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Show v ere nity gBce Wace. ayer Nag" \ Bt - Re ga eh Pca Rt ie Oa cre Hai Fe Gee, Se a caret te ee 7 Katie a f §s ied ae Seng a Spe eo 2 _ SEPTEMBER 15, 1964 A record $7,601,764 budget to operate Weber State College during the two-year period beginning next July 1, was approved today by the board of trustees. | Trustees also approved a $5,210,000 capital outlay budget \for the same period. i -’ Both budgets will require approval and appropriations of ( funds by the 1965 Utah Legislature. _-The operating budget will be | submitted to the Utah Coordi| Board Votes. | nating Council on Higher Educa- tion, the Utah Department of |Finance and the governor be- fore being ‘sent to the next legislative session convening in anMaPy | Weber State’s construction request will go to the Utah Build_ jing Board for action before it is 17,311 higher than 51% Hike In U. Budget th or the current biennium. -EGISLATIVE ACTION ber Treasurer, recommended a $47.8 million budget for the next bi- State ' \James R. Foulger said the budget would require a $5,533,|714 appropriation by the 1965 . |Utah Legislature. This figure is $1,991,714 higher than the state) appropriation for the current ennium, an increase of 5 per cent over the current figure. — However, nearly $7.8 million ‘Remainder of the proposed of the proposed budget is ear1965-67 operating budget would marked for the new University |come from tuition, student fees Medical Center hospital. _ {and other non-tax sources. The regents also adopted a | Dr. Foulger said the operating operating budget. - |budget increase is necessary to proposed 10-year building projhandle an anticipated 1,000 stu- gram which would cost $76 mil- jdent gain in enrollment during the two-year period. This would - |require about 50 more instruc‘‘|tors, another 25 service staff land additional supplies and) equipment. __ 3 NEW BUILDINGS The college also will have e new buildings to operate ig the coming biennium. se are the second phase of F ine Arts Center, the library, and an administration _ | building. o in| The first two are under way unbe to (2| with the third expected der construction next year. All but $500,000 of the $5,210,000 construction budget must be appropriated by the 1965 legislature. The $500,000 is what the ‘college expects to get in federal aid to help purchase equipment for a new science building. Included in the new capital outlay budget is construction ofa $2,230,000 science building, $570,000 administration. building, |$400,000 maintenance building -jand planning funds for a $2.4 r-|million. classroom building. STADIUM lion. Under the proposal, nearly — $40 million would be spent during the next three years. | “Tt is painful to me to have o recommend such a large budget increase,” President. James C. Fletcher told the re- gents, “but I can see no other way out.” 14,500 STUDENTS He said enrollment increas are the principal reason for the moosts. Fletcher said registration this fall will reach 14,500 students. It will increase another 5,000° during the next biennium and should reach about 21,000 three years from now. Business vice president Paul W. Hodson said the large immediate building program was recommended because of mounting enrollments and the already inadequate physical plant.. Campaign Mail Burdens Postman, CONSTRUCTION De i P al i constructed £9) $30, aS on OO the to increase OLrOpO DUTICIIS in d for land purchase. construction budget was “realistic and probably |o! the conservative tic U a congressional side” by ca r) campus, Mailman Week.” stadium “After delivering. ) for construction of seven ble tennis co Sy $640,000 ‘campus development and oe ‘ franked mail to every house in the dis- trict just before the primary election for the present congressman, the postman should get some sort of recognition,” he said. “The sad part about it, however, is that it not only overburdened the mailmen, but cost the taxpayers several thousand — of dollars in extra work for the postal department,” he said. “Tt means thousand of peopl in our district had to pay indirectly to receive mail the;e,” an trustee Paul Tanner,a member of the board’s Building and -|Grounds Committee. ‘| This construction request is art of a 10-year program in hh Weber State College PresWilliam P. Miller estifirst plac ted the college construction didn’t ‘want chin the ; ‘he stated. ds will total $18,945,000. % i “4 vy 4 . on 7 |