and Rob Smout as Vice President by acclamation for another year term. Mayor Butler has served on the Weber Fire Board for the past 12 years and now felt the position should be given to someone else. He appointed Scott Van Leeuwen to serve on this board. Mayor Butler will remain on the Centra! Weber Sewer Board for another term. Kim Slater will continue to represent the community on the Mosquito Abatement. Les Syme, Ned Allred, Don Lassen, Kent Schofield and Mike Hunsaker were appointed to the Planning Commission. All the appointments made by Mayor Butler were approved by the council. Letters of appreciation have been sent to retiring members of the Planning Commission, Sherry Morris, Carl Parker and Dale Thompsen, for their valuable service. President Ilium assigned Delbert Hodson to handle issues with Business Depot Ogden. President Ilium will work on transportation issues and attend any UDOT meetings. The petition by Mill Creek Meadows, LLC, for annexation into the Pioneer Special Service District was approved by the council as Resolution 2006-A. City Administrator Bill Morris advised that the developer will have to bring secondary water from the headgate to the subdivision and that the city has a signed document showing that the developer is responsible. New business licenses for Granite Glass, Inc., and Nana's Workshop were approved by the council. Lt. Terry Thompson and Deputy Brooke Fowers of the Weber County Sheriff's Department met with the council at the January meeting. Deputy Fowers is the new CRO (Community Resource Officer) for the city. He is also the EMT Coordinator for the Sheriff's office. There was an armed robbery in the community on the previous Saturday night. Lt. Thompson indicated they felt the same people robbed the gas station on 22th and Harrison. When asked if there is anything that business can do to help prevent robberies, Lt. Thompson advised that there is a class which can help them be more aware of problems and how to handle them. He would like to e-mail updates of the crimes which occur in the city to the council members. Crime analysis is now on a system so a monthly report can be available to help the city address the problems. Their department is working with Pilot Oil on crime problems which occur at that business. Mayor Butler expressed his appreciation to Mr. Morris for his work on the CDBG grant for the building and for his administration of that grant. Kim Slater and Scott Van Leeuwen both thanked the Mayor and Mr. Morris for their time and service. Mr. Van Leeuwen said the Mayor of Uintah had met with the staff in |