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Show ogden Feb. 11, 1930 . . High School Notes Henry Aiken, editor-in-chief; Lucille Summers and Dena Liapis, assistant editors. Nature forms us for ourselves, no1 for others; to be, not to seem.— fa Montaigne. t REVENGE IS SWEET Box Elder gave us a trouncing In our first game of the year up In Brigham City. Thati was before li our team got into shape. The team i: is now gunning for Box Elder. To t revenge that defeat by an over- r whelming victory is the aim of all. To do this every student must get I behind the boys and turn out. We ' have still a chance of winning first t place providing some one stops Davis in the meantime. Even if we ( don't win first place the team goes 1 to the state tournament, if we take, second. We are tied wth Box Elder and Weber for second. Can we : come out of the tie ahead? Watch 1 us and see. THE CADET HOP The days are getting fewer and fewer between the present date and the day of the hop. Every effort is being made to make the hop the most beautiful and most enjoyable dance of the year. Colonel Cunningham is working hard with the ! fellows as is also Sergeant Holloway. Tickets are now on sale. Get 1 them from your company com- manders or any of the other offi- ! cers who are selling them. Let's see ' what company has the most spirit, i The dance is informal with the ex- ' ception that all cadets are request- ed to appear in uniform. Don't for- s get this point. It is one of our best dances, and the reason it Is, is that the fellows co-operate and wear , their uniforms. Let's have no sluf- fers. Civilians are cordially invit- : ed to attend. They will be assured ' of a wonderful, time. AN APPRECIATION Sincere effort is always appreciat- . ed. If everything a man or a team ] has is put into his or its game, no matter what it may be, a feeling of gratitude should be shown. Victory is too largely regarded as the mate¬rial gain derived from playing the \ game hard and squarely. Don't fool yourself, fellow student. Victory is merely a score. Sportsmanship and clean play mean infinitely more. A team of fine hard-working fellows deserves congratulations and praise even though they sometimes do come out on the short end of the score. Such is our team. Never were fellows so fine spirited, so big in defeat, so optimitistic, even in de¬feat and opposition. They deserve the praise of all. And their men¬tor. Coach, you have done marvels with the boys. It seems that you can make a winning basketball team out of nothing. The student body appreciates your efforts as well as the team's. May they not have been in vain. CHATTER AND CHAFF Just before the hop the various cleaning establishments suddenly get a great influx of patronage. They outdo each other for low prices. Maybe this year they will get so cheap that they will pay you for the privilege of cleaning your uniform. Hugh Mayer is gunning for "those Davisites." What he couldn't and wouldn't do to them if he ever laid hands on them. There, there, i Hughie. That's a good boy. We weren't meaning anything personal. Mr. Cartwright, consolidate, inc., big merger. He guarantees that he can secure accord and harmony be¬tween anything from a deaf mother- in-law and a jealous son-in-law to getting "We 13" and I-Wannan-O on good enough terms to have a party together. He'll have to prove it to convince some skeptics. Max Fox claims the world's rec¬ord for different ways of getting a pretty face into the papers. She is run a close second by every other woman in the city of Ogden. H. P. Hetzel tells us that he has discovered a way to translate Latin by logarithms. " Wanted, a date for the hop by a j boy or boys who won't have any- thing but sponsors. Market closed at zero. AUNT JANE'S CORNER Dear Aunt Jane: I am a first looie. They tell me that I'm miss¬ing some feed because I can't attend the sponsors' banquet. Tell me how much does one lose by not having a sponsor?—A Looie Who Should Have Been a—. Dear Lieutenant: It seems to me that it is very obvious how much you lose by not having one of these charming young maids to sew your buttons on and to take you to ban¬quets. You don't know what you are missing by being left out of the sponsors' banquet. The girls do things in a big way. The Accolade showed that. By the way, lieuten¬ant, are you any relation to a sec¬ond lieutenant down in C company? AUNT JANE. ORATORY Don't forget your orations, stu¬dents. Only about a week more to round them into shape. Let's have a good showing at the tryouts. The chances for winning the excellent prizes should be a big inducement. Miss Stohl will be glad to offer you suggestions on your oration. Be sure and make an effort. The op-portunity is a fine one and every student should avail himself of the splendid chance to improve him-self. ASSEMBLY TOMORROW Wednesday morning, February 12, the anniversary of Abraham Lin¬coln's birth, our good friend, John Edward Carver, will address our stu¬dent body. Naturally, his subject will be "Abraham Lincoln." We feel that we are in for another grand treat and we invite our friends to join with us. The assembly will be held at 9:30 o'clock. THE BOOSTER CLUB The Booster club was organized Wednesday night. Thirty spirited girls attended our meeting. Evelyn Upton was elected president and Loddy Seegmiller, vice president. Everyone knows that Eileen Wil-liams can make plenty of noise, but. when 29 other girls, with just as much enthusiasm get together— well, draw your own conclusions. We're not bashful, Nor are we shy. Watch us work with the team And beat Box Elder High. IN APPRECIATION We wish to say a word of appre¬ciation to our band for the fine contribution it is making to our games. Al Warden said of the game the other night, "The spirit was the best ever manifested at a high school game." Surely we are all proud of the student body which is showing so much pep, enthusi¬asm and loyalty; but we think the band members deserve special cred¬it. They are on the job, at consid¬erable trouble and extra work, and much of the spirit may be justly credited to the music. Thanks, boys, and Mr. Hansen, it is very fine, and we do appreciate it GAMES THURSDAY 1 It being impossible to get Weber gymnasium Friday evening, our game with Box Elder has been changed to Thursday evening. All ready, gang, everyone on the Job. Thursday night, February 13—our lucky day. ANOTHER VENUS FOR QUEEN Who can deny the charms and the beauties of that chic young sponsor of our first battalion? Con¬sidering everyone she is the best and most promising candidate for queen yet seen. Everyone vote for Charlene for queen and let's have the people's choice. Who is more fair? Who is more winning? Who is finer? No one! (Political Advertisement) Ogden Feb. 11, 1930 . . High School News Henry Aiken, editor-in-chief; Lucille Summers and Dena Liapis, assistant editors. The'mind's cup is never filled.— Mrs. Newcomb. CADETS ATTENTION! Any officer in your company will - sell you a ticket to the hop. Bring ( your dollars and don't forget to keep - the sales in your company. The j choice plums for the dance are go¬ing fast. If you haven't a date by ( all means lay down this paper and phone the lucky girl at once. We , must have a big crowd at the hop. You will thoroughly enjoy it. It is one of the most beautiful and delightful dances of the year. The military atmosphere is especially clean and wholesome. Sarge urges the cadets to wear their uniforms to the hop and not to go civilian. It adds a great deal to the spirit of the thing if every one does the right thing. The crack company has been put in the charge of Dan Code. From all indications they are going strong and, together with the band, will do some big things for us on the evening of the twen¬ty-first. Don't forget your money tomorrow morning. Let's have 100 per cent attendance. ORATORY. Are you proceeding with your ora¬tion, students? Remember, every day counts. Don't forget to obtain as much source material for your speech as is possible. The more versed you are before you start, the more you will be able to put into your work. Tryouts will be held soon, so don't lag. A big represen-tation, please. WHAT KIND OF A CLUB? In English the other morning a considerable amount of thought was caused by the various arguments propounded by various students and their reactions and conclusions drawn from observations about school. One student drew the not altogether warranted opinion that clubs are entirely cliquish and are for the few. Another student stated that he believed that clubs were far too numerous in the Ogden High school and that the policy of coun¬cil in granting a charter to every club which proposes a constitution is wrong. Another student claimed that the clubs do not adhere close¬ly enough to their respective pur¬poses. Of course hostile views are always met by counter views and other students argued that clubs are never too numerous if they func¬tion properly; they stated that the existing clubs are working very well and are doing much worth while work. This theorizing created some ex¬cellent food for thought, even though nothing material was done or could be done there about the matter. However, aside from theory and idle contention, clubs should be limited in as much that only the very desirable ones should be al¬lowed to exist. Clubs should as¬sume a positive and definite policy and should adhere to that policy religiously. It is a fact that a num¬ber do not do this as faithfully as they should. The clubs should not be limited if they function correct¬ly; but if they do not, and some don't, then it is a coat of another color. YEAR BOOK PICTURES. Hod and Gray are working hard to make the year book this year a big success. They have definite plans which are already assuming material proportions. However the entire success of the year book is dependent on the speed with which ! the students have their cuts in. Don't delay this matter, students. We must have the pictures in early if we want the year book out on time. CHATTER AND CHAFF. Dale Reade seems to be acting in the role of truant officer. He re¬ports that he has caught a number of little scamps out on Twelfth ;reet "meandering in the meadows." The girls in brown are digging own deep in their pockets. The ponsors' banquet comes before the op, If you have any particular ish you would like, officers, see our sponsor. They are only too appy to oblige. Have you any ideas for Classicalia ueen? If you have don't be back¬ward in making them known. Sev- ral early birds are tugging at the asect already. Don McCraley and Iras Leavitt, ome of our recent invalids, are gain with us. Their presence is ppreciated by certain students in larticular. Dad Beeson is a stickler for form, ie has to have everything just ight. If you don't believe this, ask lis trig classes. I Uncle Ed is telling some of the most delightful bed time stories to lis little god-children. One of the 1 rettiest we have heard is the one ibout the sick heifer. AUNT JANE'S CORNER. Dear Aunt Jane: Has anything been done about the fame the night of the hop? We! lope arrangements can be made as ;he student body is sincerely sure ;hat the best efforts of all cannot e given to two activities on one light. —Another Sponsor. Answer: The committee from council has stirred up matters so that some ac¬tion is being taken. In all probabil¬ity now the game will be on Satur¬day night instead of the night of the hop. It is an important game and all students are urged to attend. Neither the game nor the hop could be rated a success if they were on the same night. —Aunt —Aunt Jane. BASKETBALL. I Don't forget the game tomorrow. I Our game with Box Elder is to be played in the Weber gym at 8:15 o'clock Thursday night. In as much as so many events are scheduled for Friday it was necessary to change the time for the game. Mr. Kapple j plans on using the same line-up al- j though our newly-found wonder who played such a marvelous game last Friday will probably be out of the game.' The date of the game which is to be played next week is still undecided. The hop prevents us from playing it Friday and Weber has a game Tuesday and re¬fuses to play Thursday. It will be necessary therefor to play the game on Saturday. FORUM. The regular meeting of Forum held February 10, was a huge suc¬cess. The principal discussion for the evening was a non-decision de¬bate on the state question between four members of the waiting list. Afterwards Mr. Smith, the school debating coach, announced that the following students had been select¬ed for the school team: Herbert Stewart, Dina Liakis, John Cawley, Preston Mulcahy and Doyle Jensen. Three other persons will be chosen at further tryouts, and after more competition the final six members to represent O. H. S. in debating will be chosen. At a special meeting Durnell Richards was unanimously elected to Forum. —D. J. H. C. REPORT. H. C. held its last, and very in¬teresting meeting Thursday the thirtieth. Meeting was called to or¬der. The minutes were read and approved. The main object of the meeting was to elect new officers. Our new president is Jack Rouse. The vice president is Miss Nellie Hamlyn. We place many honors on Miss Winifred Laurie since our old secretary was elected to keep her office throughout the year. We want to mention that the en¬tire club appreciates the work that the former officers have done and hope the new ones will be equally as goodTWe wish to state that our former president was Jim Edwards, the vice president, Miss Jessie McKinley, and the former reporter, Miss Shirley Halverson. For some unknown reason Mr. Bill Reeves did not show up at our meeting. Maybe he was too sure of himself getting in as president so, to save himself the trouble of vot- . ing for someone else, he stayed away. Anyway, we'll see if that was the reason at our next meeting, which will be held next Thursday, February the sixth. —Ruth Gibbons. PHI LAMBDA TAU. "I'll dare you to try that hill." "All right, it's a dare. You go first, "Here goes. I like roses." Such was the spirit of Phi Lambda Tau Friday at their first attempt at skiing. It's do or die with them, and nobody is dead yet. TYPEWRITING AWARDS. Awards won during the month of January, 1930: L. C. Smith. Certificates: Ardith Ashby, Frances English; silver pin: Leona Johnson. Remington. Certificates: Dorothea Varney, Elizabeth Hawkes, Thelma Purrington, Jack Boyle; silver pin: Nelda Allen, Edna Krey, Delano Roberts. Royal. Certificates: Ruth White, Leona Johnson; silver pin: Ruth White, Leona Johnson; gold pin: Leona Johnson. Underwood. Certificates: Helen Borup, Agnes McPhie, Vera Drabble, Carol Pfisterer; bronze pin: Marion Brown, Frances English, Grant Morse, Gladys Belnap, Melba Rich¬ardson, Merle Herbert; silver pin: Virgina Bott, Rachel Medoway, Ruth Jensen, Delle Jackson, Wilma An¬derson; gold pin: Leona Johnson. Ethel W. Franke, Teacher. JOIE FRANCAISE. The weekly meeting of Joie Francaise was called to order by President Favero. We talked about the keen time we had at our party Saturday night. And boy—was this a party? I'll say it was! All we have to do now is to wait for our pins to be made and then—well, judge for yourselves .Naomi Wall and Marion Gimlin were assigned to give a special report next week. Meeting then adjourned. GIRLS' ASSEMBLY. A most interesting girls' assembly was held on Tuesday at 2:30 p. m. Professor Metcalf of the physical education department of the Uni¬versity of Utah gave a most inter¬esting talk on the subject of physical education for girls, guest of the Rotarian's on Feb. 12-1930 Dee Bramwell, yell leader of the Ogden High school, was a guest and made a brief talk in which he aroused enthusiasm regarding the Ogden High school sports program. |