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Show as long as ine Doys coiiwiiue to be as bashful as they are at the present time, I think it would be a good time to try the other type of dances . for a while. The girls are all good , sports in asking the boyf ' ] : colade, but the boys don't seem to be as brave. Thank you, Aunt Jane. —Juliet. Dear Juliet: If a girl hasn't a date, she may come with a chaperone or a group of girls may share a chaperone. For a girl alone the admission is 50 cents, but if a fellow goes stag he must pay the full admission price, 75 cents. The chaperone is admit¬ted free. You're very welcome, and come again. —Aunt Jane. EX-PRINCIPAL CROSS Many Ogden people will be inter¬ested in knowing that J. O. Cross, one-time principal of Ogden High school, is now president of Santa Rosa college, California—the school that plays Weber college on Thanks¬giving day. It is quite likely that Mr. Cross will accompany the team here and will be welcomed by many former pupils and friends. F riday Nov. 22-1929 OGDEN . . High School News VIOLET STANFORD Editor Pro-Tem THE ASPEN GROVE This picture was painted by Don¬ald Beauregard, a former teacher in Ogden High school. It was present-ed to the school by the Child Cul¬ture club, and it now hangs in Claude Coray's room, his room hav¬ing had second choice in the draw- 'ing of pictures. The scene is of a herd of sheep and a shepherd pass-1 ing down a ravine into a valley. This scene is seen through an aspen grove. The time of the picture is about rundown. The sheep are in the open where the sun's rays strike them, while within the grove it is growing darker because of the long shadows the trees are casting. Donald Beauregard was the son of N. J. Beauregard, of Fillmore, Utah, and was born in 1885. The artist went to Spain to study, and then to France. Here he won prizes for drawing and color exhib-ited in the salon and sold much of his work to both Americans and Frenchmen. He had a commission to paint a series of mural decorations for the 4915 California exposition at San Diego. The panels which he was to paint were to be 10x12 feet. Beauregard's health began to break down, but he sent no word in respect to that. He had time only for work. Returning to Amer¬ica" he went directly to San Diego, laboring desperately to complete his commission. He made a heroic race with death, but lost. Before he died, at his old home in Fillmore, he told his mother that only a few strokes would have been needed to ocmplete the first panel of his great work. He painted until he fell from the ladder. —Allen Wright. GIRLS' HIKE There is going to be a hike to Waterfall canyon Saturday for all the girls of Ogden High who care to go. Members of the faculty are also invited. Those going are to meet at the school Saturday morn¬ing at 3.SO o'clock sharp, with plen¬ty of lunch and more pep. There will be games and fun enough to last a long time. The hike will last the greater part of the day. Miss Scofield will be in charge. HURRY! Sam: "Hey, Bill, where you going in such a hurry? Is there any ex- citmeent in this drab world, or is your speed just another 'fire'?" Bill. "Excitement! Better than that; but don't detain me—I may lose my opportunity to attend." Sam: "Attend — suspense — fun? What is it? Bill, aren't you my friend?" Bill: "Your friend, and you stop me? Well, here are the facts—The Junior class of Ogden High school is Student Council Meets. OGDEN, Utah, Nov. 22.—(Special) —The regular meeting of the stu- ient council of Ogden high was held Nov. 19. The clubs gave their reports. Jack Reeves reported upon the cost of the quarterly. A new chair committee for council was appointed. It was decided that the proceeds from all school activities eycept the Class.icalia would be giv¬en to help pay for the school radio which will be installed by Christ-mas. __ Girls to Hike. OGDEN, Utah, Nov. 22. (Spe¬cial)—Girls of Ogden high are in¬vited to take a hike to Waterfall canyon Saturday morning at 8 o'clock. The hike is sponsored by the Girls' association. Banquet Set. OGDEN, Utah, Nov. 22. (Spe¬cial)—Friday evening, Nov. 22, at six o'clock, the board of education of Ogden will give the football team of Ogden high a banquet prioi to the Thanksgiving dance at th« Berthana. Miss Nellie Mealiff, head of the domestic science department of the school, and her students wil serve. The dinner will be given ir the cafeteria of Ogden high school Sixty invitations have been issued supervising a Thanksgiving dance to be held at the Berthana, November 122. Everyone is going. I wouldn't miss the affair, so please don't delay me. I must get a ticket." Sam: "You are a friend. Got me a ticket, will you, Bill?. And, Bill, ! don't ask my girl, because I'm going to take her to the dance." —Doyle Jensen. D. I. R. CLUB i Monday a very enjoyable, as well i as beneficial, time was had by Mrs. Chambers' third period English class. While the students were giv¬ing most interesting myths, fables, or legends, refreshments consisting of dixies and bars were enjoyed by the rest of the class. We found this combination to be very successful for, instead of hindering our work, it made it more entertaining. We arc full of enthusiasm and hope to have many more such de¬lightful programs in the coming weeks. —Dorothy Nelson. PERSONAL EFFICIENCY The personal efficiency depart¬ment is endeavoring to promote in¬terest in athletics among the girls. You haven't heard much from us yet, but "it won't be long now." Watch the mountains Saturday. They will be alive with enthusiastic girls of the G. A. C. of Ogden High. Believe it or not—every Wednesday afternoon many of the girls go swimming at the Weber gymnasi¬um. In the near future we expect to have a volleyball tournament, a bas¬ketball tournament, a swimming meet and a tennis tournament. Be- sides these we are going to have hikes, boosleigh parties and swim¬ming parties. Tho hike Saturday starts our health campaign, then watch our dust! Don't forget our girls creed. —May Harrison. AUNT JANE'S CORNER Dear Aunt Jane— How and when are the final ed¬itors of the notes chosen? Thank you, Just Curious. Dear Curious— As soon as all the editors pro tem have been tried, the English teachers will pick the five best and those fivt names wil! go uo before Council. The Council members will choose the one they think most ca¬pable of nolding the position. Don't get impatient. — Aunt Jane. BASKETBALL SEASON Due to the fact that the "Poor Nut" cast is occupying the gym ev¬ery night, Coach Kapple announces that the basketball season has been delayed, but will start in earnest after Thanksgiving. There is only one man that played on the regular team last year and that is Doxey Stone, captain. Four of the fellows were subs" last year, and the rest are I new men, but we can expect big things from the team this year. CARPE DIEM Carpe Diem has another good j idea. We've decided to have two talks every meeting—one on the re- j ligion of some foreign country and one on the sports of that country. The plan of the federation of clubs has been presented and rejected. PHI LAMBDA TAU We heiu our weekly meeting Wed¬nesday at 3:20 p. m. Dorothy Moore -"ave us a clever reading. (Thanks, Dorothy.) We discussed the pro¬posed club federation and our scrap book. By the way, we're going to have one of the finest scrap books ever. MILITARY DEPARTMENT The following appointments are hereby announced m the bend, re¬serve officers' training corps, Ogden Senior High school, effective No¬vember 21: Second liteutenant—Glen Olson; first sergeant, Lafe Snyder; ser¬geants, Read Badger, Earl Christensen and Walker Low; corporals, Frank Austin, Vaughn Clayton, Wil¬liam Taylor, Lee Richards, Doyle Jensen, Ellis Cragun, John New¬man, Josiah Taylor. Lieut. Col. T. H. Cunningham AFTER TWENTY YEARS Whether we realize it or not, we are constantly changing our ideas and attitudes. For instance, 20 years ago the "city board of education! ' last night uanimously voted that they would lend their "support to i any teacher who inflicted corporal punishment on students where cir¬cumstances were justifiable." Would tne board of education pass such a resolution today? Not on your life! They'd say, as someone said about the elephant: "There ain't no such animal as justifiable circumstances." And again, 20 years ago the "New York City board of supervisors has abolished football in the schools." We do not see them doing such things now. TAFT ON FOOTBALL Ex-President Taft is considerably disturbed over the trend of college athletics and "million dollar football seasons." He says, "There is a defi¬nite professional side to this that is not in keeping with educational ideals and purposes. The stadium overshadows the classroom. "Lec me state again that the situ- '-"«?.' t.h«- cheers and drama and color of athletics have u-iXOAirwnp as to cre¬ate in the mind of the average un¬dergraduate a misconception of the purpose of education." FOOTBALL PAYS Football now is in big business. Last sear Yale went over the top with a million dollar season—and a net profit of $543,084.76. Harvard with a much smaller stadium made $420,787. Princeton's net profit was $298,880. Michigan did $624,407 gross business with a profit of $415,328. - By and large it was a great sea¬son—with gross receipts of over $50,000,000.—Cosmopolitan. TWO O CLUB The Two O club is doing Its ut¬most to ain a new radio. Our first venture will be to present a minstrel show. Two committees, with Berk Fry and Elmer Broome as chairmen, are co-operating with Mr. Hansen to help put this thing over. The students of the school all are as eager to get this radio as the Two O club, so with the help of everyone it won't be long until we have se¬cured oui prize. —Elmer Broome, reporter. Quarterly Issue Nears. OGDEN, Utah, Nov. 23.— (Special) ! —Mrs. Florence Newcomb, head of the English department at Ogden high, announces that the first is¬sue of the quarterly will bo on Nov. 27. Student editors are already at work on the Christmas number, i which will be released some time 5; before the holidays. ; Blind Orator Speaks. r f OGDEN, Utah, Nov. 23.—(Special) J -At the student body assembly at Ogden high school, the speaker was Mr. Corry Hanks, Utah's blind ora¬tor and optimist. Mr. Hank's theme I was_thfi- ovoruoining oC difficulties. Mon. Nov. 25-1929 Ogden High School News VIOLET STANFORD Editor Pro-Tem MINSTREL SHOW Dark things are coming to Ogden High school students in the near future, probably about Wednesday, December 18. A minstrel show, darker and funnier than ever, is to be presented by the Boys' Glee club m connection with the music de¬partment. The boys have worked out new end men patter, and gags galore along with the solos, quar¬tets, choruses, and novelty numbers, all smacking of "way down south." The boys will wear snappy costumes of the minstrel type, colorful and funny. Although the boys and place of presentation have not been def¬initely decided upon, a "hot time in the old town" is to be expected on the night of the eighteenth of December. "POOR NUT" GOSSIP Stop! Look! Observe closely I Don't any of you make a date for either the fifth or sixth of December un¬less it is to go to the Weber Coun¬ty High school. If you do not do this, you're a poor nut; if you do do this, you'll have the pleasure of seeing someone else as "The Poor Nut," namely: Richard McKee. Girls! Imagine the good-looking "Dick" as a poor but brilliant boy with an inferiority complex, who brings last minute glories in the track meet to "dear old Alma Mater." Boys! Imagine the blonde Eleanor Stevens as a girl who takes the in¬feriority complex out of the "Poor Nut,' "and helps him to success. If you loved "Pat Herrington," you will worship "Margie." Don't forget the date, and get your tickets the earliest possible moment. ASSEMBLY Friday a very interesting program was given in assembly. Corry Hanks, the blind optimist, gave a most inspired talk about the things one may conquer, even though handicapped as he is. If the stu¬dents would follow a little of his ad¬vice, our school would be a most wonderful place. Ruth Greaves and Yvonne Pierce sang a very pleasing duet, and Byron Knapp played the xylophone. VISITORS WELCOME Miss Stohl's fourth and fifth pe¬riod oral expression classes are do¬ing so well, that she would like to have any of the students or faculty who are not having classes those two periods drop in and listen to some of the excellent programs that the boys and girls give each Wed¬nesday. FOOTBALL BANQUET . Friday evening at 6 o'clock, the j football boys had their- annual ban¬quet, which was prepared by Miss Nellie Mealiff and the domestic sci¬ence girls. The guests were there "en force." The hosts of the eve-ning were .the board members, Thomas M. Irvine, president; A. B. Foulger, vice president Fred M. Nye, James H. Riley and Fred Williams. Superintendent Hopkins was the toastmaster. The program consist¬ed of music by the O. H. S. quar¬tet, a welcome by Vice President Foulger, and extemporaneous speeches by guests. THE OPEN ROAD 111 room 308, through the cour¬tesy of the Girls' association and Le Conte Stewart, we are fortunately in possession of a most interesting and inspiring painting, appropriate¬ly named "The Open Road." A poem of the same title written by Walter Whitman was the chief in¬centive. To the" artist it gives hope; to the nonchalant, interest, and to the enthusiast, steadiness. It even causes the athletes to stop, look, and almost listen, and to us who are interested in languages it means: Compensation for Mr. Stew¬art, Ein Tram, Paix, and Memonas. —Charles Wonder. MALE QUARTETS PICKED The final decision of the judges for the Ogden High male quartet was announced by Musical Direc¬ tor Glenn Hansen Thursday morn¬ing. The quartets are as follows: First—Walt Foulger, first tenor; Max Clark, second tenor; Elmer Broome, first bass; Frank Grasteit, second bass. Second—Bob Parks, first tenor; Jack Holden, second tenor; Enoch Thorne, first bass; Dale Reed, sec-ond bass. RADIO TALK i There is a daily meeting of the radio committee these days in re¬ceiving bids and information con¬cerning the placir." if a master ra¬dio set in _ the high school. On Tuesday ,the committee will go to Salt Lake to look over some recent installations. The great concern of the committee is that the best that can be had shall be purchased. THEN AND NOW In 1890 the high chool offered a curriculum - nposed of subjects or¬ganized on a logical basis and in-tended, according to the committee of ten of the National Education as¬sociation, for "those boys and girls economically and intellectually ca¬pable of attending the secondary school." The acquisition of this subject-matter was considered more or less an end in itself. In 1929 the high school offers a series of curriculums, composed of subjects and activities organized on a psychological basis, which, accord¬ing to the curriculum commission I of the National Education associa¬tion, should provide every child of 1 secondary school age an opportunity to develop whatever talent he may possess. Subject matter is a means to an end and has no place in the curriculum, except as it contributed to the realization of desirable, in¬dividual or social ends. Nov. 26-1929 Ogden High School News BEN CARTWRIGHT Editor Pro-Tem A MINSTREL SHOW The musical department is plan¬ning a negro minstrel show for the near future. The Glee club, with the support of tne oriier music classes, is to participate in this unique event. We are more than pleased to hear that we are getting- the "unusual" this year. Surely success will come to this as to all other school activities. CONGRATULATIONS, JUNIORS The rumor :s a'oout that you "made a financial success of your Turkey Trot. We congratulate you. You, as a class, are showing up previous junior classes in business affairs. Perhaps the seniors will follow your lead in a reduction of admission fees for the school dances. "LAND OF MYSTIC SHADOW" A sun-flecked brancu in the fore¬ground—colorful mounds rising in the happy sunshine—mystic shad-ows lying cold and dismal in the deep recesses of the canyons—the far off rim dimly visible through the unfathomable mists—grays, hazy purples, blues, contrasting with yel¬low, orange, coral, delicate pinks— This is the "Land of Mystic Shad¬ows." The originator of this masterpiece which is now hanging in the li¬brary, is Oscar Borg, a Swedish painter, who is said to be self- taught. He is famous for winning many awards both at home and abroad and several renowned art clubs hail him as a member. His western subjects, "Cowboys" and "The Hopi Indian," are very out¬standing. —G. H. DO YOU KNOW THAT? Mr. Ed Smith is talking "turkey" to his classes. Harold Ipson is a "w,et"? Mr. D. Wangsgaard has exchanged his pet rabbit's foot for a turkey's foot? Richard McKee is a "poor nut"? CHRISTMAS SEALS The Utah Tuberculosis associa¬tion, which is on its twenty-second annual Christmas seal sale, has ar- |