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Show RS 1 CCS 4 LOWLANDER. ST Te OME eats TTT HE MG «mae Rea PAGE 2 AITIEI TC ALWhen Burma's U Thant recently accepted the office of U.N, Secretary the General, public felt somewhat skeptical of this unknown man's policies and platforn,. Ao Mr. Thant offered his acceptance speech in a United Nations conference, the attending public altered their rash opinions of him. It was not expecially what he said, but the fact that he spoke in Snglish, People concluded that if he spoke as we do, he must think as we do, in terms of democracy. Had he spoken in Butmese, people would have been suspicious of a foreign tongue, and would not have been so comfortable about the welfare of the United Nations,. For over half a century Russia has trained her people linguistically. They can spread their propaganda over the entire world by speaking the native tongue of the people they so cunningly convince. With modern means of transportation, our world has ‘shrunken,’ Everyday Americans have the opportunity and obligation to spread their concepts of a free government, But, they will never be able to do so if they subsiss in linquistic ignorance. American people are as the tongue tied salesman, and if they remain as such they will not be able to cope with the U.S.S.R. in selling governmental policies. If America cannot e ect the closeness and impressiveness of speaking in the native tongue of the people she seeks to convince, she will never achieve her goal of freedom and world peace. . AMENDED EXTENDS "Upon CONSTITUTION CONTROL the first sluff ee Officer, the Officer vill be suspended froma office and brought before the Ine ecutive Board for a hearing. If no legitimate excuse ean be found the OfFicer will be asked to resign.’ The studentbody voted in favor of adding the preceding statement as a anendnent to Ben Lomond's constitution, te did so, in hove that it vill detcr our officers from sluffins. This amendment, tiovever, past violators. | a If a person sciool office, to sluff. does is he not affect capable of holdin: shouldn't be allowed Therefore, sluffing by an officer should bring about immediate removal from that officc. Perhaps this amendment is the foree runner of one which will affect the entire studentbody. LOWLANDER STAFF Mitte, Aesoclate News Sea O° Editor. Bditors, ... .. oon Sees . Kathy Grose .Judy VanderHeide Sue ‘nn Singleton Feature Mditor. . .. . Betty Snippen Sports Editor . .. Karalean Saunders Sdugeor 26. 6 gS, ST DdeweGrever susiness Manager. ... . Jim Morrin . Reporters - Norman Bates, Sherry Bluemel, Kirk Butterficld, Bonnie Dransfield, Kathy Grose, Bonnie Hales, Gale Jensen, Sandy Huntley Connie Keller, James Morrin, Pam Profaizer, Alene Perry, Karaleen Saunders, Sue Ann Singleton, Kay Snith, Betty Snippen, Janet Sut- liff, Judy Jallace, VanderHeide, and JuLynn (Pronounced of a Major “llen ‘Iestover. didnt Ben and Lomond Israel in will the Blun) represent general éustria assembly of the Model U.N, which will convene in Salt Lake City next spring. Because one of our foreign exchange students, Fritz Smola, is from ‘ustria, we can organize our policies concerning that country more authentically with his aid. Howe ever, due to circumstances beyond our ontrol we didn't acquire Chile as one of our countries. Wevevede oo Weteveve | dedetkese Wek oo teiedede tee eee Mr. Rampton, the U.N. advisor, ane nounced that :pril Perrin, Martha Peck, and Kerry Segel will comprise the chairmen which will head the B. L. delegation. Wewedeve vette | veskdese | veddere etka seeded eset During the next few weeks, the members of the Model United Nations will study parliamentary procedure which forms the basis on which the meetings will be conducted, | The next order of business will concern research on the various countries to evaluate their positions and policies in this world organization. THRU tHe GRAPEVINE. Ben Lomond proudly announces the sclece tion of the THISTL™ staff for 1961-1962, John Frederick Bluth and Suc Ann Singlee ton were named editor and co-editor, The THISTL", a collection of creative art, appears in late spring. Other section editors will be named later in the year. wevede Miss Neal's first and sixth period classes will present a course of eleven symposiums: JON QUIXOT?, TH? HUNCH3BACK OF NOT? DAME, ANNA KARMNINA, VANITY FAIR, OLIVER T UIST, BRIDESHTAD HAZOV, TH? REVISIT ID, THO BROTHIRS KARA» MAGIC MOUNTAIN, TH! 2u3TURN OF TH: NATIVE, TO THE LIGHTHOUSE and THIET CITIUNS. These will begin Friday, Deceme bor 1, 19¢1. in the library, a NOVEMBER 30, 154 SERS ee es |