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Show Thurs., Sept. 10, 1964 *s'atetetatetetatati te EVENING TELEGRAM—B-5 Monument Will Recognize ‘Mormon Period’ Settlers By L. BURR BELDEN Pioneer settlers who located in San Bernardino during the “Mormon Period’? of 1851 through 1857 are to be honored by a monument to be erected aatatetatetet eter tetg ota 's n 4 UI WW Ww vv W. V. cock, Hakes, Joseph Han- Ebenezar Hanks, George Mrs. Woodbury said, “The Hanks, John Harris Sr., Moses purpose of this monument is to perpetuate and preserve the Harris, Silas Harris, William Heap, Mrs. Margaret Adams history and accomplishments of Henderson, Robert Henry, Luthese city forefathers who trans- cas Hoagland, Samuel Hofflins, formed a cattle rancho into a John Daniel Holladay Sr., {beehive of industry and agriculJohn Daniel Holladay Jr., Rich_jture. These pioneer men and ard Hopkins, John Hughs, Jefwomen erected a stockade , grist ferson Hunt, 1g r- and saw mills, erected schools, Hunter, JosephJohn Hunt, Jesse Hyde, William into nd constructed roads the Hyde, David Jones, A > SaaS Alanzo | Jones. Marcus Katz, William Deca- tur Kartchner, Rupert Lee, John ‘|Lewis, George Lord, Amasa Mason Lyman, Andrew Lytle, a Moses Martin, Joseph Lazar y us Mathews, John Mayfield,|’ b Jerry Mellvane, William Mc. eee SP cee fall of 1857. ail os eh Re (0 = — ca wuw mam. i grounds. Mrs. Florence 8. Woodbury, the front of the Courthouse. A Courthouse full day’s i wm ARTIST’S SKETCH — This monument, honoring San Bernardino pioneer residents of 1851-57, will be erected on the County Courthouse County Donald, Henry McGee. Dr. William L. McIntyre, John Metcalf, William Mills, Miner, | Justice Morse, William Nish, Robert Pappett, John Phelps, Edward Pool, Henry Rabel. Charles Coulson Rich, John Roberds, Gilbert Rolfe, Samuel Rolfe, James Henry Rollins, Mrs, L. F. Rowan, David Seelee, Justice Wellington Seeley, Carlos Shepherd. _ Marcus Lafayette Shepherd, Samuel Shepherd, Henry Sherwood, Bill Smith, Allen Freeman Smithson, George. W. program is visioned grounds in January by the for the dedication. Mrs. WoodDaughters of Utah Pioneers. bury, the county president of the The monument, a_ granite Daughters of Utah Pioneers, has shaft with extended base, will learned that Mrs. Kate B. Carcarry a plaque bearing names ter, national president of the orof all known city residents dur- ganization, will attend. ing the seven-year period. The The monument is being contask of compiling the names structed by the San Bernarwas shouldered by the Daugh: dino Monumental Works. The ters of Utah Pioneers some sponsors are anxious to obtain Sparks, Quartus S. Sparks, months ago with Mrs. Florence donations to assist in its financ- Charles Stapley, John B. Stewing. Ks S. Woodbury, 2696 Serrano : art, Amos Stiles, Mrs. Jane M. Road, as chairman. of San Bernardino, is chai ms of ‘The list compiled to date in- Stoddard, Sheldon Stoddard, William Stout, Archie Sullivan, the project and is seeking the Bames cludes: 7 Mrs. Woodbury, from early Joshua Abbott, David L. Al- Gilbert Summe, George Swarthof all who lived in the community histories, deeds, and lists in dridge, Simeon Andrews, Amos out, Nathan Swarthout, Truman during the seven-year period of Morpossession of the historian of Wilson Bemis, Jerusha Gurnsey Swarthout, Luke Syphus, Daniel the Church of Jesus Christ of Bemis, Alfred William Benson, Taft, Albert Tanner, Freeman mon colonization. j -|Latter-day Saints at Salt Lake, Thomas Blackburn, Hyrum Tanner, Joseph Tanner, Sydney lhas compiled a roster of over Blackwell, Alley D. Boren, John Tanner. , '|150 names, including a list of Brown Sr., Charles Burk, SamElmer Taylor, Norman Tay‘persons known to have lived in uel Burton, Alfred Bybee, Mont- lor, Nathan C. Tenney, Daniel the stockade which stood on gomery E. Button. H. Thomas, Joseph Thorn, Theothe site of today’s Courthouse. Coshum C. Case, Jacob Israel dore Thorpe, Theodore Turley, Casteel, Joshua Casteel, Or- Twitchell, U. U. Tyler. ' The Daughters of Utah Pio- lando Carter, Andrew Cahoon, Anson Van Leuven, Fredrick neers are hopeful that descenFrancis Clark, John D. Clark, Van Leuven, Mathew. Welsh, dants of pioneer families will Albert Collins, John Cook, A. J. Bushrod W. Wilson, Whitney, xs|know of additional names, par- Cox, William Cox. Nathan J. Wixon, Sam Wolf. ticularly those of families who John Henry Cram, Charles _Also Bartlell Smithson, Wildid not live in the “‘fort,’? such Crisman, Charles Crandel,: Wil- liam Cox Smithson, Valentine as the Garner Grove colony, as liam Crosby, Albert Cummings, J. Herring, Charles C. Piercy, well as those who came to San Bethel Coopwood, John Brown Bernardino between 1851 and J.Edward Daley, Moses Daley, J. Jr., Davidson, Andrew P. DeLin; Dr. A. Ainsworth, Jerome 1857 either in subsequent overM. Benson David Dixon. and William 4A. land caravans or from NorthRobert Egbert, Clark S. Fab- Conn, | ern California. un, Charles A, Ferguson, Mrs. The pioneer city grew steadi- Agnes Flake, Love Haley ly during the Mormon period and colored servant Liz, Horace and is said to have equaled Los Frink, George Garner,| Angeles in size by the time Monroe |President Brigham Young _is- J. D. Gilbert, Louis Glazer, Issued his recall orders in the aac Grimes, Isaac Grundy, Benjamin Grouard. © om POS the mountains, planted 13,000 acres of grain, and organized both county and city governments,’ The Board of Supervisors has approved a monument site at |