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Show Sun- Jan. 25 - 1930 DUTCH STYLE DECORATIONS AT ACCOLADE Girls Act As Hostesses And Escorts Are Guests Standing out among the high school parties of the year was the Girls' Accolade given on Friday evening at the Berthana. At this party the girls act as hostesses and the escorts are escorted. The hall was prettily decorated in Dutch style and opposite the entrance stood a large windmill in a plot of grass, the garden paths bordered with tulips. Great baskets of tul¬ips hung on the center of the wall panels around the hall, and the theme song of the party was "Tip Toe Through the Tulips," which was played at various times during the evening. The covers of the programs bore a Dutch scene done in black and white. The committee on arrangements included: Program, Shirley Halverson, decorations, Clarissa Gould; advertising, Marion Poulter; invita¬tions, Dorothy Watts; refreshments, Athleen Budge; tickets, Jessie McKinley. The patrons and patron¬esses were Mr. and Mrs. W. Karl Hopkins, Principal and Mrs. A. M. Merrill, Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Irwin, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Hess, Mrs. Cora L. Sailor, Mr. and Mrs. Ar¬thur Halverson, Mr. and Mrs. George A. Watts, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Budge, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Quillian, Mr. and Mrs. J. Gould, and Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Poulter. Pre¬ceding the dance Miss Yvonne Pierce entertained at dinner at her home on Madison avenue. Mem¬bers of the Sempre Felix group and their escorts were included in the invitations. Pink and orchid sweet peas centered small tables at which covers were laid for the Misses Marjorie Anderson, Bernice Larsen, Maxine Fox, Eleanor Stevens, Ruth Greaves, Beth Peck, Charlene Scowcroft; James DeVine, Bob Chez, Rex Greaves, Clyde Beuhler, Grant Morse, Hugh Ford, John Carver and Kent Bramwell. An attractive no-hostess party was given at the Bigelow preceding the dance. Gay colored tulips and candles in orchid shades were used on the table. The hostesses were the Misse." Ada Sailor, Dorothy Watts, Athleen Budge, June Tribe, Annabelle Barker, Dorothy Stitzer, Dorothea Healy, Lorna Malan, Vir¬ginia Hyde, Perry Ward, Iras Leavitt, Deva Liapis, Guinevere Hess, The guests were Herbert Stewart, David Mattson, Beecher McConnell, John Purdy, Boyd Budge, Fred Mor¬ris, Harold Malan, Horace Nebeker, Ben Cartwright, Charles Hetzel, Henry Aiken, Rader Deegan, Joe Foley and Don McCraley. Miss Elaine Wilcox entertained at a pretty little dinner preceding the dance at which the guests were Vir¬ginia Oborn, Blanche Allison, Elaine Evans, Helen Madson, Frank Foley, Willard Heed, Roland Corey, Jim Edwards, Grant Morse and Paul Goddard. A low bowl of pink roses centered the table pink tapers were at the ends. The same group was entertained at supper following the dance by Miss Helen Madsen at the home of her parents, ... . and Mrs. W. F. Madsen, on Taylor avenue. Members of the Zeta Phi club were entertained at dinner at the home of Miss Lillian Jones before the dance. The party included Shirley Halverson, Beth Storey, Jeanette Parry, Marion Clark, Ber¬nice Hall. Lillian Jones, Clarissa Gould, Helen Krumperman, Nelda Allen, Jessie McKinley, Virginia Bott and Virginia Oborn, and Darrel Felt, Bryan Rowbotham, Jack Reeves, Carl Felt, Harold Gibson, Orson Foulger, Theo Martin, Earl Drake, Paul Rowe, Ashton Harris, Francis Foley, Dave Wangsgard and Bill Loise. Guinevere Hess, left, vice president, and Miss Ada Sailor, right, president of the Girls' association of the Ogden high school, who are in charge of arrangements for the annual Girls' Accolade at the Berthana Friday evening. Members of Phi Lambda Tau were also hostesses at a dinner Friday evening at Keeley's. The fifty guests were seated at one ta¬ble decorated in black and red, the club colors. Flame and white sweet peas and red tapers centered the table, and the place cardu blended in the color scheme. Those present were Luiclle Van Dyke, Florence Cave, Lucille Hales, Phyllis Frederickscon, Donna Malan, Valerie Bradshaw, Billie Shaw, Madeline Malan, Jeanne Vail, Na¬omi Wall, Veronica Alton, Beulah Alton, Gertrude Grange, Eva Herscovitz, Janet Parke, Alice Malan, Venada Targeson, Helen Barrett, Venna Hokanson, Maurine Israelson, Evelyn Upton, and Dorothy Moore; Lloyd Keller, Lafe Snyder, Elmer Broom, David Crockett, Bob Perry, Elvin Miller, Jim Chandler, Earl Seigmiller, Jack Holden, Earl Barton, Frank Martin, Oscar Demming, John Culley, Max Clark, Har¬vey Wood, Elsworth Wardleigh, Charles Jay, Clemont Bennett, Law¬rence Whitaker, Su Bell. Miss Hazel Schenck was another hostess at a delightful dinner at her home on Twenty-fourth street before the Girls' Accolade. Pink carnations and pink tapers decorat¬ed the table at which were seated Flora McFarland, Adele Fleming, Eloise Brewer, Elda Skinner, Elsie Bybee, Dorothy Knowlden, Les Meyer, Arnold Garr, Blaine Mortenson, Doxey Stone, Wilford Furness, Lyle Neal and Jack Hilton, After the Girls' accolade at the Berthana on Friday evening a no- i host dinner party was given at j Kern's cafe. Covers were laid for ; twenty-four. Members of the party included the Misses Ruth White, ! Florence Gay, Lottie Seegmiller, Mildred Stromberg, Emily Hancock, Lorraine McEntee, Thora Nelson, ! Norma Bingham, Dorothy Sanysson, 1 Elma Skelton, Dorothy Crawford, ' and Nettie Newman; and Messrs. Waltter Richards, Lloyd Jacobson, Elwood Peterson, Lynn Foley, Frank Todd, Henry Ketchie, Dee Jackson, Lynn Bennett, Robert Simpson, Charles Moxby, Lester Grange, and ! Lloyd Geist. |