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Show February Sunday 1962 Saturday 1962 25, Pos Bees: Clinch: Tourrie Berth as. Bear River Takes W n No. Six + Siddoway 400 8 Jenkins 0000 Wilkinson 00 0 0 gees. 48°. The. victory vaulted the Darts into second place. be Ogden as they assured themselves third place tie, Ogden, ©" which oo | of. at least a/e _ P = $ oa46 Fife still has ‘two tough 1879 oe a one-game |0 1 0 0 Edwards ee ‘Tho Tigers funped off tora good |@ £2 9 Wee ead over fo first Pp. er little right Bonneville. lead; ‘then could arker do|1 3 3 g 2 aioe 151 : Tet 3 15 21 13 43 At Bountifuh the Braves clinched |$80" -v-cc8 Pa tain net ‘STE Pp Thompson.1 6 3 5 eilson 23.1 5 Bountiful, ledby Lyndon MacKay | 4 2 1'9 serlow ‘polit1 1.0.2 with 29 points, jumped off-to a 22-11 | 1 0 0 2 Robinson Young 01-0 0 first period lead, and left:the floor |) } 9 2 Hodges NSE at serves. Larsen 7.1014 sr re # front. by»42-22.. Replayed most of*the second | ~~; half for the Braves. Neth aSe: oe a ticket to the tournament by edg-! ae North Cache, 48-43, at Brigham © jocan 6 Hy e : . 8 D. Jensen aan ‘the they comfortable couldn’t make Mie as foe ie the Bees : led most of|25 43/3 Pederson 4313 Maughan way, it a|2 20:4 Hansen margin. ’ 3 7 3 Pe 37 yi Rees to pick up most/100 CRUSHED GRIZZLIES chséi Kraus’ 40°08 “WHE 90.83 ow Taylor 100 2128 1597 ‘and Laurence ront Hunsaker that most of the scoring. ‘The Grizzlies line simply » Ric iles did} 7.106 20Neilsen Six, Morgan and South Rich finGRANTSVILLE ‘ished regular league play in.a first|¢ t FP % place deadlock as both won Friday. - ae * awe ‘battle Summit, however, for its 49-47, life was to forced edge while South to South 1 0 0 2 Anderson though tT. aon ose, ing ia a,.51-37 isd its game fo ie to Grantsville here in Ogden: ‘Box scores: BEN LOMOND GTEP Fatinri GTEP ‘eee Stott 5 6515}0 4119S 4 4210 R ‘Hanes 1.0 0 2 Graser 60012 ae yaa 6 3214 Ward 0000 Teahibdion - Sh dgsenh's ; ee , aeatat Denis Cushing Johnson ri é 3 15 24 37 Jolley 79721 Leatham 2004 McKissick 26 2 6 Judd Smith °2 11.5} 4 32-10. Jenkins MacKay 13.43 29/6 11 11: O'Toole Beck 0 0 0:0} ————— |-23 127 53 13 1711 37 30 es ¢ ce SUMMIT Crandall Mann} 2 0.0.4 M. Richens Reisbeck 5 1111 3 2.1 Wade Waeve ce 1002° Bloomavist 721158 Ge etn 3.1.1 Region sin ota osha ets Rees 08000 at cis at Pleasant Standings: Grove. Provo, Spring- | Region Seven—BY High at American Fork, Lehi at Tintic, St. en REGION | | (Jordan cg 8 ay ae «pene Cee eae ey Fork’ at© Grantsville. Judwers HY, ek Sehgwel on Five—Spanish Payson, Orem ville at Carbon. | ‘North Rich .iy.. ved. eh 4 St. Joseph. ies 3 tes 2 656250 | | Dugway -...6.:. jie ce. “Gee 8 At i ito ONE WL Pet | Bear River ....... i. aap @ 1,000 | r Box Elder ... 20.65: -sugeemee 114 | ach on the Lakers’ court. _ | its standing by last week but still ou Cache ....cssseaue -..3 eaten Bae eae 2 Cache «i csiisiass see ae kee 8B» .500 5 285 6, 7 - 8 3L200 7 f ak between CMG i RE na ee 6 8, the Warriors lost, Bonneville .. .... ...:,..,.....2 a ee tussle. The Ben Lomond WR : ey iataeleers Clearfield ave aS b gheh ee OODLE Oa eee seems ‘ have a mid-season)! Jordan =e ee game this. BAN REGION FOUR. Rie rei eee cies sos + 1 7 3 5 2 2.1 5}North Summit ....-. 0 0 0 O' Park City .....--++>- Zmu 16 37 Wright 3106 a Seemed 21 33 17 59 5 , WwW Se Cee eee eee eee wees Pet 1.000 -599 4% | HT II ‘accident. free week. Only two citations for Weber: drivers and one for Bonneville marred — ~ the re Ben Lomond drivers were guilty of seven citations and involved in a pair of accidents while Ogden High School motorists were caught Ht | Safety flags are flying. ” Bonne- + ville and Weber after drivers of. those two high sc hols. posted an 2555 ee tenths” fave des01 Bast + 20h) td SP Ris hse!oe 5451555. the “a ond court 1S: wg ‘ ; 444 it must se Highiand® “eee 03 A Temembered that the Bulldo gs are ODS. still figh g for'a tournament posi- Granite sf jc ake ' : : qin Box Elder, © high Set Safety M 8 .800 8,800 ‘9 182 ees 54 | Two: “Hight| Schools. .700 .600 — Reforsen 44210 1 3 4 WwW eb a tace vets. 9° 0 1,000 NO South a quarters: Rae's Faye sar ee te Ot the 0 week playin » et Hie. up cel ‘way aren't faking anything Peterson 0 2 2 Totals | é art: dan. 2.1.0 Orozco 5 7414 Thomas it lost to Park | 25 1113.61 OPEne 2.) eae taco 3.666 Caren: cue i) eee, 32-8 3385 Springville ais. cetbeaarer’ 2; aif 2 THE SCHEDULES. REGION {Ma oley 4 4311 Wadsworth 5 49 47 Shenefelt 3 3 3 North, Surimit finished in. third || 19.2 Johnson place, ave City, :38 29 Hansen i 2 9 ‘Bias sateh, 51-45. regarded as a ‘must’ for the Lak: ers. Should the Tigers lose and 18 201147 2o 20.6 eee Crandall 1 0 0 2. Boyer also had a close one, downing. Wa-| will travel across town to Ben Lomond i in a game that is enn a0 -\ ST. JOSEPH es 1 Oe MeDongh or 2 ; : i : pene Rich Fee... 0 1.000 — 2 TT: inson ee keep up with the Bear River fast 172415 49 Totals break. Mor oe eypare quarters: 5 Wei Ean te 15 wis «iia Tes. In the Summit Division of Region Morgan, game, _tritenden 3 6 218 : couldn’t At the same time, Bonneville, which trails Ogden by only one : Con eo FIVE ete Region Four—Cyprus at Bingham, Murray at Granger, Tooele at Jor- be deadlocked’ for the No. 3 spot. SOUTH SUMMIT ; Riel ep R13 REGION Provo “sy c. oy re era Spanish Fork .. gate bre are the schedules of. league Bonneville win, the two clubs would “inno (4 "aes cused Lagn ah, Lt (et Sto, of Max Bessinger, Darrell Newman|°2?,9¢Rim it was 2 _ North REGION SIX position is ‘still ‘un- ‘games this. week: (Summit Division) Region One, while three | Region One—Bear River at North© | gion Two appear ready’ ‘Cache, South Cache at Logan. WL Pet for adog fi t for two berths in the _ Region Two—Bountiful at Ogden, _ Morgan aN. Goats aire 9 1 .900 state | Davis at Weber, Bonneville at Ben South Rrems Pa hoes “9 1 900. North Summit ..0...2...2. 5 5) .500 Ogden High, which now finds it- Lomond, Clearfield vs. Box Elder — Park Gitvorinads Janse <3 ..4 6.400 . self in third place, the lowest posi- (practice game), Waaeteh: os -nnas i onscetaa: 2.8 .200 tion this season, has its work cut Region Three—Granite at Highout for it this week when it meets land, South at East, Olympus at South Summit Pe ae deat 19 .100 league-leading Bountiful. The Tigers West. REGION SIX ....... floor. But still, the Braves should be Knydsen 4 - i 3 er had littl @ trouble picking up * é moRoAN sixth straight league victory as It)7 7 4 6 casti nce a: aker _.&° have the advantage of meeting MacKay and Co. on their home G’ z 4.10816 Newnanan 7.12 8 6420 _ essinger 923 Udy 3.006 — of Box Bler's points: Rees had 18)5 5 Zein Frank 84 eae Sophomore LaVell Larsen teamed | 3 0 0 6 Dailey ,with a trail ‘the championships have been decided but there are still tournament positions in doubt in two of the loops. oat | BOYS they “In Regions Three, Four ‘and Five, Se ees "25 2715 65 Totals although | Cache by a game and a: Fisher’0 3 0 0 ee at least a tie for the title as they easily downed Ben Lomond, 73-56. | ¢ ore oF. rah It. was the eighth defeat of the sea-| 4 4412 Comish son for the Scots, against two wins. | 4 29,6 oe In Region One, Box Elder earned noes $0012 wiey 0 0 2 Monson the rest of the way and Davis ran away with it in the second half, GTFP senict igh 56 ee Totals ing Ogden, 65-43, in a Region Two | 2512656 game at Kayeviie Peis B “aes Bll). ee moved a step ew Davis High Sci closer to.a berth.in the state Class |. A basketball tournament by thresh- Ss February 24, in | | five violations and had one acci- |) dent. St. Joseph’s High School stu-dents had one citation. | ’ |