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Show I A second debate, "Resolved: That the myth of Santa Claus should be I promoted," was sustained by Leenora Ketchle and Virginia True on the affirmative, and Nathalie Layton and Fern Hinchcliff on the nega¬tive. No decision was rendered. After further discussion Congress adjourned. We wish to announce that Mr. Monson, from Weber college, will be the speaker at a special Congress meeting called for Thursday evening at 7:30 p. m. in room 103. Everyone interested in the subject of debat¬ing is cordially invited to attend, for we can assure you that Mr. Monson has some beneficial mater- ial for you.—Maurine Israelson, Re¬porter, FORUM. Our school play was a big success, but wait until Forum presents its big assembly; maybe a few new actors will be discovered. At our, last meeting we devoted most of our time in expressing ideas (orig¬inal and humorous) for our assem-bly. Let us introduce our new mem¬ber, Mr. Cragun. Cragun is a good debater and will probably prove his worth in our many clashes this year.—Dee Bramwell. BETA ZETA TAIL Meeting was called to order by Vice President Jenson. Minutes were read by Secretary Malan and busi¬ness was discussed. A program had been prepared by Margaret Burdett. Charlene Scowcroft gave us a piano solo and Rachel Medoway gave us a vocal solo. Mr. Stewart, our advisor, gave us a talk on the picture in Miss Stohl's room. We take this opportunity of thank¬ing those taking part on the pro¬gram for we enjoyed it very much. —Florence Dawson. JOIE FRANCAISE. Th3 meeting of Joie Francaise was called to order by President Stitzer. Lenora Ketchie gave an in-teresting report on the life of Marie Antoinette ,wife of King Louis XVI. A special committee report was given concerning the pins that we expect to have in the near future. —Rachel Medoway. Dec. 12-1929 Ogden High School News Silence is as deep as Eternity, speech is as shallow as Time.—Carlyle. A REAL CLUB Home Economics club, Ogden High, salutes you. We appreciate your splendid spirit in giving to the student body ten dollars which you made by the sale of your own candy at "The Poor Nut." This is the at¬titude that makes a club a real as¬set to the student body. Aside from personal functions the sole purpose of the club is for the betterment of the school as a whole. The efforts of the Home Economics club are the first of the fruits we are anticipat¬ing from all the clubs. If we all participate in the effort to obtain money for the purchase of our ra¬dio system our ambitions will soon be realized. This is fine work; let's have more of it. CHATTER AND CHAFF A debate is promised to the stu¬dents by the council in assembly in the immediate future. The subject is the pro and con of the proposed amendment. Ben Cartwright chal¬lenged Henry Aiken. They will each chose a colleague. The former will represent the affirmative, while the latter will protect the present plan. Nuf sed. Mrs. Irwin's fourth period history class is absolutely for the women. They not only believe in woman suffrage but in the fact that the fairer sex has the ruling minds in politics. Iras Leavitt will bear wit¬ness to that. The class has twenty boys and four girls. Herb Stewart can get his boots on totally unassisted now. Great work, Herb. Remember«, Running water will wear away stone. LAST MINUTE SHOPPERS I gotta have a girl. I just gotta have a girl. It is imperative that I have a girl. Far be it from us to put a damper on anyone's bliss¬ful ignorance of the nearness of the Holly Hop, but the above pan¬icky thoughts will begin to come to you if that lucky girl has not been notified tha she is to have the pleasure of accompanying you to the hop. Shop early for your date and avoid the last minute rush. Only eight more days remain until the big night. Bear with the seniors a day or two and the delayed tickets will be. on sale. Remember: They're 75 cents for couples or 50 cents for stags. Believe it or not, two can live for the price of one and a half, at the Holly Hop. DO YOU KNOW CLUBS? One student out of every five in O. H. S. is a member of a club. Not one of these students would forsake his membership in his club for a great deal. He (the "he' 'is used, speaking of mankind in a general way, of course including girls) is proud of his club; he takes pride in the activities which his club un¬dertakes; he ueneves that the clubs are a definite asset to the school. But what of the other four-fifths who do not belong to clubs? What do they think of the clubs? Are they a lot of hot air, or do they benefit the school? Nine times if you reply in the negative your working knowledge of the clubs is very limited. The clubs are yours, students, even though you do not belong to wiem. Get acquainted with their work, what they are do¬ing for you. If you are desirous of getting into a club find out the way you can be pledged. If you have not been elected to member¬ship to a cmb through faults of your own, overcome those faults, because in a big majority of the cases the clubs want students who do things, things for their school even if it is in no bigger way than keeping an eye on what i3 going on in school affairs and supporting the activities of the school. Here's to bigger and better clubs. May they continue their good work.—The Editor. ENGLISH DEPARTMENT We students go to school most of the time just to put in time. How- ever this may be a great deal of in¬terest is being stimulated in Mrs. Newcombe's classes by the par¬ticipation of the students in the con-ducting of the oral classwork. Every Friday is oral day; a student pres¬ident officiates and students have charge of programs and the class oral work, with, of course, the guid¬ance of the teacher. For a few min¬utes drill in parliamentary proced- ure is conducted to make the stu¬dents acquainted with the ways and means of conducting business in a deliberative organization. Then for the remainder of the period oral work is carried on. Sometimes it is a group act or conversation; some¬times it is exposition and sometimes argumentation. The class acts as a check on its own work. Each row has some particular point to criti¬cise in the oral work of each stu-dent. Then about five minutes be¬fore the conclusion of class the class booster points out the particular good things of the day's work. The students are always in anticipation of this Friday oral day. STATE CONTEST After a great deal of hesitation and deliberation on the subject last year, a few delegates were sent to represent Ogden High in the state typing contest. This year, however, arrangements have been made in advance to prevent any uncertainty. Last year Ida Mae McGregor walked away with second honors, but this year we stand even a bet¬ter chance. We might even capture first, since Mr. Farnsworth and Mrs. Franke, our typing teachers, have begun to prepare students for the contest. The contest will be held in Salt Lake, and favorable com¬ments are coming from the typing teachers as well as the students.— L. S. GREAT ASSEMBLY The Girls' association has given us another splendid assembly spon¬sored by the social service commit-tee of which June Tribe is chair¬man. The program consisted of the following very enjoyable numbers: Violin solo by Nettie Newman, ac¬companied by Mr. Hansen, and a vocal solo by Venna Hoakensen, ac¬ companied by Francis Foster and Nettie Newman. Then Miss Hubbard introduced our -peaker, Miss Mar¬garet Davis of Salt Lake. Miss Da¬vis was a schoolmate of Miss Hub¬bard in elementary school and high school, as well as in college. After graduating from college, Miss Davis began teaching, but when her fa¬ther was appointed warden at the state r nitentiary, she became in¬terested in social work and attended the School of Social Work in New York City in order to understand better this work. Now Miss Davis is engaged in social work in Salt Lake, Her inspiring talk on her own varied experiences will be long remembered by all the girls who heard it. The program concluded with a piano solo by Frances Fos¬ter.—Iras Leavitt. COUNCIL Council was called to order. The minutes were read and approved. A. D. M. was granted permission to have a party on December 14. We- 13 was given permission to have an initiation on either next Friday or Saturday. Dale Read asked for some immediate action to be taken on the conduct of the students in as¬semblies. Various plans were sug¬gested. It was moved and second¬ed that the business manager of the Quarterly should give a detailed re¬port on the issue immediately after it has been published. Mrs. Irwin asked for reports on the nights on which the clubs meet. Ben Cartwright read the original article of the high school constitution that sets forth the membership of the Council, After reading this article, he presented a proposed amendment to the constitution. A lengthy dis- cussion then ensued. It was moved and seconded that these students be given permission to debate in assem¬bly on the amendment. The motion ! was carried. It was moved and sec¬onded that the proposed amend¬ment should be laid on the table . until after the debate. The mo- ' tion was carried, Mr. Cartwright then challenged Mr. Aiken to choose a colleague to debate in assembly. Mr. Aiken accepted. It was moved and seconded that Council accept the challenge and permit these stu¬dents to choose their colleagues. The motion was carried. It was moved and c: sanded that Mr. Cart¬wright be given permission to ask Mr. Merrill for an assembly in which to conduct the debate. The motion was carried. Council then J adjourned.—Rader Deegan, secretary. OGDEN High School News Fri. Dec. 13-1929 Let others hail the rising sun: ' I bow to that whose course is run. —David Garrick. MY KINGDOM FOR A DATE j The long awaited tickets for the Holly Hop are now out. Don't for- ! get to get yours early. Our radio calls you; will you respond? Can we make the start a big one? The answer will be given on the night of December 20. A big crowd means you. That is the only kind of an answer that is wanted. And don't forget, men, the girl friend may need a break. Why not be kind hearted and give her the said break? In order to draw a bigger crowd the price has been lowered to 75 cents a couple or 50 cents for stags. You save 25 cents by taking a partner; that is, you save her 25 cents. Don't forget the date; it is a week from today, the twentieth. ' CHATTER AND CHAFF The teams who will debate the j proposed amendment for the en¬lightenment of the student body in assembly are completed. They are Ben Cartwright and Dee Bramwell, affirmative, and Henry Aiken and Doyle Jensen, negative. Bring your lunches, students. It's no telling how long the aforesaid debate will last. Spring fever has already cropped out. A number of students who ap¬pear to have the malady in a chron- ic way have nearly succumbed to the throes of the dreaded pestil- ' ence. . ..j.r Hod has been defeated. By work of the big political boss, the elec¬tion was turned at the last minute in Mrs. Irwin's fourth period history class and that sterling character, Harold Ipson was elected secretary. Mr. Nebeker tried to stem the wrath of the boss (Dee) but of no avail. He simply couldn't cope with the tremendous popularity of our frie'nd, Mr. Ipson. ABOUT NEW HIGH SCHOOL The very fine spirit of Mr. DeVine's talk on Friday last is but the forerunner of a co-operated ef¬fort on the part of Ogden clubs and business men to help us. A num¬ber of the members of the student body will give talks to the various clubs and over KLO in the near fu¬ture. Watch for these talks. They concern you. Ogd.en High appre¬ciates the efforts of those who are working in our behalf. May their efforts not be in vain. HALL OF FAME We nominate to our hall of fame: Frank Hubbard. Frank is our idea of the original wit. He can pull more potent wise cracks in one minute than Instructor Dave Wangsgard and that's certainly go¬ing some. Because he is a son of the prairie. We hear that he was born in Cougar Gulch somewhere in Idaho and until this fall really be¬lieved that Ogden was the gateway 1 to the west. Yvonne Pierce. Because she pre- 1 fers being called "Yivvie." Because she never tires of hearing that sweet old melody, "O I'll be true to thee, old purple and white." Be¬cause life is just on darn thing aft¬er another, and love is just two darn fools after each other. Jack Hilton. Because down in B company they call Jack "Danger¬ous Dan MacGrew!" Because he came by his beautiful red hair naturally and honestly. Because the teachers have elected Jack "booster" in all his classes. Because Jack can be awfully gentle when the occasion demands. Can't you, Jack? WHAT NOTES MEAN The Notes staff urges the stu¬dents to take part in the making of the Notes into a more efficient and democratic form of column. If you have a criticism or if you read something that especially pleases you make it known. The Notes box is your outlet to your thought. Send your observations in. We would like to have the students again maintain the Aunt Jane section. Anything that pertains to school life or school will be gladly received. OUR ART DEPARMENT Much praise is deserved by our ef¬ficient and obliging art department. In the advertising of our school functions it is a very great help in the making of posters, etc. In the publication of our maga¬zine and Year Book, it is of ines¬timable value in the making of car¬toons, pictures and designs. In the school plays and operas it makes a big contribution in the painting of scenery. In a word, we appreciate very much Mr. Stewart and the art department. I WANNAN O At our meeting at the home of Mr. Smith last evening much was said. Little of the saying went heeded. We were much pleased by the attendance of four of last year's gang. Come again and often. Aft¬er a lot of discussion about the idea of a Christmas party we were prompted by our better and less selfish motives and the money was appropriated to the Good Fellows for the buying of a Christmas dinner for some poor family. Mr. Hetzel gave us an interesting discussion of the life of Perkins and his work with coal tar by-products. After some ! discussion about the inventor and chemist, the meeting was adjourned. CONTRACT LET At last the contract for the in¬stallation of a master radio set and public address system in the Ogden j High school nas been iet. The Nathaniel Baldwin, Inc., company is the successful low bidder and the installation will be made under the direction of J. R. Cummings, who has had much experience in this line of work. There will be a loud speaker in each classroom as well as the carpentry shop, and the auto mechanics building. We are in¬sured that the installation will be made before school resumes in Jan¬uary and that it will be an "up-to- the-minute" equipment. MILITARY DEPARTMENT The following promotions and ap¬pointments are hereby announced in the reserve officers' training corps, Ogden Senior High school, effective December 11: Regimental Sergeant Major Charles Hetzel, to be second lieu¬tenant. Corporal Carl Grace, company A, to be second lieutenant. Sergeant Lester Douglas, com¬pany A, to be regimental sergeant major. Private Reuben Mason to be ser¬geant in company A. —Lieutenant Colonel T. H. Cun¬ningham. THE CHORAL SOCIETY i Mr. Hansen seems to have innu¬merable plans for the betterment of the music department of the Ogden High school. Our worthy music in¬structor is not satisfied with the outstanding success of the band, the glee clubs, the quartet, and any number of other activities which he has brought about since his arrival. The newest move made by Mr. Hansen is the forming of the Choral society. He expects about one hun¬dred members to join this society. A fine group turned out last night and any others who wish to join this fine eociety may do so. Full particulars will be given by Mr. Hansen. Come on, girls and boys, and make this a success. CHRISTMAS BASKETS Mrs. Irwin announces that the va¬rious rooms will again contribute baskets toward promoting happiness in the homes of the poor this year. Each year the donations are taken up by the Girls' association and given to the Children's Aid society for distribution. Each room is ex¬pected to do their share, so begin to save your spare pennies and do your share to promote happiness during the holidays. Tigers Oppose Morgan Court Five Tonight O GDEN high school cagers journey to Morgan tonight for a four-period court battle with Wes Schaub's Morgan high athletes. Coach Dixon Kapple will take entire squad of 20 men to Morgan for the contest, the second of the season for the Wildcats. Kapple will probably start Pantone and Hunter at forwards with Les Mayer at center. The two guards will be Van Dyke and Hilton. A return game is planned here in the near future. Sun Dec. 15-1929. Ogden High School News ANOTHER ORGANIZATION With the aid of the shorthand teacher, Miss Stephenson, a short¬hand dictation class is being form- ; ed by her pupils who have an ay- 1 erage grade of A or B plus. This class is being formed for the pur¬pose of increasing our stenographic speed; so that by spring we will be capable of winning for Ogden high school the shorthand cham¬pionship. We have elected worthy officers for this new organization. They are : president, Lois Robinson, vice president, Erma Funk; secretary, Rachel Medoway. , Our motto is "speed." SELMA ROSENTHAL. |