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Show ig- ves Wear ons be : , : Peg I exiesiad _ ‘ In ' | in-| eu ; , b . Ps By DAN MCNULTY 8 J ‘ in ial 4 it rig r d } | os A s dae Pat ; és my ba é } Coa Children | in Chica- moistened his hands and picked ELMWOOD PARK, Ill. (AP) go. After three years his parup. ‘Bruce Gongola ‘dances, ents transferred him to Rhodes! Bruce is the oldest of four swims, plays the trombone and boys and the only one with a makes model cars and planes. School, a regular public school handicap. He wants to go to colHe is a guard on the Elmwood in River Grove, a suburb of Chi- lege but hasn’t decided what he t High football team, School freshman and he plans to). out for basketball. id., tryBruce, 14, is a typical boy except he has no fingers and has jonly one toe on each foot. The only thing he can’t do, his moth10f er says, is tie his shoelaces. “It’s very important to continrs ue your education and try these ly; cago. wants to do professionally. Mrs. In the fourth grade Bruce be- Gongola said Bruce maintains a gan playing the “slide trombone. good academic average. He manipulates it with his He works as a junior counsewrists and now is a member of lor at a camp for handicapped the Elmwood Park High band. children during the summer. ‘Bruce is very strongly deterBruce is 5 feet 2 and weighs |mined to do things,’ his mother 120 pounds, but football is a natsaid. And he always finds a ural sport for the Gongolas. His way.” father played in high school. His AS eet |Park et Eure A "as. Me + Deal eae “ i) ee 2V1ads naleir aed * Shey SS aa iZ2 igh eee aot — N ‘® a rt ro | We ee aa ; pees ete A ut! ar ” to Halt ee |t . ht different things,’ Bruce said. “When he was three years uncle, Don Gongola, is a former ‘“You’ve got to at least try.” or old,’ she said, ‘‘we dropped a University of llinois quarterie Bruce, who was born handi- penny on the floor to see wheth- back and currently the backcapped, began his education at er he would pick it up. He stood field coach at Harvard Univer-| the Luther Burbank school for there tor. a few minutes, then ee fi |