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Show Close Game Davis Takes Close Battle From Tigers Failure to Convert Extra Point Proves Undoing of Ogden Opening League Game; Croft Machine Trails in at Half; Passes Prove Scoring Punch. By ALYSON E. SMITH A GREATLY improved Davis county high school football team defeated the Ogden High school eleven at Kaysville Friday afternoon before a splendid crowd, 7 to 6. The Farmers showed a great deal 1 WHUiVli ine rarmers snuweu u gienu uctu - of Improvement over their game of the previous week when they took the number of the . North Cache North Cache ! squad, and if Jack Croft can bring I them along at i the same pace for I the next two or three games he may have a division winner. While the game was free from fumbles it was marred by a good number of penalties against Ogden. The Orange and Black players couldn't seem to stay beh'nd the SMITH The Tigers drew first blood in the second period when Van Dyke, fullback, tossed a thirty-yard pass into the hands of Pantone, right end, who slipped by two Davis men to go ten yards to a counter. Van Dyke failed to convert and the half ended 6 to 0 in Ogden's favor. Davis evened the score in the third quarter when they, too, scored via the aerial route. Cowley, Davis half, passed to Thornley, right end, who scampered over for the tying score. The play was good for thirty yards. Wilcox converted and the third quarter ended Davis 7, Ogden 6. LOSE TOUCHDOWN In the fourth quarter Ogden lost the game when another long looping pass from Van Dyke to Pantone was completed for what looked to be a sure counter. Watkins, the umpire, ruled, however, that Pantone had run over the end of the end zone before he caught the ball and was not on the field of play. With the exception of once, late in the fourth quarter, when Ogden was on Davis' three-yard line, neither team got close enough to the goal lines to make power plays effective. At this time Ogden had been making good gains over Thorn- ley, the only place in the Davis line they could penetrate, when a penalty put them back five yards and ruined their chances. Both backfields were rather ineffective due to the fact that neither line was functioning very well. Ogden's line particularly looked weaker than the Farmers. TWO STARS Two outstanding men on the forward wall for Ogden were Clark, left guard, and Pantone, left end. These two boys played bang up ball. Pantone, especially, looked good on the spearing of passes. Van Dyke and Fry played the best ball among the backfield men. Fry, although rather light, has a world of courage and hits the line like a cannonball. Ford substitute right guard for Davis, played a splendid game. Smith, fullback, is one of the toughest backfield men in the division and is a capable line bucker. Summary: Davis (7) Ogden (6) ; Wilcox Pantone Left End Bobbins H. Mayer Left Tackle Clark Hilton, Left Guard Swaner . .. L. Mayer Baugerter Olson Right Guard : Duncan J. Foley Right Tackle Thornley Pazier Right End Burton Wilson Quarterback Cowley Fry Right Halfback Briggs Stone Left Halfback Smith Van Dyke Fullback Score by periods: Davis 0 0 7 0-7 Ogden 0 6 0 0-6 I Substitute: Ogden-De Hart for Foley; Herscuvich for Olson; Morris for Wilson; Greenwell for Fry; Parks for Greenwell. Davis-Ford for Bangerter, Bangerter for Clark, Sheffield for Cowley. Referee-M. Stevenson. Umpire- C. Watkins. Headlinesman-B, Stevenson. Ogden High School News Mon. Oct. 21, 1929 ROTARY GUESTS Our music teacher, Mr. Hansen, and our student body president, Herbert Stewart, were the guests of the a Rotary club Wednesday noon at a i luncheon. c ! Mr. Hansen played two selections, r "Lento" by Cyril and "Caprice Espagnole" by Chaminade on the piano for them. g J. T. Rushmer and Frank Haynie, l two members of the committee, a have asked Principal Merrill to ar- " range to send a boy a week to their t weekly luncheons. a It has been suggested that may- f be we girls might obtain this priv- r i iiege by wearing long trousersand t cutting our hair short. Let's try it, e girls! But if that isn't successful I i suppose we will have to extend the c invitation to ourselves, won't we? e EDISON DAY e Every advisory class today considered the life of Thomas Alva e Edison, the electrical wizard who t has contributed more to the hap- t piness and comfort of mankind than c any other man that ever lived. t UP AND AT IT c School was begun again today y with fresh zest and spirit after the c three joyous days of vacation. We r think the U. E. A. is a fine thing; we wish it would meet oftener-say a about four times per year. v THE LONE ORDER OF SQUIRRELS Evelyn Upton, Editor Pro-Tem. t The Nut Crackers have added a r few more members to the order. a Venna Hokanson, because she be- g lieves the up-and-coming young i; man is certain to succeed unless he c is up at four and just coming home, t and because she was asked not to hold the high notes quite so long, the office force thought it was the n noon whistle and quit work three f; times. m Claude Olson, because he believes in clubs for women if kindness fails, and because he thinks it is perfectly all right for a woman to hold on to her youth, but she should not do it while he is driving Winifred Laurie, because shf thinks the only reason Scotchmen are humorous is because it's a gift WANTED-A SELF STARTER He came at 8 p. m. and said He couldn't stay a minute. At first he wouldn't take a chair; At last he settled in it. He talked until the clock pro claimed It was eleven-twenty. He rose, with hat in hand, remarked. "Well, I have stayed a-plenty.'' I thought by that he soon would go. But there he kept me standing Expiating on his views. His theories expanding. I gave the most polite replies Which made him more loquacious And finally said not a word, But inwardly, good gracious! I napped at intervals, but woke to murmur, "Please excuse me." But till the clock struck one, this Man continued to abuse me. Self starters grace the motor cars Let us begin a movement To have long callers fitted out With this unique improvement. NO ALIBI Well, yes, we were defeated again in football. We offer no alibi either, unless it be an alibi to say that Logan has the better team. We congratulate Logan, and, in the same breath we compliment our boys- on the splendid fight they put up. At least it was no walk-away for Logan, and we feel that the team acquitted itself most creditably. We ask no more, than this of our team. If defeat comes-we can take it gracefully. Besides, we still have hopes of winning the two remaining games of the season. THE COMMERCIAL COURSE Less than a decade ago students were taking commercial courses because they were lazy and wished to get into a course that was a snap. How years do change things about us! The commercial department students are now studying as hard in their respective classes as the English students are in theirs. The requirements of a commercial course are as difficult as any other course and the credits obtained from the studies are acceptable at any college or university. One can go entirely through college or university on a commercial course. Businesses of different tvnes are playing a large part in the lives of many of us. We want to feel, when we are graduated, as if we have the ability to earn our own daily bread independently. The girls are especially benefitted by this new era. They are no longer the stay-at- home business dumbbells that they were fifteen or twenty years ago. A girl's independence and business go hand in hand. Boys are no longer afraid of being criticised for taking "white-collar" jobs. It is more distinctive to hold a good position in an office than it is to be the best pick swinger among a group of rough, uncouth men in ditches, trenches, and the like. Also present living conditions are such that if a boy wants to support a family comfortably in the future, he must educate himself for something better than simply using physical power to earn, a living. All these reasons and various others are responsible for one-third of the students in Ogden High school taking commercial work. There are over three hundred sixty pupils taking typing, over 100 taking bookkeeping, over 60 taking economics, over 36 taking commercial law this half, over 169 taMn? shorthand, nd over 74 taking office machines. The majority of tnese students, however, are girls. No wonder they are developing so rapidly along this line! Teachers recommend the students readily (providing you are not too dumb) when they go seeking posi- have offers of employment come right up to the school for them. We are trying to make it easier for graduates to find work by establishing a department known as the vocational department which will help to find employment for students. Swinburne is said to be the only red-headed poet who ever achieved fame. Oct. 21-1929 CADET CHIEFS NAMED; ECONOMY MOVE TO BE OPPOSED Colonel T. H. Cunningham Makes Public List of Appointments MAYER HIGH OFFICER Commerce Chamber Board Insists Training Be ( Continued Appointments in the reserve officers' training corps, Ogden Senior High school, are announced by i Lieutenant Colonel T. H. Cunningham, retired army officer. Heading ( the appointments, effective October 21, is Colonel Hugh Mayer. Other students named are: Lieutenant colonel, Derald Stone; majors, Leslie Mayer. Charles Ward; captain and adjutant, Robert Parks; captain and supply officer, James Evans; first lieutenant and ordnance officer. Richard Brewer; first lieutenant and battalion adjutants, Horace Nebeker and Robert McCraley. Company A-Captain, David Lowham; first lieutenants, Wallace Manning, Glen Judd. Second lieutenants. Berkeley Spilsbury and Darwin Van De Graaff. Company B - Captain, Henry Aiken. First lieutenants, Parker Woods. Howard Tribe. Second lieutenants, Herbert Stewart, Herbert Christensen. Company C-Captain, Richard McKey. First lieutenants, Orson Foulger, Bert Moore. Second lieutenants, Herbert Isakson, Beecher McConnell. Company E-Captain, Donald McCraley. First lieutenants, Jack Rowse. Donald Pidcock. Company F- Captain, Ben Cartwright. First lieutenants, David Mattson, Alvin Wines. Second lieutenants. Rader Deegan, Jack Reeves. Company G-Captain, Robert Barker. First lieutenants, Calvin Pitt, Ray Richards. Second lieutenant. Delmore Weese. Regimental sergeant major- Charles Hetzel. Regimental supply sergeant-Lyle Bachman. Regimental color sergeants-Dan Code and John Purdy. Regimental ordnance sergeant-Junior Cagier. TEXT OF RESOLUTION A resolution calling for the continued maintenance of the junior R. O. T. C. in high schools was adopted by directors of the Ogden chamber of commerce Monday and copies were to be dispatched today to James F. Wood, secretary of war, by E. J. Fjeldsted, secretary of the chamber. The resolution, which was presented by W. Karl Hopkins, chairman of the committee, follows: "Whereas, the president has appointed a commission of generals to - recommend ways in which the expenses of the war department can be reduced, and, "Whereas, this commission has placed the junior reserve officers' training corps in high schools low in the priority list, and,- "Whereas, during the ten years that this service has been in effect in the high schools of Ogden City it lias won the commendation of the board of education, parents and the public generally, and, "Whereas, this form of training for our young men provides a great potential aid to our national defense forces in case of emergency, and at the same time stimulates partiotism. health, teaches leadership, courtesy, neatness, self discipline, obedience, loyalty, reliability, correct bearing and democracy which are valuable attributes for peace time life, now therefore, "Be it resolved, that while the action of the president in ascertaining means of cutting expenses of the war department is highly com- " mendable, the chamber of commerce of Ogden City respectfully urges that the present policy in relation to the junior R. O. T. C. be maintained. and I "Be it resolved further, a copy of this resolution be sent to each of our representatives in congress with the request that they bring this to , the attention of the president, j through the secretary of war, and that they be urge dto use every I method to assure the continuance of the junior R. O. T. C. in Ogden city schools." Oct. 22-1929 Cadet Corps CHIEFS NAMED; ECONOMY MOVE TO BE OPPOSED Colonel T. H. Cunningham Makes Public List of Appointments MAYER HIGH OFFICER Commerce Chamber Board Insists Training Be Continued Appointments in the reserve officers' training corps, Ogden Senior High school, are announced by Lieutenant Colonel T. H. Cunningham, retired army officer. Heading the appointments, effective October 21, is Colonel Hugh Mayer. Other . students named are: Lieutenant colonel, Derald Stone; [ majors, Leslie Mayer. Charles Ward; captain and adjutant, Robert r Parks; captain and supply officer, James Evans; first lieutenant and ordnance officer, Richard Brewer; - first lieutenant and battalion adjutants, Horace Nebeker and Robert McCraley. l Company A-Captain, David Low- . ham; first lieutenants, Wallace . Manning, Glen Judd. Second lieutenants, Berkeley Spilsbury and 1 Darwin Van De Graaff. Company B - Captain, Henry Aiken. First lieutenants, Parker . Woods, Howard Tribe. Second lieu- [ tenants, Herbert Stewart, Herbert Christensen. Company C-Captain, Richard McKey. First lieutenants, Orson Foulger, Bert Moore. Second lieutenants, Herbert Isakson, Beecher McConnell. Company E-Captain, Donald McCraley. First lieutenants, Jack Rowse, Donald Pidcock. Company F-Captain, Ben Cartwright. First lieutenants, David Mattson, Alvin Wines. Second lieutenants, Rader Deegan, Jack Reeves. Company G-Captain, Robert r Barker. First lieutenants, Calvin s Pitt, Ray Richards. Second lieutenant. Delmore Weese. Regimental sergeant major- ,, Charles Hetzel. Regimental supply f sergeant-Lyle Bachman. Regimental color sergeants-Dan Code and John Purdy. Regimental ordnance sergeant-Junior Cagier. TEXT OF RESOLUTION A resolution calling for the continued maintenance of the junior R. O. T. C. in high schools was adopted by directors of the Ogden a chamber of commerce Monday and copies were to be dispatched today , to James F. Wood, secretary of war, by E. J. Fjeldsted, secretary of jr the chamber. The resolution, which was pre- s sented by W. Karl Hopkins, chairman of the committee, follows: v "Whereas, the president has ap- f pointed a commission of generals to rj recommend ways in which the expenses of the war department can z be reduced, and, "Whereas, this commission has placed the junior reserve officers' training corps in high schools low in the priority list, and, s "Whereas, during the ten years f that this service has been in effect in the high schools of Ogden City it has won the commendation of g the board of education, parents and the public generally, and. g "Whereas, this rorm of training for our young men provides a f great potential aid to our national defense forces in case of emer- e gency, and at the same time stimu- s lates partiotism, health, teaches leadership, courtesy, neatness, self discipline, obedience, loyalty, reliability, correct bearing and democracy which are valuable attributes fpr peace time life, now therefore. |