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Show HOLIDAYS WEIGHTS AND MEASURES IN THE UNITED STATES y | &. %- tt JAN. 1—New JAN. Year’s 8—Battle JAN. 19—R. Ark., Fla., Tenn., Va., of Day. New _ JUNE Orleans (La). E. Lee’s Birthday Ga., Miss., N.C., Ky., La., Tex). (Ala., S.C., FEB. 12-—Lincoln’s Birthday (Alaska, Cal., Colo., Conn., Dela., Ill., Ind., la., Kans., Ky., Md., Mich., Minn., Mo., Mont., Neb., Nev., N.J., N.Y., N. Dak., Ohio, Oreg., Pa., S. Dak., Tenn., Tex., Utah, Vt., Wash., W. Va., Wisc., Wyo., and by Governor’s Proclamation in Mass.) FEB. 12——Georgia FEB. 14——Admission Day FEB. 22——Washington’s 2—Sam MARCH 25——Maryland (Ariz.). Day Day . LS ae ce a = 13—Birth 19—Patriot’s APRIL 21—-San nt ee ee 12—Halifax ee : eee SS APRIL APRIL cceeneter | ee —_— pet by as a day of fasting and APRIL Ap = Sel ag —— ae a proclaimed JULY 4—Independence AUG. 1—Colorado AUG. 16—Battle SEPT. SEPT. Jacinto Governor (Ala.). (Me., Mass.). (Tex.). APRIL 26—Confederate Memorial (Ala., Fla., Ga., Miss.). Day MAY 10 — Confederate (Ky. and N.C.) Day MAY 20—Signing Day. 16 drams ... 16 ounces .. ft a Memorial of Mecklenburg Kan., of Dec- laration of Independence (N. C.). MAY 30—Memorial Day (States except aaAla., Fla., Ga., La., Miss., N.C., S.C., TS Confederate Memorial Day ~{Va.). Ky., Mo., Kan. it Bennington La., Mont., judicial does (Vt.). Day (All grains pwt. ...i Used for weighing ig v 2% Me., Md., Mass., Neb., Nev., N.H., not affect notes Mass., Miss., Ohio, Vt. In Ill. it is a Rockford. holiday. day only close on ennially, NOV. In In Maine as to the Ohio it is a_ it is a legal inches .. 1,728 cubic 11—Armistice courts, which 86 bushels 4 chaldron Ng 81% eee .1 barrel eeeeeetseeeeeeeeseeseces LONG - gallons MEASURE - 8 furlongs.1 ~ half also sta. mile i ay , MARINERS’ 7 MEASURE eeereeeBeeseesnesens CSW aa os > 1 cable length 1 nautical PAPER MEASURE 24 sheet, 1 quire; 20 quires, 1 ream (480 .2 reams ... 1 bundle .. les * a L. Day. i} 144 sq. SQUARE in....1 sq. ft. Weights LeePamcdsoof Web<i Seleccccccees 0.08527. ounce 1 OUNCO tis <saics Baar yale Oat oie ws eae 28.35 grams 1 (RGIO@ PAM. 2 voice 0-060 0 He wier en 2.2046 pounds 1 pound: ¢ .. és cecccceccecee 0.4536 kilogram 1 metric ton .......e-% veces 1.1023 English ton mile shts.) 1 English ton MEASURE 5 1 1 1 1 1 WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES Ist Year, Paper 2nd Year, Calico 8th Year, Bronze 9th Year, Pottery 30th Year, Pearl 35th Year, Coral 3rd Year, Muslin 10th Year, Tin 40th Year, Ruby 4th Year, Silk 15th Year, Crystal 45th Year, Sapphire 5th Year, Wood 20th Year, China 25th Year, Silver 55th Year, Emerald 6th Year, Iron 7th Year, Copper 50th Year, Gold 75th Year, Diamond te eeese ....... oe emee 0.9072 metric ton APPROXIMATE METRIC EQUIVALENTS decimeter .scico ce deme cecbeotpe cteas 4 inches iiter Mv... 1.06 quarts liquid—0.9 quart dry frieters, Fy. «vin Ss SS Res co hits cite 1.1 yards kilometer ..:.....cceceee ¢ cance aes 5 of a mile 1 1 1 1 legal holiday in many | States although in some it is observ as designated by the Governor, feet square 43,560 100 square meters hectare 2. ha viiwh selec ccicines civesies 2.47 acres 0.4047 hectare oe ee oo cle She eB ARES ROLE bce square kilometer ........- 0.386 square mile square mile ........ 2.59 square kilometers Measure of Volume 1 cubie centimeter .........-+ 0.061 cubic inch VA 16.39: cubic centimeter (eee l~cubic“Mineh 1 cubic decimeter ........-- 0.0853 cubic foot 28.317 cubic decimeters 0-04 18 nia ic 1 CUDIC TOOE 1 cubic meter ...cceccecseee 1.308 cubic yards 1 cubic yard ..cc.ccccccee 0.7646 cubic meter on 0.2759 cord a Ute. «\+-dahe ois <n bolus Picts Steere 3.624 steres LCOKG Ber co ob bs FHT ec bt Tse 5 1 liter .. 0.908 quart dry—1.0567 quarts liquid l GQudert Gey: 6s S alae dis Cele bis oe 6 a sages 1.101 liters 1 quart liquid ......cscceceecsses . 0.9463 liter 1 dekaliter ......... 2.6417 gallons—135 pecks es ta:0 eietegtee ee 0.3785 dekaliter side 1 “PRO « aban ionns 0.881 dekaliter <i. o« thee as VCR 1 peek 1 hektoliter ..cciccsccecccccseee 2.8375 bushels hiscdie ceeee bees es® 0.3524 hektoliter 1 BUBHEM 1 ounce .ccccccceccvess-s 30 cubic centimeters MEASURE ao Pe ee os saCKe Fi eo Fe Ree nce cas ue eee. ies sds "BPG 1 1 1 1 1 1 MEASURE LIQUID holi- ~ Normally the ~ 1 ton (shipping) 1 standard bushel 1 U. S. standard gallon about 4/5 of a bushel or +. Phillegal jewels nati square centimeter ....... 0.1550 square/ineh 0:4 00 e260 ... 6.452 centimeters square, inch’. square decimeter ........ 0.1076 square foot square foot ........ 9.2903 square decimeter 1.196 square yards square meter ..... sal dll square yard ......-e00% 0.8361 square meter 1 1 1 1 1 1 MEASURE 128 cubic feet “40 cubic feet 2,150.42 cubic inches 231 cubic inches Day. 25—Christmas ARBOR DAY is a L gold, silver and CUBIC inches DRY Measure Square Measure the State Election Day (bi2nd Monday in Sept.). NOV.—Thanksgiving Day. fourth Thursday of Nov. DEC. 1 short ton MEASURE 4 nails .... 1 quarter ST hs oc agh, 4 0:0 06.006 1 yard 4 quarters holiday in Chicago, Springfield, East St. Louis, Galesburg, Danville, Cairo and . 1 quarter CLOTH mat) proceedings.). Ill., and pounds 2,000 lbs.. 2,240 pounds 26 NOV—(Ist Tuesday after 1st Monday) General Election Day. Every State and Territory except Alaska, Dist. of Col., Hawaii, ippines WEIGHT Day . (Colo.). N.J., N.M.,.N.Y., N. Dak, Ohio., Ore, (N.C.). Battle (Idaho). EQUIVALENT—Linear 1 centimeier «css dies ss sw eees 0.8937 inch BiGheh BVI os. IF Taine wc0's 2.54 centimeters 1 decimeter ........ 8.937 inches — 0.3828 foot 1. FOOE nin diets 0:0:00 0.0.3 Fite a + 3.048 decimeters Y meter’ etic. ees 39.87 inches —— 1.0936 yards 1 FAI is ov cic <iswed os Se oes ye te 0.9144 meter 1 Wekanieter. ..> oss es cabs eee cee 1.9884 rods sas 0.5029 dekameter 1 Fod Sos weds. VCE 1 kilometers «ieee ew ds os « ashe 0 . 0.62187 mile 1.6093 kilometers cetearatensea C h wows oh 1 WOME 4-4 as in Troy 25 2711/82 grains Pa., R.l., Tex.,; Utah, Vt., Wash., Wa Va., also in Puerto Rico. In Ark. and (Md.). Resolution Day Day 8 scruples ... Ounce and poun d same AVOIRDUPOIS 9——Admission Day (Calif.) 12——Defender’s Day (Md.). Ind., prayer.) of Jefferson Jefferson SEPT.—(Ist Monday) Labor States and Territories). (Tex.). the 7 Mich., GOOD FRIDAY—(Conn., Dela., Fla., La., Md., Minn., N.J., Pa., Philippines, Porto Rico, Tenn. In Conn. Good Friday is usually © 14—Pioneer Birthday. Houston of JUNE = MARCH 3—Birthday OCT. 12——Columbus Day (Ark., Ariz., Colo., Conn., Dela., Fla., Idaho, Ill, (Ga.). Day Davis (Ala., Ark., Fla., Ga., Ky., La., Miss, Tenn., Tex., Va., S.C.). METRIC WEIGHT APOTHECARIES’ ; hektoliter ........- Leciimeseeaee 1 sq. mile TEMPERATURES calendar month mputing interest BESS vs. *>> 1 Bible 1 military abe i 25% bushel He Cta Pee io.s.s Sie de Sidois s o'es 6 oss 348 214)-acre etlomi am: fons a eke man's weccceees 21/5. pound stere, or cubic meter ...... woe. % of ord sametric ston fs dis £25 Foo 203 eHY 2,200 pounds RO Ane : Fahrenheit. Milk .. ict... mb dasate Freezes 30° above Zero Water ssn. mde ane § O@ Fréezes 82° above Zero OVA OU cece tats oss Freezes 36° above Zero Wane .@A...°25.055 Freezes 20° above Zero Vineear. .... aaas owes Freezes 28° above Ateohol 3: 4 oto Fs ay Boils at 173° above Water 3.4,...(251 .a20 Boils at 212° above Petroleum (average) Boils at 306° above Bioed Heat 6M Sc. dh. was 98.4° above Bges Heteh 1.05.6. CAC... ses 104° above Fahrenheit Centigrade Zero Zero Zero Zero Zero Zero emp. — Centigrade deg. 9/5-+-32 Temp.—Fahrenheit deg. — 82 <- 9/6 |