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Show Radios Greet Students. OODEN, Utah.—The New Year came In with a bound in Ogden High Monday morning in the form tof radio music in «very room, the adio installation having been com¬pleted during the holidays. A I v - . "V 'i OGDEN, Utah—Mrs. Raymond, a teacher of Ogden high school, is now home from the hospital lecov- ering from an operation for appen¬dicitis. Marian Allison, a student of Ogden high school, recently mar-ried Herbert Donovlel. a former Istudent of the high school. Qgden v—"-"30- . . High School News HENRY AIKEN, Editor in Chief DENA LIAPIS, Assistant Editor The secret of success is constancy to purpose.—Disraeli. HELLO, O. H. S. Greetings, l'ellow students. This is the voice of O. H. S. speaking. We hope that the conclusion of the hol¬idays has been a happy one and that the advent of the new year will bring added success and victory to all of us. After so long a rest we( may well be expected to tackle our academic and extra-curricular work with a great deal of pep and vigor. Let's make 1930 a banner year of much accomplishment. THE ACTIVITIES OF CLUBS During the holidays nearly every U club went into action in some way J or other. Carpe Diem had a thea¬tre party; We 13 had a dancing party; nearly every other club had some form of celebration, in the form of meetings or what have you. With an end to frivolity for a while they are in line to do some big things for themselves and O. H. S. Watch them. CHATTER AND CHAFF Carpe Diem has just taken out bankruptcy papers. They were too generous to their boy friends a week ago. Believe it or not, two places were set for everyone and two or¬ders of refreshments were enjoyed by each one. The girls certainly do things in a big way. Thanks, Char- lene. Mrs. Irwin has been in California. We hope she had a great time. Ed Smith is second cook at his cafe. We hear that his customers have been kicking because of bad cooking while the chef was away. The basketball team has been working hard all through the holi¬days. They will put in a fine ap¬pearance when we play our first game in the near future. Fine work, men. It takes spirit to work out: when the rest of the world is loaf- ing or having a good time. Herb Stewart is in a bad way. j The hammer that he was given at the holly hop is too dangerous for Herb to play with. He was found the other night trying to pull out an aching tooth with the claws on it. THE HOLLY HOP Those who attended the holly hop certainly had a big time; those who , didn't missed the time of their lives. ! , It was without a doubt the prettiest , dance of the year thus far, and one . of the best we have ever had the ! pleasure of attending. Dad was a scream as Santa Claus. The deco- . rations were colorful and the spirit; ' that prevailed was the best possible. \ It was a wonderful social success. Those students who missed the holly J nop had better not let another dance pass by. The uances are for you, 1 students. Let's give them our whole¬hearted support. c s A NEW HIGH SCHOOL A number of the students have c been chosen to address the various c active_ clubs in the city and to talk t over KLO in the very near future, a Their subject is a new high school r for Ogden. May their efforts not be v in vain, 'juie subiect is on of vital _d interest to both the students at the high school now but to the whole community. The words, "In the ed¬ucation of its people lies the safety y of the republic" ought to be brought to bear. Only by proper facilities can the youth of this city be edu¬cated to take their place in the com- is munity which expects them to work e wonders. Without preparation and 1- training no one can do his best, it Talk the spirit up, students. Take 11 the message to your homes. Great i things can be brought to pass by e constant effort. ir THE EDITOR. k r. HALL OF FAME f We nominate to our hall of fame: Francis Foley: Because a secret is a secret with Franney even though j he does tell everyone in town about i y it. Isn't that right, Franny? Be- j y cause his most famous saying is, ,- "What! No women?" Because he g almost committed murder when d someone accused him of being the e brother of his brother Joe. i. Hugh Ford: Because he thinks e that Stellae means bright lights. Be- g cause he is a long di iance runner. . There are a number of fellows we know that wish he would either ' leave town or brak a leg. Because the only thing the students would t rather ao than hear Hugh play his a sax is hear Hod and he play a t duet. s John Purdy: Because his smile - is liKe the breath of spring. Because John is a living, example of what d the well dressed Twelfth street man . is wearing. Because he is a good fellow even though he is John Purdy. s WILL IT WORK? s The radio set ar.u public address i system is installed. The big ques- . ; tion now is: "Will it work?" Teachers and pupils are much concerned . today as to the outco:_.e of the con- . struccion and efforts of the radio t committee consisting of Principal , Merrill, Vice Principal Claude Coray, ;' Ernest Wangsgard and E. S. Smith, which spent much time during November and December investigating . the many installations offered by lo- , cal companies. The committee was handicapped by the fact that no . company in Utah had heretofore , made such an installation and con¬sequently had no experience to back their freely offered "we absolutely guarantee it." At West Jordan junior, in Salt Lake City, the physics instructor in- ' stalled some such system some two or three years ago and to this school of course goes the credit for the be- j ginning of "raaio for schools" in i j Utah. j Ogden high is proud of the fact1 ! that we are in the vanguard of I progress along this line as we are t . very sure that "instruction by ra- f dio" is to be a very prominent fea- : ture of educational work during the - next decade. L But as to the question concerning ; our own set, "Will it work?" The an¬swer is, "Surely, absolutely." j Before the week ends every Ogden home will be told of the won- derful radio set in the high school. A day or two of adjusting and re- - arranging and all will go as mer- i. rily as "jingle bells, jingle bells," - which we have heard so frequently - _durine the holidays " The installation has been made by ' J. R. Cummings of Salt Lake City 1 in cooperation with Nathaniel Baldwin, Inc. The equipment through- i out is Baldwin. The company guar¬antees the installation so we feel sure that we have as good an in¬stallation as could possibly be made j at ths time. Ogden News Jan. 7, 1930 Henry Aiken, Editor iu Chief. Dena Liapis, Assistant Editor. Lucille Summers, Assistant Editor. "The old order changeth, yielding place to new; And God fulfills Himself in many ways, Lest one good custom should cor¬rupt the world." —Tennyson. BASKETBALL SEASON Once again we are nearing the opening of basketball season. On Friday we play Box Elder in Brigham City. Our team is made up almost entirely of new material. They have made a lot of improve¬ment during the holidays as they came up to the high school every day for practice. They need your support, students. If you give it to them, Box Elder simply can't hold us down. Let's all go to the game, next Friday, if we have to walk to get; there. CHATTER AND CHAFF Maybe a bus will be chartered to go to Brigham City next Fri¬day. If there is one, let's all get a ticket and go to the game. The time has come when the girl friends will start making dates for that beloved Accolade of theirs. Who is the lucky man? Ray Boyle has found out that only a quart of milk will go into a quart bottle. Ask H. Ipson what "O. H. S. C. T. C." means. Jim DeVine has a crony, Grant Morse has a rival. Who is it? He's new at O. H. S. this year. HALL OF FAME We nominate to our Hall of Fame: Carl Grace—Because he agreed with Dad Beeson that the sweetest song there is, is "The More We Are Together the Merrier We'll Be." Because Carl was serious for one moment once arid then took a vio¬lent case of sunstroke— Lorna Malan—Because Ben would rather dance with her than eat. That's saying a lot. Because her favorite words are: "Oh, really?" Dick Horrocks—Because he is slow to start, but once he does move inertia keeps him going. Because h told Don once that what was Don's was his. and what was his was his own. However, that doesn't work with their girl friends. Eh, Don? OUR RADIO SYSTEM At last our much discussed radio system has been installed. It seems to work perfectly. The student body is in line now for some real entertainment in the form of con¬certs. If you are a lover of the fine things of life you will readily appreciate the installing of the radio. Ogden Jan. 8, 1930 . . High School News Henry Aiken, editor-in-chief; Lucille Summers and Dena Liapis, assistant editors. Knowledge, in truth, is the great sun in the firmament. Life and power are scattered with all its j beams.—Daniel Webster. Another added feature is the "mike" which has been placed in j the office for the use of Mr. Merrill when he desires to communicate with the students. ON THE SICK LIST The toll of illness has sorely in¬vaded the ranks of our beloved fac¬ulty—Jack Armstrong, the chief en-gineer, is sick with an infection. Mr. Stewart's wife has been ill all during the holidays. Mrs. Raymond, our librarian, was operated on for appendicitis on Dec. 26. She is still ill. x r Our thoughts are with you, teachers. We hope your convalescense) will be speedy. BASKETBALL TEAM CHOSEN The Tigers have been busy dur¬ing the holidays. The first game was with the Bingham City quint which was victor with a substantial score of 39 to Ogden's 22. The Tiger's lair was next invaded by j West High of Salt Lake with a score of 41 to 36 in favor of the visiting team. The game with West High was played on a double-head¬er with Weber playing Bingham. With an old favorite, "Dribbling Doc" Stone out of the ranks per¬manently. Jack Hilton bids fair to twinkle as one of the brightest stars in the Tiger ranks. Ogden, as yet, has had no victory, but Coach Kapple notes a decided improvement in the team and expects to lead the scoreboard in the approaching game with Brigham City Bees. This game will be the first of the league games and will be played in Brigham City. Herb Stewart is making arrange¬ments for a bus and a very large crowd is expected. Remember, the i sixth man is the most important! —L. S. TYPEWRITING AWARDS Awards won during the months of November and December, 1929: Remington—Certificates, Ladora Sparks, Nelda Allen, Frances Eng¬lish, Mary Islaub, Elizabeth Tomlinson, Beulah Romans, Bessie Hoggan; silver pin, Marjorie Lindquist, Elma Reynolds, Hubert Orell. Underwood — Certificate, Hugh Ford; bronze pin, Mary Bninetti, Virginia Bott, Ethel Jordan; silver pin, Sidney Gordon. L. C. Smith—Certificates, Frances Fish, Ladora Sparks; bronze pin, Eugenia Geffas, Delano Roberts, Bessie Hoggan; silver pin, Rachel Medoway. Royal—Silver pin, Edith Konold; gold pin, Wilma Anderson, Ethel Jordan. ETHEL W. FRANKE, Teacher. BRIGHT AND SHINY! Behold! Santa Claus has been very active in our absence. Observ¬ant students may notice that be- ; sides leaving us a dandy radio, he also left the floors mopped and the , desks washed and dusted. I wonder how long our school will 1 show the effects of its recent clean- 1 ing, or whether tomorrow the desks 1 will again be written on, and dust ' and papers be everywhere. Our oi; ' school looks dilapidated enough as it is, without being littered with papers. Let us be really good trying to j keep our school as clean as possible, i and maybe next Christmas, or some i Christmas to come, Santa will bring , us a new Ogden High school build- 1 ing. all its j CRACK COMPANY With the Cadet hop only six weeks off Sergeant Holloway has again made the call for his much famed crack .company. The polished drill; of the non-coms is the result of j much intensive training and effort on the part of every cadet. If you [ happen to go up into the gym dur¬ing the ensuing week you will not, perhaps, see anything of the spot¬less and perfect soldiers that will turn out cn the night of the twen¬ty-first. But wait for two weeks. You won't know them. They are absolutely the most perfectly drilled organization we know of anywhere in the corps area—at the time of the hop. YEAR BOOK PICTURES The Year Book Staff wishes to again remind you that it is a wise plan to have your portrait taken as soon as possible because the photographer has much more time now than later in the year. You will get better and quicker service if you have them taken now. They are ! $3.25 a dozen and 25 cents for ex¬tra cuts. For each extra cut you have in the year book it will cost you an extra quarter. If you have two dozen a large picture will be given free. ALL ABOARD FOR BOX ELDER Don't forget the game with Box j Elder, students. It is Friday, the j tenth, in their gym at Brigham j City. If you have automobiles, take ; your friends. We don't care how j i you go. but go. Box Elder is a school that does things. They have a great deal of school spirit ana plenty of pep. Last year our games with them were almost as much a contest between grandstands as be¬tween teams. Let's take some of the old surplus spirit up with us, friday night, and burn those Brighamites up with our yelling. The team I is all pepped up and is rarin' to go. I If they show as much progress dur- i ing the ensuing week as they did during the past week or two the opponents will have a mighty tough battle on .their hands. But remem¬ber they need you. GRANDSTAND COURTESY With the advent of basketball sea- I son not a week away, it seems wise I to review once again our grandstand courtesy. There is as much to making a fine showing in the grandstand as there is to winning a game. Without co-operation and sportsmanship in the stands no game can be truly moral¬ly won. A winning score without the winning spirit of the student body is hardly a victory. It takes both players and student body to really win any kind of comepntion, be it football, basketball, oratorical contests, debating, class work or what have you. So for a moments time let us go over the requisites of true sportsmanship in the stands. First, remain with your own crowd. If your school is on one side of the stands, that is your place. Only by compact grouping can cheering be effective. Second, cheer with your cheer leaders. Wait for their lead¬ing. Combined effort is the only way Third, cheer opponents as well as proponents and be fair in your criticism. Don't boo the other iei- low. He is working for the same thing your team is, victory. If a good play is made by him, be just. His work if worthy of cheering should be applauded. Outstanding work is good and deserves merit no matter what or under what circum¬stances is its effect on you. Be as good a loser as a winner. Is be¬ing able to get the bad breaks and cheer anyway that counts. Stand awav from the courts. The players cannot work to the best advantage if they are constantly running into I the crowd which oversteps the i boundar. |