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Show f Lst's remember our grandstand courtesy. It makes for good will and better understanding. CHATTER AND CHAFF Our sponsors were put back a ! ! notch the other day when they were squelched for enticing the officers away from their duty. We hope the fair ones have learned never to keep a man of affairs from his duty. Aunt Jane is critically ill. The doctor says that the reason is noth¬ing to do. If you vant Aunt Jane to live, students, keep her busy. Dad Beeson adores Helen Kane's singing. If you are working for an A, a good way to do it is to take lessons and give Dad serenades about "Sunshine, Blues, a Moon, Forgive and Forget." Wanted: A date for the Girls' Ac¬colade. Apply: Aany boy in the school. TO REPRESENT SCHOOL Athletic cards were requisitioned on Monday for the following boys who are to represent Ogden High school in basketball this year: Les¬lie Mayer, Herbert Tarran, Clyde Hunter, Fred Morris, Charles Mor¬oy. Bob Van Dyke. Frank Foley, I Jack Hilton, Jake Oliash, Ellis Stoker, Layne Newey. AT UNIVERSITY Miss Maeme Chrisman, '21, and, Miss Stella Chrisman, are enter¬ing the University of Southern Cali-fornia at midyear. POOR JUNIOR Unfortunately for Junior Pantone ' and for high school as well, Junior Paijfrone is finishing now his eighth semester of high'school work and will consequently be ineligible for basketball this year. He will, how¬ever, be able, under the ruling to play until the end of this semes¬ter. SUMMER TRAINING CAMP Sherman Armstrong, civilian aide for Utah has asked Principal Mer¬rill to serve as Weber county repre-sentative on enlistment work dur¬ing the year 1930. As is known, the M. I. camps are held for one month during the sum¬mer season, and are conducted in such fashion as to make an ideal summer vacation for young men. Mr. Armstrong says, "The object of these camps is to bring together young men of high type from all sections of the country and thereby develop closer national and social unity; to teach the privileges, duties and responsibilities of American citizenship; to stimulate patriotism; to teach self-discipline and obed¬ience, and to develop the physical standard of American youth." JOIE FRANCAISE The meeting of Joie Franeaise was held January 30, 1930. New officers were elected for the second term. They are: Minnie Favero, president; Bernice Hall, vice presi¬dent; Margaret Scoville, secretary, and Dorothy Stitzer, reporter. We are very sorry to lose our competent officers of the last semester, but we believe the new officers will con¬tinue their duties in a successful manner. Dorothea Varney gave a special report. Meeting was then adjourned. RACHEL MEDOWAY. CONGRESS Congress had its regular meeting Monday. The debate for the eve¬ning was postponed, and the time was given over to discussion on sev¬eral important matters. A commit¬tee was sent to Forum endeavor-ing to persuade them that their at¬titude toward exclusion of girls in the Junior High school debate finals should be more liberal. Action on this subject will be taken up later. Congress then adjourned. OGDEN Jan. 9, 1930 . . High School News Henry Aiken, editor-in-chief; Lucille Summers and Dena Liapis, assistant editors. Virtue is like a rich stone—best plain set.—Francis Bacon. OGDEN VERSUS BOX ELDER Tomorrow night our team journeys north to Brigham City to play ' our first league game. The team ' has been working extra hard to round into shape for this game, stu- 1 dents, so it is our duty to them J to all be on hand to cheer for them. 1 Remember your yells and co-oper¬ate with the cheer leaders to out- ' cheer Box Elder. Let's show the : school at Brigham that ours is a school of fine sportsmanship, co- : operation and enthusiasm. i TRULY DEMOCRATIC This year, more than any time : in the past, the belief that Ogden - High is an autocracy has run i through the minds of a group of students. Amendments, changes in j election, differences in policy of handling student body affairs have !1 been proposed and discussed both 1 in Council and out of Council. I 1 Where there is so much smoke ' there must be some fire. Some- 1 thing to bring all the students into 1 a feeling of brotherhood and loy¬alty is seriously needed. We do ' not want a school of the few, to be 1 governed and enjoyed and loved 1 only by the few. We want a school ; of spirit and loyalty to be honored 1 and cherished by every student. How this can be done is a problem for the individual. No amount of talk- : ing of spirit or of defeated theories can ever alone build up and kindle interest in your school. You, stu¬dents, must find out the faults in 1 your school and correct them. It is ' yours, the problem of making stu- ' dent body brotherhood. Let's have a little more united effort toward the end of making O. H. S. the best and most finely organized school democracy to be found anywhere. The Editor. CHATTER AND CHAFF The initial program from our much talked of radio system is eagerly awaited by all of us. Whether it is a lecture by the prin¬cipal or a concert of national men¬tion we care not. The main thing is: we want a proof that our radio is a working success. Doc Stone and his flock of sen¬iors have turned promoters. What they plan to do is pull a smokeless smoker. The only thing lacking now is a couple of Jack Dempseys and three or four Bob Perrys. Do you know our temporary librarian. If not, step in and get ac- 1 quainted. Her specialty is calming tumults. Marg Anderson is practicing for 1 a play. From some of her after- ! school rehearsals it must be a very 1 touching part, very touching. FUTURE CAESARS AND NEROS Have you ever taken Latin from Miss Chesney? No? Well, yours is 1 one of the biggest losses that can be imagined. Until you have hashed ' through Caesar or Cicero with that stern \master of the "dead lan- , ' guage" you certainly do not know the joys of mental gymnastics. Miss Chesney has a novel way of teach¬ing, seldom found in high school. By her methods a student either knows the subject at hand or he doesn't. There is no beating around the bush. Every translation every day you must have if you would rate one of her precious A's. Each student makes an exhaustive ac¬count of his or her translation, omitting nothing and doing the work absolutely alone. If he is in difficulty it is his own problem to solve it. Recitations are made by rotation. But just as the stu¬dents get used to that particular x-otation and know just when they are to be called on, the thoughtful teacher changes the order of the rotation. Thus it behooves every¬one to always be prepared. Should you ever wish to take a" course in reasoning, or you have a love of literature, by all means do not miss Latin. HALL OF FAME ' We nominate to our Hall of Fame: Bob Parker—Because he was known at North Junior as the "Swamp Fox." He is absolutely un¬able to remain placid and calm. Be¬cause Parker Woods and he are ap¬parently in love with the same girl. Because he really believes that he has a company out at North. Gray Reynolds—Because he can't see the use of editors; to him they are excess baggage, impedimentia. Because his favorite color is blush rose. Because Gray has lived and suffered. But withal he remains that sweet winsome Gray. Ruth Gibbons—Because she is one little boy's main reason for living. Wouldn't you like to know who that is. He is known in some corners of the earth as Dee. Because which is a relative pronoun. ANOTHER LUCKY BOY Ogden High has another lucky boy in the person of Harold Holmes, class of 1929. Just before the holidays Harold received notice of an appointment to Annapolis—a privi¬lege—an opportunity that can come to but few, hence the boy who re¬ceives such an appointment must consider himself very lucky. An appointment carries four full years of best sort of college training, all expenses paid, and a position for life at a good salary after gradu¬ation. . Lucky Harold. BASKETBALL The Tigers clashed with the Larsen Giants in a very one-sided game Tuesday evening at the Weber gym. This was a practice game and end¬ed with a score of 51 to 16 in favor of the Giants. Don't forget that the first league game will be played Friday in Brigham. The Bees have a strong , team. Let's support our team and bring home a victory. Announce¬ments will be made later concern¬ing the arrangements for transpor¬tation. The game will begin at 7:30. Don't forget the yell prac¬tice at 12:30. L. S. COUNCIL The Council meeting was called to order by President Stewart. The minutes were read and approved. President Stewart gave a financial report of the school play. It was moved and seconded that the play report be tabled until a complete report is presented. The motion was carried. Doxey Stone asked permission for the senior class to promote a "smokeless smoker." It was moved and seconded that the senior class be allowed to promote a "smokeless smoker" in the fu¬ture at a time to be approved by Council. The motion was carried. By a motion the finance committee was instructed to get information on the radio and to report next meeting. It was moved and sec¬onded that the date of the "smoke¬less smoker" should not be set un¬til after the basketball season is over. The motion was carried. Mr. Ipson asked for information con¬cerning transportation to the bas¬ketball game at Brigham. Council then adjourned. RADER DEEGAN, Secretary. RADIO CONCERT If our radio is working as it should tomorrow, we shall hear, be¬ginning at 9 a. m., the music ap¬preciation concert by Walter Damrosch. It is. as follows: Music inspired by legends— Procession of the Knights of the Grail, from "Parsifal" Wagner Saint Francis Preaching to the Birds Liszt 9:30 a. m.—Dance forms— Gavotte in E... J. S. Bach Minuet from "Jupiter" Symphony Mozart Pavane Faure Polka, "Tik-Tok".. .Johann Strauss . Ogden Jan 10, 1930 . . High School News Henry Aiken, editor-in-chief; Lucille Summers and Dena Liapis, assistant editors. Look around the habitable world; how few Know their own good, or knowing it, pursue. —Dryden. YELL PRACTICE AT NOON For the past two or three days there has been a yell practice dur¬ing the last fifteen minutes of the noon hour. So far only a few have turned out. Good cheering can only be gained by practice. When the practices are held for the next games, let's all turn out. It not only results in better cheering but better relationship between the stu¬dents. If you are in the halls turn the few minutes you have for so¬cializing into a few minutes of co¬operation and concentrated pep. More students for noon hour pep rallies. JUNIOR CONTEMPORARIES We have recently received a copy of the Lewis Chronicle. It is put out in good style. We like the idea of a school publication which de¬votes itself entirely to school activ¬ities and events. Let's have more papers like yours, Lewis. They make for school spirit. The paper shows that the business staff is on the job. They know how to get the ad¬vertisements. TO THE TEAM Tonight our first league game is to be played. Ogden High wishes to send the message to the fellows on the team that we're all behind you. We appreciate the splendid strides you have made since the call for basketball was made. Do your best; that is all that can be asked of any¬one. CHATTER AND CHAFF Numerous students in the halls after school the other day received the benefits of Hod's luncheon at the Rotary club Wednesday. A number of hungry students partook of his hard roll in more ways than 0"lf you see a strained look about the eyes of some of the seniors, don't be alarmed. Mrs. Newcombe has just called for notebooks to be handed in. If you had a hundred sentences to do you wouldn't look like the flowers of May either. Notice: The purpose of all heat is to warm the object heated. This information was generously impart-ed to Ed Smith's period class the other day by the brightest boy in school. ,, , By the way, did you know that in the fifth period chemistry class when the students and teacher were given an intelligence test that the class average was an intellect of a child of four? Believe it or not, we don't. A sad, sad story. Little Jimmy was absent the other day. He for¬got his excuse. The cruel principal made poor little Jimmie go home for his excuse. Jimmy lives only eight miles from school. Moral: Bring your excuse if you want to save shoe leather after being ab¬sent. BASKETBALL Two buses have been chartered for the battle with Box Elder. The game will begin at 7:30 promptly and will be played in the Box Elder High in Brigham City. The fare is 50 cents round trip. Mr. Peterson, Room 15, and Herb Stewart are in charge of arrangements for the transportation and you must see them today for your ticket. Mr. Kapple says that the team has shown a great deal of improvement and he expects a heated game. —L. S. AMIGOS DEL MUNDO "This meeting please come to order." Such was the order issued by President Edith Konold at the last meeting of Amigos del Mundo, which was Wednesday. After all was quiet the subject of parties was dis¬ cussed, pro and con. At the end of a heated conversation President Konold appointed a committee of, three to have a report ready by next meeting on what type of a party we would like. The committee consist¬ed of Myrtice Evans, chairman Ruth Jenson and Marguerite Sum¬ner. As the program committee was not ready to report until next Wed¬nesday, the program was postponed. We certainly enjoy competition in this group of lively girls. Just ask Lorna or Elma. —Lois Robinson, Reporter. BOOK OF POETRY An anthology called "Contempor¬ary American Poets," edited by Horace Baker and published by the Stratford Co. of Boston, off the press December 1, 1929, contains a poem by Mrs. McKey entitled "Broadway—and Night." The poem reflects the love of an actor for Broadway—the "mad Mecca of the artist's dream"—and his hope that although his light has gone out, the lights of Broadway will forever "shine on!" LUNCHEON CLUB The Conversation Luncheon club met in Miss Keener's room Wednes¬day at noon, January 8, 1930. The chairman was Frances Fish. Because the meeting took place so soon after the holidays magazine articles were not prepared. How¬ever, forty-five inspirational and educational minutes were spent playing three games which Frances had prepared. Each girl had her own lunch. Dur¬ing the course of the meeting sev¬eral good Scotch jokes were re¬lated. ,, 1 Merriment and joyousness presid¬ed during the hour. - This was our first meeting of the New Year; but not the last. —Garnet Bradshaw. I-WANNAN-O The meeting of I-Wannan-O on Wednesday night was a beautiful example of oratory and what the eloquence of words can do. A skiing party will be held Sat¬urday afternoon in Huntsville. This is a party for members only. Too bad girls, we couldn't give you a br6dk The meeting finally adjourned after Messrs. Fry, Aiken, Deegan, Foley, Tribe and Horrocks nearly came to blows. AUNT JANE'S CORNER Dear Aunt Jane: Shall we be allowed to have our traditional "tie-trade" this year? If so, when? Thanking you in advance, I am, ANXIOUS. Dear Anxious: Mr. Merril has said that there will be no "tie-trade" this year. The trading was undertaken so roughly, vigorously, and rowdily last year that several boys were hurt. Also there was much confusion and de¬lay in classes. I hope you will not be too disap¬pointed. I Write again when you get "anx- ! ious" about something. AUNT JANE. THE ACCOLADE "The eighth?" "No, I have the eighth.' How about the fourth?" "No, I have that one. Have you the ninth?" "No." "Then let's trade the ninth." "Allright, but he'll die when he finds out that he has a dance with me." "He will not; he'll be glad." These and similar bits of conver¬sation have met us on every side, lately. What is it all about? Why, the Accolade, of course! Have you noticed that the boys are sporting their best smiles? Well, why shouldn't they? They want a date to the Accolade, and who wouldn't? Girls! Hurry and get your dates before someone nabs the favorite boy friend. Remember the date, January 24. |