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Show wee =86% af 1964 ¢ ases nny’ y Sheriff Cas BW 6 or ovint a ae i 7 re en asa _— CMO oe — a Of a total of 2, 787 crime classi- auto accidents lead the list with \fication cases recorded in the 216. All were investigated and Weber County Sheriff Depart- cleared.| re Ges” ' len on ike ge he od ti Peel et ef Ae ee pe .S8505050555>>—_ eS" mitted to the Utah State peni-| tentiary, or three more than in 1963. Bail monies received. totaled $464,755, an increase of $25,498 over 1963. ho SS — The Weber County Scientific Investigation. Department is also covered in the annual sheriff’s report, and shows that 26 law enforcement agencies during the | ; year were provided with scientific aids by this department. Some 367 investigations were made with fingerprints, ballistic comparisons and typewriting analyses and photographs of crime scene evidence taken. Evidence was taken in four child beating cases. During 1964 the records and communications divisions were consolidated under Deputy Archuleta, with seven systems implemented for eredrer efficienhy cy. iam ont uth ind \itein grand larceny (items valued 1963. According to an annual report more than $50), and 73 petty just released by Sheriff LeRoy larceny. Officer cleared 166 of Hadley this is an 86 per cent these cases. Ten sex complaints were reeffective rating. The comprehensive report is- corded and eight were cleared sued in attractive booklet form from the books. Seventeen death by Deputy A. O. Archuleta, su- investigations were made and pervisor of the records and com- completed. One murder, five assaults and munciations section, also shows that the civil office of the de- 52 injured person cases are listpartment served 7,857 papers, ed, along with 25 auto thefts, 15 racking up 37,644 miles in the cases of malicious mischief and process, an increase of 14,144 114 cases of destruction of propmiles over a year ago. | {erty. The ‘driving. while intoxicatLast year 8,008 papers were served, including warrants, sub-|©ed” category dropped sharply poenas and evictions by the from 203 the prior year to 117 three-man office under the di- in 1964, This is ‘the lowest number recorded in the past five rection of Orville Graham. years. ACCIDENTS LEAD © Other offenses totaled 1,085, A breakdown of the crime almost the same number as in classification cases show that 1963. Cases occurring in 1963 | cleared last year totaled 51 in this category The Weber County, jail admin< istered by the sheriff shows a decline in bookings with 5,206 in .|1964 compared to 6,237. the year before, or a decrease of more than 1,000. This is the lowest in three years, Deputy prone said. A total of 65,944 meals we served in 1964 compared to 095 the previous year at a Gos of $13,189 compared to $13 54 TO PRISON Fifty-four prisoners were ¢ —i.r —_ There were three armed rob-| ' of ment in 1964, some 2,443 were ost cleared after investigation by of- beries, 102 burglaries and 232}! rts ficers — a reduction of 48 over larceny cases. Of these, 159 were |